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158 Cards in this Set

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Rule by the will of God.
Divine Right of Kings.
A mutual agreement to obey any laws agreed upon for the general good of the colony. Signed by (male) Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower. Established the notion of self-government in America.
Mayflower Compact (1620)
The economic system of imperialism. The colonies exist for the benefit of the mother country. Raw resources sent from the colony in exchange for finished products. Goal of the Mother Country: translate economic wealth into military wealth and power

Passed in response to the Boston Tea Party- disliked by colonists b/c of perceived trespass on liberties and civil rights- closed Boston's Harbor among other things. Connection: Colonists began stockpiling weapons and assembling colonial militia
the Intolerable Acts
Document declaring the British King a tyrant
listing his wrongs against the American colonies
A loose confederation of independent states that gave limited powers to a central government.
Articles of Confederation
This formally ended the Revolutionary War for Independence with Great Britain
Treaty of Paris (1783)
Provided for the formation of not less than three
nor more than five
Farmers revolted in protest of losing their farms for non-payment of debts. The national government
under the Articles of Confederation
Constitutional Convention occurred to form a strong national government. As a precaution against having to assume the financial burdens of the smaller states
the larger states exacted an agreement that revenue bills could originate only in the House
The Virginia Plan provided a House of Representatives elected by popular vote
and a Senate elected by the House. This would have given the more populous states control of the national legislature Proportional representation means "representation in proportion to a state's population)
Provided for a single legislature in which all the states were to have equal representation.
The New Jersey Plan
The present arrangement
whereby the states are equally represented in the Senate and are represented in the House of Representatives in proportion to their populations.
Southern black slaves were counted as 3/5s a citizen for purposes of proportional representation.
3/5s Clause.
In which part of the Constitution are the goals for the government listed?
How many amendments are there in the US constitution?
What is the 1st amendment?
Freedom of
What is the 2nd amendment?
Right to Bear Arms
What is the 3rd amendment?
No soldier shall
What is the 4th amendment?
Search & Seizure
What is the 5th amendment?
Accused persons must get a grand jury.
What is the 6th amendment?
Speedy fair trial
What is the 7th amendment?
When the value exceeds twenty dollars
What is the 8th amendment?
Excessive bail shall not be required
What is the 9th amendment?
Powers reserved to people
What is the 10th amendment?
Rights of states
Christopher Columbus
(1492) Commited himself to reach China
The Treaty of Tordesillas
By the Pope in 1494;
Pueblo Rebellion
Organized by Pope Hank.
European disease & Native Americans
European biggest weapon to the New Work was disease (small pox
Henry VIII
Wanted to break Rome in 1534.
Francis Drake
Left England with five ships
Joint-Stock Companies
Business in which investors pooled capital for conducting trade and founding colonies.
Jamestown Problems
The Mayflower Compact
An agreemen
Plymouth founders
Pilgrims- Bradford
John Winthrop
Mass Bay Company governor
Rhode Island
Sink of New England colony
Anne Hutchinson
Trouble maker- Bostons "Visible Saint". Fought of God and puritan establishment.
One of its first proprietor colonies. Catholic Conlony with many protestants.
Colony Whose charter was a grandiose Plan
Columbian exchange
The transfor of plants
A system of land distribution
A small annual payment; actually a tax for proprietors; were resented to be payed; Resulted from headrights
In 1619- first slaves
Came on Dutch shipsl sold in Jamestown
Bacon's Rebellion
(1676) led by Nathaniel Bacon against VA . Initialy against Indians- Jamestown.
1740s cash crop- South Carolina. Founded by Eliza Lucas.
Quakers and slavery
Only some omens. It was againt God's will first abolitionists
James Ogletrhorpe
Founded Savannah - Georgia
Frontier Regulatiors- NC
fought over that.
Halfway Covenant
Puritan practice. Puritans could recieve sacrament and acquire partial church membership if they were baptized
As a result of the Glorious Revolution. -- Result-- Colony
Massachusetts- Plymouth
In Camberbridge. John recieved a charter with 14 boys.
Ethnic and religious heterogeneity colonies
Middle colonists- refered to as American. New Amsterdam
John Peter Zenger
German Printer- edited NY weekly journal. Arrested by Cosby.
The "Pacton Boys" revolt
1763 uprising triggered by eastern differences to Indian attacks on frontier.
The "Pacton Boys" revolt
1763 uprising triggered by eastern differences to Indian attacks on frontier.
Dominion of North America
Bring colonies to order James II control- unify
Balance trade. Guarentee british empire prosperity economic organization.
Navigation Acts
Control trade within Britain so it would benefit colonies
The Great Awakening
Revival movement. It was religious but weakened the church authority. George Whitefeild
celebrated human reason and science advancements. 18th century intellectual movement.
Fort Dusquesne Hero
Confronted Colonel Bouqet- He wanted to infect Pontiac's indians with smallpox
Virtual Representation
No actual representation in British government
The Sons of Liberty
Summer irregular organizations- violent riots.
Coercive Acts
Laws by Parliament to punish Boston and Mass for destruction of tea in Boston Tea Party.
Germans that came to fight during revolution
Common Sense
Thomas Paine- American independence from Great Britain. Established a republican government.
The battles of Trenton and Princeton.
Trenton- wild storm
Valley Forge
Washington settled his army for a winter here; army supply system crashed
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Provided for governance of region North of Ohio River and admission of Ohio
Land Ordinance of 1785
Called for surveying and dividing Western territories
John Trumbull
Artist that helped capture Dorchester Heights and forced evacuation of Boston; Defense of NY
Articles of Confederation
established government in 1781. It regulated trade in state government.
The Great Compromise
A compromise reached in Philadelphia combining the New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan.
Three- Fifths Compromise
defined slaves in representation in House of Reps and taves. 3/5ths of a person
XYZ affair
Caused by French diplomats who demanded bribe - somewhat called for war
"Farewell Address"- George Washington
1796- Rise of politics and warned against "perm alliances"
Checks and balances
So no one brance had too much power
Federalist Papers
Alexander Hamilton belief govt
One man army. Delegates threat that NY would secede if Const. rejected.
Necessary and proper clause to support the creation of a national bank
If National Bank was neccesary
Jefferson- equal rights of all
Judiciary Act of 1801
6 new courts
Marbury v. Madison
1803- Judiciary Act that was unconstitutional and presented judiciary review of federal laws.
Barbary pirates
Fought with Jeffersons army
Essex Junto
A group organized as a scheme to break away from Union and establish a "northern confederation"
The episode which immediately prompted the Embargo Act reason/ episode
The attack
In the War of 1812 privateering good
Hired privateers -best thing for military
War of 1812
Federalists party BYE Rush Bagot Agreement
Monroe Doctrine
James Monroe; declared America no longer open to European and no more affairs with them.
The "Era of Good Feelings" was noted for the..
disappearance of federalists enabled the republics to govern harmony
Missouri Compromise
admition of Missouri as a slave state
President chosen in 1824 by the House of Reps
The tariff of 1828 BAD
too high- Federalists cost of abominations
Basic concept underlying the "spoils system" was that...
Newly elected office holders appoint members of their choice
Kitchen Cabinet
Jackon's close friends (advisors)
Jackson And Second National Bank of the United States
Jackson's policy and Native Americans
Considered them savages . Indian Removal Act
Specie Circular
Undermine nation bank- Jackson
Name given in derision to the members of a faction that split off from the Democratic party in New York in 1835
Independent Treasury Act
For the national bank
Alexis De Tocqueville book
Published in France
Most effective preacher of the Second Great Awakening
Lorenzo Dow
Frederick Douglass
Was one of the foremost leaders of the abolitionist movement
The co-organizers of the Seneca Falls Convention
Elizabeth Stanton
Treaty Of Guadalupe Hidalgo
1848 ended Mexican War
Californias possible admission
unbalanced the states
Is a mission in San Antonio
The Compromise of 1850
Banned slave trade
Nat Turner
Shays Rebellion
Denmark Vessy
The most obvious chance in the North in the decades before the Civil War
more industrialized
Commonwealth v. Hunt
Legality of labor union
Between the mid 1840s and the mid 1850s the American economy
Uncle Toms Cabin
Harriet Beech Stowe opposed slavery
The Ostend Manifesto
A secret document written in 1854 by U.S. describing a plan to acquire Cuba from Spain.
The most prominent spokesman of the "Young America" movement was popular sovereignty
Steven Douglas
John Brown pre Harpers
led bleeding kansas
Bleeding Kansas
Led by John Brown with 5 others
The Supreme Court ruled the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional in was case?
Dred Scott Decision
John BRown's Major goal in attacking Harper's Ferry
Arm Slaves
Crittenden Compromise
Got nowhere during succession. It recognized slavery
The first major battle of the Civil War
Bull Run
First shots of the Civil War
Fort Sumter
George B. McClellan
General During civil war
Radical Republicans
Stevens and Wade
wanted peace democrats in North
Clement L Vallandigham
Peach democrat sent to prision by military court
Benjamin Wade
head of radical republicans
The idea that "Cotton is King" -Southern View
Protect them b/c England would side with them bc they were needed
Left 23
Turning point of war; Union defeated confederation
Union captured and gave control of entire Mississippi
Homestead Act
federal law granting 160 acres of public land in West to anyone
Andrew Johnson
Was the seventeenth President . Trial- Impeached
Uncle Sherman
Total War
House. Apples are sour for South
Appomattox Courthouse
10 Percent Plan
Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction.
In 1864
Congress rejected Lincolns reconstruction plan when they passed..
Black Codes
denied rights of free blacks
President Johnson Problems
Violated to Tenure office act
In April
15th Amendment
13: Abolished Slavery
Under the First Reconstruction act
Divided the former federacy
White Southern Republicans
Broke up estates
The crop-lien system
borrowers paid for seed
Thee Force Acts
Placed elections under federal jurisdiction
Whiskey Ring
Grants Scandal
Rutherfraud Hayes
Ended Reconstruction
Compromise of 1877- result
End of reconstruction- Hayes as President
The Olive Branch Petition
Last plea of King
Declaration of Independence
1776 - Declaring independence
Frances Scott Key
Wrote Star Spangled banner
John Tyler
President after death of Harrison
The Dred Scot Decision
Slaves were property