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12 Cards in this Set

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-1607 (founded)
-1609-1610, John Smith and Sir Thomas Smith leaders, winter so bad people were cannibalistic
-John Ralfe discovered a milder tobacco
-House of Burgess, 1618, house of reprisentatives
-Indians tried to drive colonists out
Plymouth Rock
-Nov. 1620, William Bradford leader
-Reason came was because people thought their children were too Dutch
-Mayflower compact
>Democratic compact, all males
>The compact explained how the government was set up
-Indians helped colonists
New Netherlands
-1624, Henry Hudson
-Immigrants came over because they were paid
-Many different races, by 1640 there were free blacks
-Calvinism big part
>Calvinism stresses omnipotence of God, predestination
Massachusettes Bay Colony
-August 1629, John Winthrop and 12 associates gathered together and signed the Camebridge agreement, allowed Puritans to migrate
-Charles I, in 1629, tried ruling England without parliment, by 1640 Charles took parliment back
-1536, Puritans believed in John Calvins's religion
-Great Migration
>1630, 20,000 people left for MB, by 1640 over 16,000 had arrived in the colony
>An innovated form of church government, each village church was independent
-Neither democracy or theocracy
-March 1634, George Calvert
>1634 settlers came, 1632 Charles I granted charter
-Settlers were Catholic and Protestant
-Government was a social hierarchy, Lord Baltimore II on top, then to colonial class
-Act Concerning Religion 1649
>Extended toleration to everyone who accepted divinity
Rhode Island
-1666 Charter Date
-1663 Roger Williams banished from MB, Anne Hutchinson was a greater threat
>Because the court couldn't deal with his ideas/demands
>Anne confessed "The Spirit can live without moral law"
-1635, Thomas Hooker, helped New Englanders through his writings defining Congregational Church
-Settlers came because of fertile lands
-1639, Orders of Blue Prints passed, first written constitution
New York
-1664, England took colony from Dutch
>Crown was eager to score an easy victory
>Peter Stuyvesant, last director general, 1647
-Duke's Laws, a legal code that guranteed religious toleration, and local government
New Jersey
-Duke of York gave land to John Berkeley, and Sir George Carteret
-Gov. Nichols of NY was angry, he gave land to Duke, colonists came expecting it to be free, new owners expected rent
-1674, NJ broke into East and West Jersey, fighting between the two
>Propietors became bankrupt and brought EJ and WJ together in 1702
-Formed from restoration of Sturarts (to English throne)
-Propietors hoped to gain income through rent
-1669 Ashley Cooper convinced proprietor to invest in the colony
-By 1680 colonists had lots of cattle, and traded with Indians
-1681 charter
-Not sure how William Penn got his land
-Quakers believed everyone had innerlight and was equal
-Holy Experiment
>All religions could get along if no judging
-1682, Penn blended traditional notations to form government
-1733 founded, 1732 charter, James Oglethorpe
-Place of assyllum, original intention
-Colony was dictatorship
-Oglethorpe tried to take Spanish in 1740, didn't work