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326 Cards in this Set

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The Spanish monopoly on trade and colonization of the New World ended with:
the British defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588
The Declaration of Independence embodies the general ideas of:
Enlightenment philosophy
John Locke: what period of philosopher?
According to the Kentucky Resolutions and Virginia Resolutions (1798), written in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts (1798), Jefferson and Madison argued that a law of Congress could be declared unconstitutional by:
an individual state
During the 1930s, Black voters in the political process:
shifted political affiliation from the Republican Party to the Democrat Party
n the debate over the Constitution, the Antifederalists fought for all of the following EXCEPT

(A) the inclusion of a Bill of Rights in the Constitution
(B) the granting of more powers to the states
(C) a system of checks and balances in order to prevent the federal government from becoming tyrannical
(D) a strong executive office to head the new government under the Constitution
(E) the writing of a new draft of the Constitution to explicitly limit federal power
E, the writing of a new draft of the Constitution to explicitly limit federal power
"Compact theory" of government
if the federal government passed a law that a state considered unconstitutional, then that state had a right to nullify the law and to consider it "null and void"
The strike at the Homestead Plant in Pennsylvania in 1892 is famous for:
the armed resistance by striking steel workers
During the 1930s, Franklin Delano Roosevelt attempted to deal with foreign affairs situations in Europe and Asia by:
remaining isolated from involvement
Showed the change in foreign policy the nation had made since World War I
The entry of the U.S. in the United Nations in 1945
The Southern colonies differed from the colonies in New England in that the Southern colonies:
were more religiously and ethnically diverse
The Americans insisted, before any negotiations could begin to draft the Treaty of Paris (1783), that Great Britain must:
recognize the independence of the colonies
Just as Federalist Alexander Hamilton justified the Bank of the United States by claiming a broad interpretation of the Constitution, Antifederalist Thomas Jefferson used this same argument in justifying the purchase of the Louisiana Territory on the premise that:
he felt sure the country would have approved of his actions and because of his desire to expand the country westward
The Ostend Manifesto (1854), which declared America’s ambitions to acquire Cuba by force if Spain refused to sell:
was denounced as a plot to extend slavery and the offer was withdrawn
Andrew Carnegie’s "Gospel of Wealth" during the latter part of the nineteenth century:
encouraged rich people to use their excess profits for the benefit of society
When Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle in 1906, he intended his book to focus attention mainly on the
need for Socialism to cure the evils of society
After the end of French rule in Vietnam in 1954, the U.S.:
urged democratic reforms in Vietnam
The major reason for the passage of the Sugar and Stamp Acts by Parliament was to:
help Britain pay off war debts accrued during the French and Indian War
All of the following statements regarding the Revolutionary War are true EXCEPT

(A) Slaves saw a chance for emancipation by siding with the British
(B) Local artisans and laborers prospered by manufacturing items for both sides during the war
(C) Colonial elites feared a loss of their power and authority in the colonies
(D) Indians feared an independent America more than they feared the actions of the British in North America
(E) More than 20% of the general population (Loyalists) sided with the British during the war
B, Local artisans and laborers prospered by manufacturing items for both sides during the war
Peggy Eaton raised concerns with President Andrew Jackson’s cabinet members over all of the following issues EXCEPT

(A) Floride Calhoun, the vice president’s wife, failing to include Peggy in Washington socials on the basis that Peggy was an “unfit woman”
(B) Secretary of War John Eaton living with Peggy while she was married to John Timberlake, a naval officer who was out at sea (from orders by John Eaton)
(C) the resignation of two cabinet members allowing Jackson to ask the remaining cabinet members to resign over the scandal
(D) John Calhoun’s continued friendship with Andrew Jackson after the scandal subsided
(E) Jackson’s making Peggy the official White House hostess after the resignation of the cabinet
(D) John Calhoun’s continued friendship with Andrew Jackson after the scandal subsided
The essay “Exposition and Protest” was directed against "abominations." Who was the author and what was the abomination?
John Calhoun against the Tariff of 1828
The Haymarket Square bombing in 1886 and other similar actions and strikes against businesses resulted in
increased animosity toward labor unions, decrease in Knights of Labor's membership
Ida Tarbell’s work for McClure’s Magazine in 1904 was significant in that
her exposés detailed Rockefeller's abusive business practices with his company, Standard Oil
All of the following events demonstrated the end of U.S. isolationism before joining World War II on the side of the Allies EXCEPT

(A) the Lend-Lease Act and “cash and carry” programs
(B) the enactment of a peacetime draft
(C) Congress adopting the Ludlow Amendment over a presidential veto
(D) supplying aid to the Russians after the German invasion
(E) the immediate response to the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor
Congress adopting the Ludlow Amendment over a presidential veto
Lend-Lease act
the United States of America supplied the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, China, France and other Allied nations with vast amounts of war material between 1941 and 1945. It was signed into law on March 11, 1941, a year and a half after the outbreak of the European war in September 1939, but nine months before the U.S. entrance into the war in December 1941. It was called An Act to Further Promote the Defense of the United States. Although it did not formally establish the United States as a combatant in the war, this act ended the pretense of its neutrality.
Perfectionism (mid-nineteenth century)
faith in human capacity to achieve a better life on earth through conscious acts of will
Congress of Industrial Organiations organized
Unskilled and semiskilled factory workers
Purpose of Stamp Act
Raising revenue to pay for British troops in the colonies
Similarities of Kentucky/Virginia resolutions, Hartford Convention, and South Carolina Exposition and Protest
Involved a defense of states' rights
George F. Keenan
Creator of idea of containment
What did farmers do to better their conditions in 1870-1900?
Seek state regulation of railways, organize cooperative marketing societies, forming a thirld political party, and advocating inflation of the currency
Liberty Loan Campaign
Financing American involvement in WWI
NOW (Natl Org for Women)
Founded to challenge sex discrimination in the workplace
Treaty of Paris' results
Recognized US sovereignty over territory east of Mississippi, between the Great Lakes and Florida
Theodore Roosevelt was the 1st president to
arbitrate a labor dispute
Least prosperous group in 1920s
farmers in Midwest and South
"Graying'" of America since 1970s
Long-term viability of the social system
Hudson River School
Paintings of landscapes
Agricultural Adjustment Act (1933)
Goal to raise farm prices by limiting agricultural production
Korematsu v. United States
upheld constitutionality of internment of Japanese Americans as a wartime necessity
1st attempt at popular sovereignty
Taft's policy in Latin America driven by
concern for United States economic and strategic interests in the region
War in 1914, so Wilson established policy of
American neutral rights on high seas
Constitutional Convention designed electoral college to
insulate presidency from the popular will
Under Chief Justice John Marshall, Supreme Court decisions:
promoted business enterprise
Women's movement in antebellum period not characterized by:
demands for equal compensation for equal work
Dred Scott repealed what?
Missouri Compromise
Progressive Era
social activism and reform. purification of government, eliminate corruption by exposing and undercutting political machines and bosses. Many supported prohibition to destroy the power of local bosses based in saloons. Achieving efficiency in every sector by identifying old ways that needed modernizing, and emphasizing scientific, medical and engineering solutions.
Example of Progressive Era legislation
Pure Food and Drug Act
Decisions of Supreme Court in late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries:
strengthened the position of big business
People's Party (Populists) demands
1. Government ownership of railroads/telephone companies.
2. Graduated incomy tax
3. Immigration restriction
4. 8-hour-workday, collective bargaining
5. Cheap silver money
6. Direct election of US Senators
7. Single-term limit for presidents
Why did we send troops to North Korea?
Overcome the stigma that the Democratic party had "lost" China to communism
What motivated Puritans to migrate?
Restrictions on Puritan religious practices
FDR's policies included:
Did not include:
restricting agricultural production, restoring public confidence in the banking system, deficit financing, nationalizing basic industries
NOT creating new jobs in the public sector
What achievement of "carpetbag" governments survived the "Redeemer" administrations?
Establishment of a public school system
Characteristic of slave system in 1700s British North America
Slaveowners gained increased legal power over their slaves
Plessy v. Ferguson
Upheld segregated railroad facilities (seperate but equal)
What aroused the greatest controversy in the United States at end of Spanish-American war?
Acquisition of Philippine Islands
American Colonization Society
Transporting African Americans to Africa
1935 Social Security Act
Provided health insurance for anyone who needed it
Daniel Webster's address to the Senate (in reply to Senator Hayne) in 1830
attack on the Tariff of Abominations
Dawes Act (1887)
Divided Native American tribal lands into individual holdings
Quakers not known for ...
refusal to pay taxes
Robert Owen
a Welsh social reformer and one of the founders of socialism and the cooperative movement.
During Gilded Age, who voted Republican?
Black northerners
Who was least involved in the struggle for women's rights?

A) Elizabeth Cady Stanton
B) Alice Paul
C) Lucretia Mott
D) Carrie Chapman Catt
E) Dorothea Dix
Dorothea Dix
Dorothea Dix
United States social reformer who pioneered in the reform of prisons and in the treatment of the mentally ill; superintended women army nurses during the American Civil War
Antietam was pivotal because ...
forestalled possibility of European intervention
Stono Rebellion and NY Conspiracy trials of 1741 revealed ...
Resistance to slavery
Congress rejected which of Hamilton's economic proposals?
Call for diret subsidies to manufacturers
Great Depression resulted in ...
Great increase in number of transient people searching for work
Name all assassinated presidents
Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy
Booker T. Washington
emembered chiefly for this “Atlanta Compromise” address. In this speech, he called on white America to provide jobs and industrial-agricultural education for Negroes. In exchange, blacks would give up demands for social equality and civil rights. His message to the Negro was that political and social equality were less important as immediate goals than economic respectability and independence. Washington believed that if blacks gained an economic foothold, and proved themselves useful to whites, then civil rights and social equality would eventually be given to them.
Cause of "Era of Good Feelings"
a weakened, unorganized opposition political party
the theological system of John Calvin and his followers emphasizing omnipotence of God and salvation by grace alone. predestination.
Patroon system
landholder with manorial rights to large tracts of land in the 17th century Dutch colony of New Netherland. Large estates were given to wealthy men who transported at least 50 families to New Netherland
Sir Walter Raleigh
Founded Roanoke Island; introduced tobacco
First African slaves brought to new World
John Rolfe
Siege of Vicksburg
Divided Confederacy in half--literally. Gave North control of full Mississippi River. Deprived South of primary mode of transportation in the West.
Transportation system that developed in 20th century
Establishment of air mail service
"We had a chance to gain the leadership of the world. We lost it, and soon we shall be witnessing the tragedy of it all." Who said this?
Woodrow Wilson
Political leader most responsible for securing passage of Civil Rights Act
Lyndon B. Johnson
True or False: Fundamental changes in the American system were brought about as a result of federal legislation in civil rights.
Pago Pago
a port in American Samoa
Palmer Raids, and why significant?
attempts by the United States Department of Justice to arrest and deport left-wing radicals, especially anarchists, from the United States. The raids and arrests occurred in November 1919 and January 1920 under the leadership of Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer. Significant because reflected anticommunist hysteria of the post-World War I period.
Works Progress Administration
argest and most ambitious New Deal agency, employing millions to carry out public works projects, including the construction of public buildings and roads, and operated large arts, drama, media, and literacy projects. It fed children and redistributed food, clothing, and housing.
"Share the Wealth" proposal
Every family receives $5,000 at expense of prosperous
Good Neighbor Policy
foreign policy of the administration of United States President Franklin Roosevelt toward the countries of Latin America. Its main principle was that of non-intervention and non-interference in the domestic affairs of Latin America. It also reinforced the idea that the United States would be a “good neighbor” and engage in reciprocal exchanges with Latin American countries.
National Industry Recovery Act (NIRA)
an American statute which authorized the President of the United States to regulate industry and permit cartels and monopolies in an attempt to stimulate economic recovery, and established a national public works program.
True or false: the colonists relied on the English traders to supply slaves.
Why were the earliest factories located in New England?
Abundant water power
Land Act of 1796
Surveyed land into six-square-mile townships and sale of land at public auctions
Homestead Act
gave an applicant freehold title up to 160 acres (1/4 section) of undeveloped land outside of the original 13 colonies. The new law required three steps: file an application, improve the land, and file for deed of title.
Pacific Railway Act
promoted the construction of the transcontinental railroad in the United States through authorizing the issuance of government bonds and the grants of land to railroad companies.
Desert Land Act
encourage and promote the economic development of the arid and semiarid public lands of the Western states. Through the Act, individuals may apply for a desert-land entry to reclaim, irrigate, and cultivate arid and semiarid public lands.
Barbary Pirates
pirates and privateers who operated from North Africa, based primarily in the ports of Tunis, Tripoli and Algiers
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
increased the amount of silver the government was required to purchase every month
Gold Standard Act
stablished gold as the only standard for redeeming paper money, stopping bimetallism
Federal Reserve Act
created the Federal Reserve System, the central banking system of the United States of America, and granted it the legal authority to issue legal tender.
Specie Circular
executive order issued by U.S. President Andrew Jackson in 1836 and carried out by President Martin Van Buren. It required payment for government land to be in gold and silver.
Frontier Hypothesis
Europe hasn't had a continual impact on America. America is itself--a new product and blend. Democracy has dangers and benefits.
Earl Warren
United States jurist who served as chief justice of the United States Supreme Court. Liberals generally hailed the landmark rulings issued by the Warren Court which affected, among other things, the legal status of racial segregation, civil rights, separation of church and state, and police arrest procedure in the United States. In the years that followed, the Warren Court became recognized as a high point in the use of judicial power in the effort to effect social progress in the United States.
U-2 Incident
a United States U-2 spy plane was shot down over Soviet Union airspace. The United States government at first denied the plane's purpose and mission, but then was forced to admit its role as a covert surveillance aircraft when the Soviet government produced its remains (largely intact) and surviving pilot, Francis Gary Powers.
Truman Doctrine
Cold War strategy of containment versus the Soviet Union and the expansion of communism. The policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism or totalitarian ideology
True or false: Lyndon Johnson decided to withdraw from the presidential race because of his position on Vietnam.
Name characteristics of the 1994 Congressional elections
Republicans gained control of House of Representatives for the 1st time since Eisenhower's presidency, and the Democrats lost control of the Senate. President Clinton campaigned for members of his party. Republicans based their campaigns for the House of Reps on a Contract with America. Newt Gingrich organized the Republican campaign.
Women's suffrage: date, and who's responsible?
1915. Seneca Falls Convention formulated demands, Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Brigham Young
United States religious leader of the Mormon Church after the assassination of Joseph Smith; he led the Mormon exodus from Illinois to Salt Lake City, Utah
Pendleton Act
stipulated that government jobs should be awarded on the basis of merit.[1] The act provided selection of government employees competitive exams, rather than ties to politicians or political affiliation. It also made it illegal to fire or demote government employees for political reasons. Resulted because of assassination of Garfield.
Dollar Diplomacy
effort of the United States — particularly under President William Howard Taft — to further its aims in Latin America and East Asia through use of its economic power by guaranteeing loans made to foreign countries. It did not eliminate armed intervention in the Caribbean, however. It allowed Taft to spend less on the Navy. Wilson reluctantly continued the policy after his election.
"My Dog Fala" speech
Roosevelt attacked Republican opponents in Congress and detailed their attacks on him. Late in the speech, Roosevelt addressed Republican charges that he had accidentally left Fala behind on the Aleutian Islands while on tour there and had sent a U.S. Navy destroyer to retrieve him at an exorbitant cost.
FDR's reaction to Supreme Court's decisions against New Deal measures
Calling on Congress to increase the size of the Supreme Court
Which resolved the conflict between the two plans for representation, in the U.S.'s early history?
Connecticut Compromise
When did political Reconstruction end?
After an agreement was arranged that allowed Republican Rutherford B. Hayes to become president
"A Century of Dishonor"
by Helen Hunt Jackson, chronicles the experiences of Native Americans in the United States, focusing on examples of injustices. Helped improve relations between Native Americas and US gov.
Creel Committee
Committee on Public Information, was an independent agency of the government of the United States created to influence U.S. public opinion regarding American participation in World War I. Propaganda.
Gag Rule
a rule that limits or forbids the raising, consideration or discussion of a particular topic by members of a legislative or decision-making body. When adopted by US Senate, limited debate of abolitionist proposals.
an agency of the United Nations that promotes education and communication and the arts
Pan-American Union
offered technical and informational services to all the American republics, served as the repository for international documents, and was responsible through subsidiary councils for the furtherance of economic, social, juridical, and cultural relations.
Contradora Group
initiative launched in the early 1980s by the foreign ministers of Colombia, Mexico, Panama and Venezuela to deal with the military conflicts in El Salvador, Nicaragua and Guatemala, which were threatening to destabilize the entire Central American region.
League of Nations
an international organization formed in 1920 to promote cooperation and peace among nations; although suggested by Woodrow Wilson, the United States never joined and it remained powerless; it was dissolved in 1946 after the United Nations was formed
North Atlantic Treaty Organization: an international organization created in 1949 by the North Atlantic Treaty for purposes of collective security
Taft-Hartley Act
United States federal law that monitors the activities and power of labor unions.
Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902
strike by the United Mine Workers of America in the anthracite coal fields of eastern Pennsylvania. The strike threatened to shut down the winter fuel supply to all major cities (homes and apartments were heated with anthracite or "hard" coal because it had higher heat value and less smoke than "soft" or bituminous coal). President Theodore Roosevelt became involved and set up a fact-finding commission that suspended the strike. The strike never resumed, as the miners received more pay for fewer hours; the owners got a higher price for coal, and did not recognize the trade union as a bargaining agent. It was the first labor episode in which the federal government intervened as a neutral arbitrator.
Wagner Act
United States federal law that limits the means with which employers may react to workers in the private sector that create labor unions, engage in collective bargaining, and take part in strikes and other forms
Cross of Gold Speech
William Jennings Bryan. Condemed gold standard and supported Populist movement of expanding currency by unlimited coinage of silver. Reversed the deflation which the U.S. experienced. Allowed Bryan to receive Democratic Party presidential nomination.
What brought segregation to national attention?
Brown v. Board of Education
Cuban Missile Crisis: accurate depiction?
Both sides displayed a sober approach and made concessions.
"Sovereignty and Goodness of God" (book)
narrative of a slave's captivity recounting the stages of her journey. During the attack on Lancaster, she witnessed the murder of friends and family, some stripped naked and disemboweled. Upon her capture, she travelled with her youngest child Sarah, suffering starvation and depression en route to an Indian village. Sarah, aged 6 years and 5 months, died shortly after arriving in the village. Mary and her other surviving child were kept separately and sold as property, until she was finally reunited with her husband.
Patrick Henry view's on Constitution
True or false: members of the executive cabinet serve at pleasure of Chief Executive?
McCulloch v. Maryland
Maryland taxed all banks not chartered by the state. When the U.S. branch bank in Baltimore refused to pay taxes, Maryland sued for collection. The chartering of a bank, according to the Court, was a power implied from the power over federal fiscal operations. Because the state cannot impede constitutional federal laws, the tax was voted unconstitutional.
Schechter v. United States
Declared the NIRA invalid, thus ending the first phase of the New Deal
Munn v. Illinois
Upheld an Illinois law fixing maximum rates for grain storage
Mueller v. Oregon
Upheld an Oregon law limiting the maximum working hours for women
True or false: Hemingway was concerned with social criticism of America.
Camp David Peace Accord
signed by Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin on September 17, 1978, following thirteen days of secret negotiations at Camp David
Helsinki Accords
a significant step toward reducing Cold War tensions and as a major diplomatic boost for the Soviet Union at the time, due to its clauses on the inviolability of national borders and respect for territorial integrity, which were seen to consolidate the USSR's territorial gains in Eastern Europe following the Second World War.
True or False: OPEC's first oil embargo forcing oil prices to rise happened during Jimmy Carter's presidency.
Who seceded first?
South Carolina
Know-Nothing Party
nativist, felt country was being overwhelmed by Germans and Irish
North's advantages in Civil War
industrial economy, larger population, more resources, stronger central government
South's advantages in Civil War
superior military leadership, fighting a defensive war
Anaconda Plan
1. Use the US Navy to blockade all Southern ports cutting off essential supplies
2. Take control of Mississippi River
Merrimac and Monitor. which ship was which? Who won?
South--Merrimac. North--Monitor. Ended in a draw.
Sherman's March to the Sea
total war, destroying both military targets and civilian property
Civil War's effects on presidency
expanded the powers of it. established he had authority to take action without consulting Congress. Lincoln called up military and increased its size and spent funds on the war. Authorized a conscription.
Gettysburg--why significant?
Turning point of the war, ended possibility of another invasion of the North by the South
What constitutionally questionable action did Lincoln take during Civil War?
Suspended writ of habeas corpus
Emancipation Proclamation
Slaves living in Confederate states free and liberated, but border states and areas conquered by North were not free
Emancipation Proclamation's effects
No effect on South, helped make slavery war's central issue, rekindled support for waning war effort, ended hope England would aid South
Civil War's effects on women
Women provided labor force for factories that produced war supplies as many men went away to fight, need for nurses.
African Americans in Civil War
At first, not allowed to serve in military for both sides. Some eventually allowed into segregated units, but only secondary roles: food preperation, construction, etc. After Emancipation Proclamation, many free blacks/ex-slaves served in Northern military
New York Riots (Civil War)
Working-class men angry at draft and African Americas, who competed with them for jobs
Morrill Tariff
1861. Raised tariff rates to protect northern manufacturers.
Morrill Land Grant Act
1862. Gave lands to states for building of agricultural colleges. Stimulated growth of higher education.
Political effects of Civil War
Established Republicans as dominant political party, established supremacy of fed gov over states. Republicans dominated for next 40 years.
Lincoln's 10% Plan
1. 10% of state voters had to take an oath of allegiance to the United States to be readmitted to the Union.
2. Full presidential pardons to all southerners who took loyalty oath and agreed to the abolition of slavery, except high-ranking Confederate military/civilian leaders

Was rejected b/c too lenient.
Wade Davis Bill
50% of a state's white, male population take an oath of loyalty. Vetoed by Lincoln.
Andrew Johnson's Reconstruction plan
Similar to Lincoln's 10% plan. Granted presidential pardons to wealthy planters. Confederate leaders able to sneak back into Washington.
Radical Republican's Reconstruction plan
Wanted to punish South and insure blacks received same rights as whites
Freedmen's Bureau
1865, part of Radical Republicans' plan. Helped ex-slaves get employment, education, and emergency assistance in form of clothing/food. Vetoed but Congress overrode veto.
Black codes
Denied former slaves right to vote/sit on juries, right to testify against white men, prohibited them from carrying weapons in public, working in certain occupations, and traveling without a permit.
Civil Rights Act of 1866
Passed to combat black codes, guaranteed all freedmen all rights/benefits of US citizens. Federal troops would enforce these rights.
14th Amendment
Guaranteed citizenship for blacks and reduced representation in Congress for states that didn't give blacks the right to vote. For a state to be readmitted, it had to ratify 14th amendment and guarantee right to vote to all men.
Tenure of Office Act
Prohibited the president from firing/removing a federal official without Senate's approval. Johnson didn't obey. He was almost impeached, missing it by one vote.
15th Amendment
No American man denied right to vote.
Civil Rights Act of 1875
Full equality in public accommodations (hotels/railroads) and prohibited exclusion of blacks from juries. Poorly enforced, many northern whites tired of Reconstruction, Democrats didn't support it. Declared unconstitutional.
Compromise of 1877
20 disputed votes, Hayes and Tilden tied. Hayes would be next president, he would order last Union troops out of South and stop enforcing Reconstruction laws
Political effects of Reconstruction
South voted almost exclusively Democrat for next 100 years
Economic effects of Reconstruction
plantation system replaced by tenant farmers (provided own seeds, mules, provisions). Landlord gave them a piece of land to farm, and landlord received certain share of tenant farmer's crop.
Jim Crow Laws
Segregation of public facilities. Literacy test, poll tax, and grandfather clause made it impossible for blacks to vote.
Northern Democrats who refused to support Civil War
Gilded Age--individual parties' characteristics
Republicans dominated fed gov, had support of big business and farmers. Excluding Cleveland, Republicans controlled presidency. Democratic power came from white voters in South and big city political machines.
Gilded Age--both parties (political) shared characteristics'
Both conservative, limited government involvement in economy. Disagreed over protective tariff (Republicans liked it, while Democrats didn't)
Credit Mobilier Scandal
Illegal manipulation of contracts in building Union Pacific Railrod
Whiskey Ring Scandal
Federal officials defrauded government of millions of dollars in liquor taxes
Bessemer process
Railroad leaders (in terms of business)
Cornelius Vanderbilt, James E. Hill
Standard Oil Company. Monopoly on oil.
Horatio Alger
Stories of poor boys who, by hard work and sacrifice, became successful
Knights of Labor's members
Semiskilled and unskilled workers, African Americans and women included
Knights of Labor's goals/results
Wanted 8-hour workday, worked cooperation, racial/gender equality, and preferred arbitration to strikes.
American Federation of Labor (AFL)'s members
Skilled workers, blacks and women excluded.
American Federation of Labor's goals
Higher wages, better working conditions, one of most powerful unions in 20th century.
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) members
Skilled and unskilled workers, blacks and women included
IWW's goals/results
Violent strikes to gain control of factories/businesses, better wages. Destroyed in WWI when many members were jailed.
Pullman Strike
Boycotted railroad industry in Midwest. Destroyed cards, delayed trains, and refused to handle mail cards. Cleveland ordered troops to break up strike.
Old Immigrants
Prior to 1880s. Northern Europe. Primarily English, Irish, German. Most spoke English.
New Immigrants
1880s-1915. Southern/Eastern Europe. Italy, Greece, Poland, Croatia, Russia, Slovakia. 1 million people per year. Poorer, less-educated than earlier immigrants. Catholics, Greek Orthodox, Jewish. Crowded into poor ethnic neighborhoods.
Chinese Exclusion Act
Prohibited Chinese laborers from entering country.
American Protective Association, Immigration Restriction League
Lobbied for tough immigration laws to keep out undesirables.
Tuskegee Institute
Founded Booker T. Washington, gave industrial and vocational training to African Americans
W.E.B. du Bois' beliefs
Blacks should fight for economic and social issues. Founded Niagara movement, wanted to create a "mighty current" of change. Opposed racial segregation, disenfranchisement, and policies of accommodation and conciliation. Founded NAACP, used courts to overturn unjust laws.
Ghost Dance movement
Native Americans believed it would help the remove whites from Native American lands
National Grange (Patrons of Husbandry)
Economic issues affecting farmers, like falling grain prices and rising railroad rates. Used political clout to help states pass Granger laws to regulate freight and storage rates.
Results of election of 1896:
1. Populist party declined, ceased to be a national party, later merged with Democrats.
2. Proved it impossible to win elections by appealing primarily to rural voters
3. Populists had two little victories: graduated income tax and direct election of senators.
4. Represented victory of urban-middle class America/big business of agrarian interests
"Raise Less wheat, and more hell" who said?
Mary Ellen Lease
"The Influence of Sea Power upon History"
Alfred T. Mahan, US Security depended on a strong navy, which was necessary to protect Asia/Latin American from its European rivals. Influenced Teddy Roosevelt.
"Our Country"
Josiah Strong, protestant minister. God selected Anglo-Saxon race to civilize less-developed regions of world. Duty of civilized Christian world, (U.S.) to spread civilization.
Cause of Spanish-American war
Cuba's revolt against Spain
The fact that said revolt hurt US economic interests (50 million dollars invested in sugar plantations)
Yellow journalism
Spanish minister, De Lome, criticized McKinley for being weak and ineffective
Explosion of U.S.S. Maine, which killed 250 soldiers
Teller Amendment
Guaranteed Cuba its independence once Spain was defeated
Rough Riders
Led by Teddy Roosevelt, led a successful charge up San Juan Hill.
Roosevelt's role in Spanish-American war
Roosevelt ordered, without McKinley's knowledge, Commodore George Dewey to seize Spanish-controlled Philippine Islands
Treaty of Paris (Spanish-American war)
1) Spain recognized Cuba's independence
2) US acquired Puerto Rico and Guam
3) Spain sold Philippines to US for $20 million
Platt Amendment
United State maintained a permanent military base in Cuba and right to intervene in order to preserve order
Anti-Imperialist League
Mark Twain, William Jennings Bryan, Andrew Carnegie. Argued taking possession of Philippines violated democratic principles and would involved US in Asian affairs.
Arguments in favor of taking Philippines
Teddy Roosevelt argued acquisition was necessary to insure US would become a major power. Religious leaders needed to bring Christianity to Filipinos. McKinley didn't want them to fall into German or Russian hands.
Emilio Aguinaldo
Filipino rebel leader who opposed US control
"Speak softly but carry a big stick." Who said?
Teddy Roosevelt
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty of 1904
United States had the right to build the canal, after a US-backed Panamanian revolt against Colombia.
Roosevelt Corollary
United States had right to intervene in Latin American countries. It would collect debts and pass money onto European countries.
Dollar Diplomacy, Roosevelt Corollary, Good Neighbor Policy, etc. Effects?
Soured US relations in Latin America throughout 1900s
"Progress and Poverty"
Single tax on property as a solution to poverty
"Looking Backward"
Hero of novel looks back from 2000 and finds a society in which injustices have disappeared, and people cooperate, not ruthless capitalism
"Wealth Against Commonwealth"
Attacked monopolistic practice of the Standard Oil company and the railroads
Urban, middle-class people believed that government could be used to regulate big business and protect workers. They believed they could eliminate corruption and thus fix the problem.
Lincoln Steffens
"Shame of the cities." Described corruption of big-city politics.
Frank Norris
"The Octopus." Exposed corrupt politicians who conspired with the railroads to exploit California farmers.
Square Deal
Teddy Roosevelt. Sought to regulate big business, protect the consumer, end the worst abuses labor, and protect/preserve the environment.
Square Deal's achievements
1) Prosecuting Northern Securities Railroad Comapny
2) Intervening in the Anthracite Coal Strike
3) Meat Inspection Act
4) Pure Food and Drug Act
5) Hepburn Act of 1906 (interstate commerce commission had power to control railroad rates)
6) System of parks to conserve/protect environment
Payne Aldrich Tariff of 1909
Raised rates on many products, angered progressives
Bull Moose Party
Formed by a disgruntled Teddy Roosevelt who didn't like Taft's policies
New Freedom definition
Wilson's political program. Included lower tariff, reform of banking system, and breaking up big business, not regulating it.
New Freedom's achievements
1. Underwood Tariff (lowered protective tariffs)
2. Federal Reserve Act
3. Clayton Anti-Trust Act, outlawed unfair business practices
4. Federal Trade Commission, regulated businesses by investigating unfair practice
5. Adam on Eight-Hour Act, established eight-hour work days with overtime pay for railroad workers
Women in Progressive movement
Major role, main force behind creation of settlement houses, fought for child labor laws and reforms in workplace. Finally received suffrage.
Immigration and Progressive movement
Anti-immigrant. Wilson opposed literacy tests for voters but progressives agreed on need to restrict immigrants from Southeastern Europe. Roosevelt opposed cultural pluralism.
Cultural pluralism
when smaller groups within a larger society maintain their unique cultural identities, and their values and practices are accepted by the wider culture.
Causes of WWI
Increasing nationalism, arms race between Germany and England, widespread imperialism, competition for colonies, entangling alliances
Proclamation of Neutrality
US was nonpartisan in thought and in action for WWI.
Problems with Neutrality
1. Economic interests (Britain blockaded all German ports, so most of US trade was with British and France)
2. Submarine warfare
3. Ethnic Influences
4. British propoganda: they controlled what Americans knew
5. German Actions (renouncing Sussez Pledge)
6. Zimmerman note
Sussex Pledge
German government promised to sink no more ships without prior warning.
Zimmerman Note
Arthur Zimmerman, German foreign minister, propsed that Mexico ally itself with Germany, and in return Germany would help Mexico win back territories it lost in the 1840s.
Lever Act (1917)
Regulated food production and consumption. Led by Hoover, goal was to increase production and decrease consumption.
National War Labor Board
Set up to arbitrate disputes between labor and management
Espionage Act of 1917
Fines and imprisonments for up to 20 years for anyone who tried to obstruct the draft
Sedition Act of 1918
Prohibited anyone from criticizing the war, the Constitution, or the government
Schenck v. United States
Supreme Court upheld Espionage Act.
American Expeditionary Force (AEF)
17,000 troops sent to assist British and French
Treaty of Versailles
German accepted full responsibility for war and paid $33 billion in reparations. Divided former Ottoman Empire in Middle East between France and England. Established League of Nations.
Henry Cabot Lodge, for example. Opposed League of Nations but would accept it if certain restrictions on America's membership in league.
A dozen Republican senators who opposed any American participation in league. Rejected Lodge's reservations and decided to fight.
True or false: United States ratified the Treaty of Versailles.
True or false: United States joined the League of Nations.
Teapot Dome Scandal
Albert Fall accepted a bribe of $325,000 to grant oil-drilling leases on public land near Teapot Dome, Wyoming. Under Harding.
True or false: the Roaring Twenties saw a decrease in productivity.
Coolidge's philosophy on government
Limited government. "The business of America is business." Under his administration, business flourished as he cut taxes and closely watched budget. Didn't adress economic and social issues.
McNary-Haugen Bill
Vetoed by Coolidge. Would have allowed government to purchase crops in order to maintain prewar prices.
Frederick W. Taylor
Scientific management, improved mass production
Alice Paul
Women's Party, lobbied for equal rights and social justice
Volstead Act
Implemented Prohibition
Scopes Trial
ACLU defended him. Evolution trial. Jury found Scopes guilty, but verdict later overturned. 1st broadcasted trial.
Sacco-Vanzetti Case
2 Italian immigrants, tried and convicted of robbery and murder. Sentenced to die. People argued biased jury.
National Origins Act of 1924
Restricted immigrants to 2% of the foreign population in that year. Immigration from Asia banned.
WWI's cultural effects
Caused many to question the values of Western society and emphasis on materialism. Examples: "The Sun Also Rises" and "The Great Gatsby."
Marcus Garvey
Black pride and nationalism. "Back to Africa" movement. Black self-sufficiency, and separatism. 500,000 followers.
"A Chicken in Every Pot"
Bacon's Rebellion
1675 uprising in Virginia caused by government unwillingness to provide protection on the Western frontier from Native Americans. also, the settlers disliked the friendly attitudes towards Indians.
Jackson's objections to recharter of Second Bank of United States
1) Unconstitutional
2) Hurt Western interests and monopolistic
3) Whigs using bank as a political tool against him
4) Personally disliked Bank's president
Great Depression literature (characteristics)
Disillusionment and cynicism about society in general
Manifest Destiny used to justify:
Extension of the doctrine of popular sovereignty to newly admitted territories and states in the land acquire in the Mexican cession
The 1848 Seneca Falls Convention did not include discussion about ...
the sanctioning of a woman's right to hold political office
True or false: Frederick Douglass supported sending freed slaves back to Africa.
How are the 1st KKK and 2nd KKK different?
2nd KKK also targeted Catholics, Jews, immigrants, as well as blacks
"No Taxation without Representation." For what act was this 1st said?
Intolerable Acts
Hamilton's financial policy
Establish a credible credit policy and stimulate economic growth of new manufacturing in states
Andrew Jackson's reaction to Supreme Court ruling on Cherokee people showed
rulings of Supreme Court rely on enforcement by the president
GW Bush's election
Supreme Court stepped in
Great Oklahoma land rush of 1889
Cause dramatic wave of immigration
Marshall Plan
United States used massive economic assistance to rebuild European countries after WWII, in order to promote political stability
Betty Friedan's Feminine Mystique
Called for women to pursue other interests and opportunities in life and not be bound to their domestic roles
North's advantages in Civil War
industrial economy, larger population, more resources, stronger central government
True or False: Colonial nonimportation of British goods was a mostly symbolic rather than successful tool.
True or False: The 2nd Great Awakening emphasized gradual spiritual growth as promoted by trained preachers.
Cause of Roosevelt Corollary
Venezuela Crisis, not Spanish-American War
Cause of Supreme Court ruling that unincorporated possessions, such as Puerto Rico, didn't have to be considered for statehood
Spanish-American War
Most obvious motivation behind Hawaiian annexation (from Hawaiian's POV)
Economic self-interest
Compare Progressive Movement and Reform Movement
Progressives thought of government as a major ally.
Cause of 1st Great Awakening
Appeal of religious revival to a broader group of people including women, African Americans, and Native Americans
War of 1812 turning point in US foreign policy. Why?
US entered a new period in which European events no longer shaped American domestic and foreign policies.
1890 census announced ... ?
Frontier line no longer existed in the West, symbolizing the closing of the frontier.
How did South respond to Brown v. Board of Education?
Denied funding to school districts working to desegregate and not allowing blacks into all-white schools
Halfway Covenant
A member could become a limited member of the Puritan church by being baptized without a conversion experience.
American System promoted ... ?
Who opposed Roe v. Wade?
Nixon, Ford, and Reagan
Talented Tenth
Through knowledge of modern culture, the best of the black race could guide others into a higher standard of living.
Students for a Democratic Society
Promoted leftist politics in America, openly opposing the war in Vietnam and favoring racial equality in the United States
Industry in South after Civil War
Gradually developed in South, but lagged far behind industrial growth in North well into the twentieth century.
Herbert Hoover's position on depression
Citizens should look to local and state governments for assistance b/c fed gov too busy with other things
What established affirmative action practices?
Civil Rights Act of 1964
"Power of the purse" negated by passage of
Townshend Duties
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
US gained New Mexico and upper California
Sheppard-Towner Act 1921
1st bill aimed at reducing childbirth mortality rates and infant mortality rates
Jazz Singer
1st talking motion picture
Executive Order 9066
Established Japanese relocation camps
in 1970s, two oil controversies were....?
OPEC oil embargo and construction of the Alaska pipeline
Effects of Bacon's Rebellion
led to the Colonists adopting slavery as the primary source for labor. Bacon's rebellion was led by a group of former indentured servants who were now free, without work, idle, and looking for trouble. With slaves they were never free, never looking for trouble, and never out on the prowl. After the 1676 rebellion led by Bacon, the colonies decided that black slaves from Africa would be the way to go, since they never got their freedom.
1st Continental Congress
Approved acts of civil protest in retaliation for Coercive Acts but didn't strengthen colonial militia
Wilmost Proviso
Addressed extension of slavery into the territories acquired from Mexico
Sherman Antitrust Act
Regulated monopolies found to be "in constraint of trade"
Lowell System
Relied on young girls from surrounding rural areas for workforce
Settlement Houses
Provided social services to neighborhood dwellers
Boston Massacre--why protesting?
Townshend Duties
True or false: the New Deal Legislation was successful in ending the Great Depression.
Independent Treasury Plan
Deposit of US tax revenues in the Treasury rather than in banks
Leader of Radical Republicans in 1860s
Thaddeus Stevens
Credit Mobilier: what administration?
As part of progressive program, Wilson introduced
Federal Reserve System
Agreement by one group of legislators to support or oppose a particular bill in return for support or opposition for another bill
Foreign policy achievement of Jimmy Carter's administration
Camp David Accords
Roger Williams
Rhode Island
General Oglethorpe
William Bradford
Woolens Act
attempted to heighten taxation and increase control over colonial trade and production. Opened Britain's wool industry by limiting wool production in Ireland and forbidding the export of wool from the American colonies.
Before Civil War, westward expansion was slowed by
A lack of a cross-continental railroad.
MLK Jr. emerged as leader because of
Montgomery Bus Boycott
WTO responsibility to
enforce established fair trade practices between members of the WTO
National Labor Union disintegrated because of
Depression of early 1870s
Perestroika and glasnot
Reforms in Russia (anti-communist)
Chronology of British Acts colonists revolted against
Sugar Act
Stamp Act
Townshend Acts
Tea Act
Intolerable Acts
Sugar Tax outcome
Hated by colonists, greater regulation of American shipping to control smuggling
Stamp Act outcome
Sons of Liberty, tax collectors tarred and feathered, Stamp Act Congress, repealed, Declaratory act (Parliament has authority to set laws for colonies)
Townshend Acts' outcomes
Boycotts, riot. British troops sent over. Boston Massacre. Tax repealed save for tax on tea.
Tea Act outcome
Boston Tea Party
Intolerable Acts outcomes
Boston harbor closed, Quartering Act, 1st Continental Congress, Declaration of Rights and Grievances. George III orders arrest of colonial leaders.