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28 Cards in this Set

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American exceptionalism

The idea that the United States has a unique destiny to foster democracy and civilization on the world stage

"Remember the Maine"

After the U.S. battle cruiser Maine exploded in Havana harbor, the New York Journal rallied its readers to do this, galvanizing popular support for the U.S. war against Spain; it was later found that the explosion was likely to have been internal to the ship

Teller Amendment

An amendment to the 1898 U.S. declaration of war against Spain disclaiming any intention by the United States to occupy Cuba; the amendment assured the public that the United States would uphold democracy abroad as well as at home

Insular Cases

A set of Supreme Court rulings in 1901 that declared that the U.S. Constitution did not automatically extend citizenship to people in acquired territories; only Congress could decide whether to grant citizenship

Platt Amendment

A 1902 amendment to the Cuban constitution that blocked to Cuba from making a treaty with any country except the United States and gave the United States the right to intervene in Cuban affairs; the amendment was a condition for U.S. withdrawl from the newly independent island

open door policy

A claim put forth by U.S. Secretary of State John Hay that all nations seeking to do business in China should have equal trade access

Root-Takahira Agreement

A 1908 agreement between the United States and Japan confirming principles of free oceanic Commerce and recognizing Japan's authority over Manchuria

Panama Canal

A canal across the Isthmus of Panama connecting trade between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans; built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and opened in 1914, it gave U.S. naval vessels quick access to the Pacific and provided the United States with a commanding position in the Western Hemisphere

Roosevelt Corollary

A 1904 assertion by President Theodore Roosevelt that the United States would act as a "policeman" in the Caribbean region and intervene in the affairs of nations that were guilty of "wrongdoing or impotence" in order to protect U.S. interests in Latin America

Zimmerman telegram

A 1917 intercepted dispatch in which German foreign secretary Arthur Zimmerman urged Mexico to join the Central Powers and promised that if the United States entered the war, Germany would help Mexico recover Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona; published by American newspapers, it outraged the American public and helped precipitate the move toward U.S. entry in the war on the allied side

War Industries Board

A federal board established in July 1917 to direct military production, including allocation of resources, conversion of factories to war production, and setting of prices

National War Labor Board

A federal agency founded in 1918 that established an eight-hour day for war workers ( with time-and-a-half pay for overtime), endorsed equal pay for women, and supported workers' right to organize

Committee on Public Information

An organization set up by President Woodrow Wilson during World War I to increase support for America's participation in the war; it was a national propaganda machine that helped create a political climate intolerant of dissent

Four-Minute Men

Name given to thousands of volunteers enlisted by the Committee on Public Information to deliver short prowar speeches at movie theaters, as part of an effort to galvanize public support for the war and suppress dissent

Sedition Act of 1918

Wartime law that prohibited any words or behavior that might promote resistance to the United States or help in the cause of its enemies

Great Migration

The migration of over 400,000 African Americans from the rural south to the industrial cities of the north during and after World War I

National Woman's Party

A political party founded in 1916 that fought for an equal rights amendment to the U.S. Constitution in the early 20th century

Fourteen Points

Principles for a new world order proposed in 1919 by President Woodrow Wilson as a basis for peace negotiations at Versailles; among them were open diplomacy, freedom of the seas, free trade, territorial integrity, arms reduction, national self-determination, and creation of the League of Nations

League of Nations

The international organization bringing together world governments to prevent future hostilities, proposed by President Woodrow Wilson in the aftermath of World War I; although it did form, the United States never became a member state

Treaty of Versailles

The 1919 treaty that ended World War I; the agreement redrew the map of the world, assigned Germany sole responsibility for the war, and saddled it with a debt of $33 billion in war damages; it's long-term impact around the globe-including the creation of British and French imperial "mandates"- was catastrophic

Theodore Roosevelt

The Vice President of William McKinley, who was sworn into office after McKinley's assassination; plunged into politics after graduating from Harvard, winning a seat as a Republican New York assemblyman; gained a broad knowledge of the problems America faced at the municipal, state, and federal levels in his appointments as a U.S. Civil Service Commissioner, Head of the New York City Police Commission, and McKinley's assistant secretary of the Navy; called for vigorous reform and represented a major shift for the Republicans

Alfred Mahan

Author of The Influence of Sea Power upon History; a U.S. naval officer, he urged the United States to enter the fray, observing that naval power had been essential to past empires

Queen Liliuokalani

Queen of Hawaii, her dynasty had ruled the islands since the late 1700s; she assumed the throne after her brother's death; an outspoken critic of treaties ceding power to U.S. economic interests, and was deposed in 1894 by a cabal of sugar planters who established a republic

Emilio Aguinaldo

Rebel leader of the Filipino resistance, who, after confronted by the annexation of the Philippines, asserted his nation's independence and turned his guns on occupying American forces

Porfirio Díaz

The Mexican dictator; created a friendly climate for American companies that purchased Mexican plantations, mines, and oil fields; in 1911 was forced to resign by Francisco Madero, who proclaimed himself president

Woodrow Wilson

President of the United States from 1912-1920, on the pretext of a minor insult to the navy, he ordered U.S. occupation of the port of Veracruz in 1914; most favored the revolutionary leader Venustiano Carranza; his interference in the Mexican Revolution caused lasting mistrust

Herbert Hoover

An engineer who led the Food Administration during WW1; he convinced farmers to nearly double their acreage of grain; a Republican, emerged from the war as one of the nation's most admired public figures

Alice Paul

A Quaker who had worked in the settlement movement and earned a PhD in political science; founded the NWP in 1916, taking a more confrontational approach, after finding as an NAWSA lobbyist that congressman dismissed her