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85 Cards in this Set

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zimmerman telegram
Telegram intecepted by British of Germany trying to make an alliance with MX against US
Causes of WWI
assasination of Archduke franz ferdinand
ocean liner that got sunk of german submarine
Why US entered war
unrestricted submarine warfare by Germany
Why did US resist entering war
To keep foreign trade and because of German and Irish immigrants in the U.S.
When WWI began
June 28, 1914 (assasination)
When WWI ended
11 am on Nov 11, 1918
What is Wilson's 14 Points?
Peace plan for after WWI
3 main points of Wilson's plan
1) League of Nations (article X says US cannot enter war)
2) self determination
3) freedom of the seas
Why did US not join League of Nations?
Article X- If one country gets attacked, the rest will have to be involved
zimmerman telegram
Telegram intecepted by British of Germany trying to make an alliance with MX against US
Causes of WWI
assasination of Archduke franz ferdinand
ocean liner that got sunk of german submarine
Why US entered war
unrestricted submarine warfare by Germany
Why did US resist entering war
To keep foreign trade and because of German and Irish immigrants in the U.S.
When WWI began
June 28, 1914 (assasination)
When WWI ended
11 am on Nov 11, 1918
What is Wilson's 14 Points?
Peace plan for after WWI
3 main points of Wilson's plan
1) League of Nations (article X says US cannot enter war)
2) self determination
3) freedom of the seas
Why did US not join League of Nations?
Article X- If one country gets attacked, the rest will have to be involved
Espionage act
Cannot obstruct the US war effort
Case that restricted freedom of speech. And what did it rule?
Schenck v. US, no speech/phrases that present a "clear and present danger"
Treaty of Brest Litvosk
Kept Russia out of the war
Who led opposition to Treaty of Versailles?
Henry Cabot Lodge
Progressive Amendments
16) national income tax
17) direct election of senators
18) Prohibition
19) women's suffrage
Party that was popular in 1920s. why?
Republicans b/c they wanted to return to normalcy (peace and isolation before the war)
Sacco and Vanzetti
Italian immigrants who were charged with murder and then were executed because they were immigrants and anarchists.
liberated modern woman
2 Acts that restricted immigration (with yrs)
Emergency Quote Act (1921) and National Origins Act (1924)
United Negro Improvement Association
Who led back to africa movement? And what was it?
Marcus Garvey, when blacks would go back to Africa
Great Migration
when blacks in the S migrated To Northern industrial cities for jobs during WWI
Palmer Raids
During First Red Scare; illegal raids on supposed radicals/leftist groups
What increased consumerism.
buying on credit
What is Buying on credit?
Allows customers to "buy now, pay later"
What was UAW & CIO? What did they do? Sit down strike?
United Auto Workers & Congress of Industrial Organizations. Workers at GM sat down inside and refused to work. james weldon johnston
who est. CIO
John L. Lewis
What did Francis Townshend propose?
high pensions for the elderly
What did Father Coughlin propose?
Change in bank and currency system; remonetization of silver, issuing of greenbacks, and national banking system(most importantly the nationalizing of the banking system)
FDIC? Glass-Steagall?
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation- guaranteed back deposits of up to $2500. Glass-Steagall: insurance company for banks
Security & Exchange Comission- regulated stock market
AAA. When was it ruled unconst?
Agr. Adjustment Act- government pays farmers to limit production and raise prices for goods. US v Butler
Civilian Conservation Corps. gave men ages 18-25 jobs in rural areas b/c they were "dangerous"
Works Progress Administration- artists & intellectuals hired by gov to work on public projects
Public Works Administration- gave $ to local and state govs for public projects
Tennessee Valley Authority- allowed for building of dams to make electricity
NIRA. Where ruled unconst?
National Industrial Recovery Act- businesses acted like trusts to stimulate economy; set prices; created fair standards. est. NRA. unconst in Scheter Poultry v US
National Recovery Administration- To eliminate over competition and set minimum wage and minimum prices
SSA and year
Social Security Act (1935)- gave pensions to elderly and insurance to unemployed
Rural electrification Administration- provided electricity to tenant farmers in rural areas
NLRA? Section 7A?
National Labor Relations Act (also called Wagner Act)- federal government established collective bargaining; Section 7A legalized unions
Federal Communications Commission- regulated communications such as radio
buying things you don't need to show of wealth
Causes of GD
1) maldistribution of wealth
2) Agricultural overproduction
3) stock market crash
4) lack of diversification in economy
Bonus Army
WWI veterans that marched to Washington to demand their $1000 bonus
1st Hundred Days
When FDR met with Congress during his first hundred days of presidency to restore the economy and est bank holiday
Which items were major consumerism items
automobiles & radio
What transformed communications?
How was advertising done
Radio & magazines (life, Time, Reader's Digest)
Jazz Age
When jazz music and dance emerged with the introduction of mainstream radio and the end of the war
How were women's roles changing?
began working pink-collar jobs (low service jobs)
What was the Harlem Renaissance? Writers? Musicians?
Cultural movement (mostly African Americans) in Harlem, NY in the 1920s-1930s; Writers - Langston Hughes, Claude McKay, James Welding Johnson; Musicians - Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Count Baisey, Josephine Baker
Al Jolson
a white man pretending to be black so he could preform jazz pieces
Scopes-Monkey trial
John Scopes taught about evolution in a public school; court ruled unlawful to teach evolution; first conflict of religion vs. science in schools(creation vs evolution)
What is buying on margin?
borrowing money to purchase stocks
Hoover's response to GD
Reconstruction & Finance Corporation- ent money to troubled banks, railroads, and other places to make sure they would stay in business; by Hoover
settlements built by homeless during GD
what was 1st New Deal? 3 R's?
FDR's plan to fix the GD. relief, recovery, reform (for 2nd new deal)
Banking Holidays
Banks closed for 4 days during the first week of his term to make sure they were financially stable
Court Packing
FDR wanted to add young justices to supreme court
Was New Deal successful in the long run?
Who did the GD affect disproportionately?
African Americans & hispanics
When & where was the dust bowl?
In the prairies (mostly Oklaholma) 1930-1936
Keynesian economics
deficit spending to stimulate economic activity
What is deficit?
gov. spends money it doesn't have
Start & end of GD
October 29, 1929 - 1941
When was Black Tues
Oct 29, 1929
Highest tariff in US history
Hawley-smoot tariff
What did FDR believe was the role of the government in helping the people?
direct relief
What did FDR do in 1937 that caused a contraction in the economy?
Roosevelt’s Recession, where he reduced government spending to balance the budget
Who were the left and right critics of the new deal?
*Left Critics: Townsend, Coughlin (nationalization of banks), Huey P. Long (Share Our Wealth Plan)

*Right Critics: American Liberty League (criticized FRD, thought he did too much)
Scottsboro Case:
1931, 9 black teenagers arrested for accused rape (false), 8 sentenced to death
1st woman appointed to US cabinet
Frances Perkins
Mary McCleode Bethune:
Female member of FDR's Black Cabinet, civil rights leader