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65 Cards in this Set

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Merigo Vespucci

☮ Italian member of a Porteguese expedition

☮ Explored South America

☮ Discovery suggested that the expedition had found a "New World"

☮ After an about of _____'s 1497 expedition was published, a cartographer mistakenly thought that ___ had led the expedition and had landed in the New World before Christopher Columbus; te cartographer named the continent America.
Treaty of Tordesillas

☮ Commitment between Spain and Portugal

☮ Created the Papal Line of Demarcation, which divided the New World: east of the line for Portugal and west of it for Spain

☮ Later, the Papal Line affected colonization in Afica and Asia
New Spain

1400s and 1500s
☮ Spain's tightly controlled empire in the New World

☮ To deal with labor shortages, the Soaniards developed a system of large manors (ecomiendas) using Naticve American slaves underconquistadors

☮ With the death of Native American slaves, Spaniards began importing African slaves to supply their labor needs

☮ Prevailing economic philosophy of the 1600s that held that colonies existed to serve the mother country

☮ Founded on the belied that the world's wealth was sharply limited and, therefore, one nation's gain was anothernation's loss

☮ Each nation's goal was to export more than it imported in a favorable blalance of trade; the difference would be made up in their possession of gold and silver, which would make the nation strong both economically and militarily

☮ Supporters of ___ believed economic activity should be regulated by the government
Queen Elizabeth I

☮ Protestant successor to Queen Mary

☮ Popular leader and the first woman to successfully hold the trone

☮Invested in English raids on the Spanish New World

☮ Brought on a war response from Spain in the form of the Spanish Armada

☮ Established Protestantism in England andencouraged English buisness
The Spanish Armada

☮ Fleet assembled by King Philp II of Spain to invade England

☮ The Armada was defeated byt the skill of British military leaders and by rough seas during the assault

☮ England's victory ber Spanish forces established England as an emerging sea power; it was one of the great achievements of Queen Elizabeth I

☮ Defeat helped bring about the declineof theSpanish empire
Types of Colonies in the New World

☮ In a charter colony, colonists were essentially members of a corporation and, based on an agreed-upon charter, electors among the colonists would contol the government

☮ A royal colony had a governor selected by England's king;he would serve in the leadership role and choose additional, lesser officers

☮ Proprietary colonies were owned by an individual with direct responsibility to the king; the proprietor selected a governor, who served as the authority figure for the property
English Puritanism

1500s and 1600s
☮ Movement by those who wished to reform the Church of England to be more in line with their ideology

☮ ___ were Calvinist in thier religious beliefs; they believed in predestination and in the authorty of Scripture ober papal authority

☮ Though King Henry VIII had set out to separate from papal authority in facor of his own Chuch of England, many Roman Catholic traditions and practices remained

☮ _____ rejected these Roman Catholic holdovers because of thier Calvinist ideology; they sought to make the English Church "pure"

☮ ____ would echo throughout American culture in the ideas of self-reliance, moral fortitude, and an emphasis on intellectualism
Dutch West India Company

1500s and 1600s
☮ The joint-stock company that ran the colonies in Fort Orange and in New Amsterdam, which later became New York

☮ Carried on a profitable fur trade with tthe Native American Iroquois

☮ Instituted the partoon system, in which large estates were given to wealthy men who transported at least fifty families to New Netherland to tend the land; few took the opportunity
Sir Walter Raleigh

☮ Selected Roanoke Island as a site for thefirst Englich settlement

☮ Returned to England to secure additional supplies; on his return, hefound the colony deserted; it is not known what became of the Roanoke settlers

☮ After teh failure of Roanoke, ____ abandoned his attempts to colonize Virginia

☮ Held back by a lack of financial resources and the war with Spain, English interst in AMerican Colonization was submerged for fifteen years
St Augustine,Florida

French Protestants (Huguenots) went to the New World to freeely practice their relighion; they formed a colony near modern day St. Augustine,Florida

☮ Spain, which oversaw Florida reacted violently to the Huguenots because they were trespasses and becasue thery were viewed as heretics by the Catholic church

☮ Spain sent a force to the settlement and massacred the fort's inhabitants

☮ The settlement at ___ is considered to be the first permanent European settlement in what would become the US
Charter Colonies (Joint-Stock) and "Starving Time"

☮ Charter colonies were associations that sought trade, exploration, and colonization overseas

☮ "Starving Tim" describes a periof in the 1600sduring which many colonists died and others consideredreturning to England

☮ First charter colony

☮ Named for James I(1566-1625), Queen Elixabeth's successor in England

☮ James I granted charters for charter colonies in the New World

☮ In 1607,the Virginia Company of London settled ____, the first permanent English settlement

☮ Sweampy location led to disease and contaminated water sources

☮Despite location and hostile relations with Native Americans, John Smith's harsh charismatic leadership of the colony kept it from collapsing
☮ In 1619,African slaves arrived at Jamestown,becoming the first groupof slaves to reach a British settlement
Indenture System

☮ Poor worker,convicted criminals, and debtors received immigration passage and fees in reurn for a number of years at labor on behalf of a planter of company

☮ Servants enteredinto their contracts voluntarily and kepy some legal rights

☮ However, servants had little control over the conditions of their work and living arrangements; system led to harsh and brutal treatment
John Rolfe

☮ Englis colonist in Hamestown, Virginia

☮ Married Pocahontas

☮ Cerated process for curing tobacco,ensuring economic success for Jamestown
House of Burgesses

☮ Representative assemby inVirginia

☮ Election to a seat was limited to voting memebers of the charter colony, whish at first was all free menn; later rules requited that a man own at least fifty acres of land to vote

☮ First representative house in America

☮ Instituted private ownership of land; maintined rights of colonists
First Families of Virginia

Wealthy and socially prominent families inVirginia who by 1776 had been in America for four to five generations

☮ Included te Lees,Carters, and Fitzhugs
Headright System

☮ Systemused by te Virginia Company to attract colonists; it promised them parcelsof land (roughly fifty acres) to emigrate toAmerica

☮ Also gave nearly fifty acres for each servant that a colonist brought, allowing the wealthy to obtain large tracts of land
The Separationists and Plymouth

☮ _____ were Puritans who believed the Church of Englandwas beyond sacving and felt that they must separate from it

☮ One groupof ____ suffering government harassment fled to Holland, then to America

☮ Members ofthis group traveled on the Mayflower, they became known as Pilgrims, a term used for voyagers seeking to fufill a religious mission

☮ The Mayflower set sail from Plymouth, England, in September 1620 and landed in Provincetown Harbor, settling in what becamePlymouth, Massachusetts

☮ Before landing in the New Worl, the Pilgrims formed the Mayflower Compact whish provided for a government guided by the majority

☮ William Bradfor(1590-1657) sered as the Plymouth Colony's first governor
Massachusetts Bay Colony

☮ Joint-stock company chartered by a group of Puritans escaping King James I

☮ Led by JohnWinthrop who taught that thenew colony should be a model Christian society

☮ Thse Puritans carefully organized their venture andupon arriving in Massachsetts didn't undergo the "starving time" that had often plagued other first year colonies

☮ The government of Massachusetts developed to include agovernor and a representative assembly

☮ Dutch patroons established the first settlement in Delaware

☮ That settlementwas destroyed by NAtive American attacks

☮ The Dutch West India Company andDutcmen including Peter Minuit began to trade and settle in ___ during the mid-to-late 1630s

☮ Between 1664 and 1674,___ switced between Dutc and Englishownership, endingwithEnglish ownership in 1674
The Proprietors and Maryland

☮ ____ owned colonies with direct responsibility to the king

☮ ___ were supposed to provide opportunity for Royal control and to decrease the practice of granting charters for charter colonies

☮ In practice, proprietary colonies turned out much like the carter colonies because settles insisted on self-government

☮ In 1632, under George Calvert (Lord Baltimore) Maryland became the first proprietary colony as a refuge forEnglish Catholics

☮ To protect the Catholic minority, Calvert's son encouraged religious toleration and established a reprentative assembly
Anne Hutchinson

☮ Claimed to have had special revelations from God that superseded the Bible,contrary to Puritan doctrine

☮ The leadership of New England accused her of antinomain teachings; antinomianism is the belief that salvation is attined through faith and divine grace not through strict adherence to rules or moral laws

☮ ___ banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony

☮ With her followers, she founded Portsmouth in the Aquidneck region; Aquineck is now know as Rhode Island
Roger Williams and Rhode Island

1603-1683; 1644
☮ ___ was a Puritan preacher who fled Massachusetts adter his biews on religious observance became too ectreme for the colonists

☮ ____ bought land from the Native Americans and gounded Providence in 1636; it was soon popularized by his many followers

☮ Rhode Island formed as a combination of Providence, Portsmouth, and other settlement that had sprung up in te area

☮ Through ___,the colony granted complete religious toleration

☮ Tended to be populated by exiles and troublemakers and was sometimes called "Rougue's Island"

☮ Suffered constant political turmoil
Maryland Act of Toleration

☮ Guaranteed religious freedom to all cCristians in Maryland
☮ Granted after aProtestant became governor

☮ Imporstant precedent for later characterization og the US and its Constitution
English Civil War

☮ Conflict was based in the struggle between King Charles I (son of King James I) and the English Parliament

☮ Charles claimed to rule by divine right; Parliament argued that its membership had rights that were separate from those granted to the king

☮ Parliament's members were mostly Puritan and had the backing ofthe merchant class and lesser land owners

Wealthy nobles tended to support Charles I who opposed Puritans on wuestionsof religion

☮ Led to ourtight conflict between Royalist military forces and forces opposing Charles I

The Carolinas

New York and New Jersey

William Penn

☮Founded Pennsylvania as a refude for his fellow Quakers

☮___ advertised his colony widely in Europe and offered generous terms onland

☮Guaranteed a representative assembly and full religious freedom

☮Settlers flocked to Pennsylvania from all over Europe
Black Slaves in the 1600s
☮Because slaves were only a small percentage of the population, they began almost on the same level as the indentured servants

☮later in the centure, African-Americans came to be seen as lifelong slaves whose status would be inherited by their children

☮Increased importation and population of African-Americansin the southern colonies began
John Locke and Natural Law

Triangle Trade
(Atlantic Trade)

Navigation Acts

Effects of the Navigation Acts

Bacon's Rebellion

New Hampshire

Glorious Revolution

Half-Way Convent

Salem Witch Trials

Wool Act

The Enlightenment


John Peter Zenger

The First Great Awakening

Effects of The Great Awakening

Post 1740s
Jonathan Edwards

Albany Plan

French and Indian War

William Pitt

Treaty of Paris of 1763
George Grenville

Benjamin Franklin

Writs of Assistance

Proclamation of 1763
Sugar Act

Quartering Act

Stamp Act

Declaratory Act

Samuel Adams

Stamp Act Congress

October 1765
Townshend Acts

Virtual Representation

Boston Massacure

March 5, 1770