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39 Cards in this Set

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A relatively permanent change in an organisms behavior due to experience.


An organisms decreasing response to a stimulus with repeated exposure to it.

Associative learning

Learning that certain events occur together the events may be 2 stimuli or a response and its consequences.

Classical conditioning

We learn to expect and prepare for for significant events such as food or pain.

Operant conditioning

We learn to repeat actions that bring good results and avoid those that bring bad results.

Observational learning

By watching others we learn new behaviors.


The view that psych should be1)an objective science that 2) studies behavior w/o mental process. Most psychs agree with 1 but not 2

Unconditioned response

Unlearned natural response to an unconditioned stimulus. Food->salivating.

Unconditioned stimulus

A stimulus that naturally creates a response.

Conditioned response

Learned response to a previously neautral but now conditioned stimulus.

Conditioned stimulus

Origianally latent stimulus that after associating with a unconditioned stimulus, comes to trigger a conditioned response.


Initial stage in CC when on links a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus so that the stimulus begins triggering the conditioned response.

Higher order conditioning

Procedure in which rhe CS in one experience is paired with a neutral stimulus creating a 2nd conditioned stimulus.


Diminishing of a CS. Occurs when a US does not follow a CS. Occurs in operant conditioning when a response is no longer reinforced.

Spontaneous recovery

Reappearance, after a time, of an extinguished CR.


Similiar conditioned stimuli may illicit similiar responses.


Learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus.

Learned helplessness

The hopelessness and passive resignation an animal learns when unable to avoid repeated adversive events.

Respondent behavior

Behavior that occurs as an automatic response to some other stimulus.

Operant conditioning

A type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punisher.

Law of effect

Thorndikes principle tgat behaviors followed by favorable consequences become more likely and behaviors followed by adversive consequences become less likely.

Operant chamber

(Skinner box) in operant conditioning research, a chamber containing a key that an animal can manipulate to receive an reinforcer, a tracker records the animals rate of key activation.


An operant conditioning procedure in which reinforcers guide behavior closer to approximations of the desired behavior.


In oc, any event that strengthens behavior it follows.

Positive reinforcement

Increase behaviors by adding desirable stimulus.

Negative reinforcement

Increase in behavior by removing adversive stimulus after a response.

Primary reinforcer

Reinforcer that satisfies a biological need: sex, food, water...

Conditioned(secondary) reinforcer

Reinforcer that has a given meaning(money) which can be used to obtain primary reinforcers.


Conditioned dogs to salivate at a certain tone using classical conditioning.

John b watson

Conducted experiments with littoe Albert which demonstrated conditioned fear of animals as well as generalization.

John garcia

Challenged the idea of associtiations by conditioning rats with radiated water.


Ask vic

Law of effect

Thorndikes principle that behavior that is followed by favorable consequences become more likely, and that behaviors followed by unfavorable consequences are less likely.

Continuous reinforcement

Reinforcing desired behavior every time it occurs.

Partial(intermittent) reinforcement

Reinforcing a response only part of the time; results in slower acquisition of a response but much greater resistance to extinction than does continuous reinforcement.

Fixed ratio

Reinforcement given after a set number of actions(buy ten coffees get one free).

Variable ratio

After an unpredictable number reinforcement is given.(fishing or gambling).

Fixed interval

Reinforcement after a fixed time such as Tuesday discounts.

Ratio variable

Variable interval

Reinforcement at random unpredictable time, receiving a text.