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64 Cards in this Set

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The effect of prior experience and current expectations on perception best illustrates the importance of

top down processing

Sensation is to ____________ as perception is to

detection; interpretation

Standing in the checkout line at the grocery store, Jerry kept looking at his watch to see the time. As a result, he failed to see that the person just in front of them was robbing a store employee. Jerry most clearly suffered-

inattention blindness

Although Manuel was sitting right next to his parents, he smiled a skunk minutes before they did. Apparently, Manuel has a lower_______ for skunk odor than his parents have.

absolute threshold

Which theory emphasizes that personal expectations and motivations influence the level of absolute thresholds?

signal detection theory

After listening to your high-volume car stereo for 15 minutes, you fail to realize how loudly the music is blasting. This best illustrates

sensory adaptation

Which process allows more light to reach the periphery of the retina?

dilation of the pupil

The receptor cells that convert light energy into neural signals are called

rods and cones

Feature detectors

are nerve cells in the brain's visual cortex that fire in response to specific edges, lines, and angles

Evidence that some cones are especially sensitive to red light, others to green light and still others to blue light is most directly supported to which theory?

young Helmholtz

The basilar membrane is located in the


Which theory best explain how we perceive low pitched sounds?

frequency theory

If you burn your finger,___________transmit pain triggering signals to your central nervous system.


People who carry a gene that boosts the availability of ______ are less bothered by pain.


Which basic taste attracts us to protein-rich foods?


A gestalt is best described as an

organized whole

The cocktail party effect is you ability to selectively attend to one voice among many

figure ground

The convergence of parallel lines provides the distance cue known as

linear perspective

Imagine your friend walking toward you in the hall at school. As your friend gets closer; the image cast on your retina

gets larger

As your teacher dims the lights to show a movie clip, you still perceive your friend's shirt as red. Which of the following best explains this phenomenon

color constancy

Margo insists that her dreams frequently enable her to perceive and predict future events. Margo is claiming to possess the power of


The study of phenomena such as clairvoyance and telepathy is called


The impact of experience on perception is most clearly illustrated by

perceptual adaptation

When two adjacent lights blink on and off in a quick succession, we perceive a single light moving back and forth between them. This is called

the phi phenomenon

Experiments with the visual cliff suggests that

the ability to perceive depth is at least partly innate

An instinctive behavior is one that is


An aroused or activated state that is often triggered by a physiological need is called a


Homeostasis, which is the goal of drive reduction is defined as

the body's tendency to maintain a constant internal state

The role of learning in motivation is most obvious from the influence of


Victims of a famine will often eat unappetizing and nutritionally poor foods simply to relieve their constant hunger. Their behavior is best explained in terms of

drive reduction theory

According to Abraham Maslow, our need for belongingness must be met before our need for


Destruction of the ventromedial hypothalamus of a rat is most likely to

cause the rat to become extremely fat

People's preferences for sweet dates are ________ and their preferences for excessively salty tastes are ___________.


Anorxia nervosa is typically characterized by

an obsessive fear of becoming obese

Foolish conformity to peer pressur is most likely to be motivated by__________ needs


Ten year old Vito tells his friend, "when you notice that your knees knock and your hands sweat, and your stomach is in knots, then you really get scared." This statement best illustrates the

James Lange Theory

The two factor theory of emotion places more emphasis on the importance of ___________ than does the James Lange theory

cognitive activity

Which researcher believed that our body's responses were not distinct enough to evoke different emotions

Walter Cannon

Walking home from work late one night Judy suddenly hears footsteps behind her. Her heart pounds, her muscles tens, and her mouth goes dry. These bodily responses are activated by her ________ nervous system


The emotions of fear and anger involve similar

patterns of autonomic arousal

Our most rapid and automatic emotional responses may result form the routing of sensory input thought the thalamus directly to the


Which of the following emotional reactions is most likely priced any conscious thinking?


Compared with males, females are more likely to cry and report distress when observing someone in distress. This best illustrates


In with country are people most likely to convey visible facial expressions of their inner feelings


Research on human fear indicates that

people seem to be biologically predisposed to learn some fears more quickly than others

Personalily is best defined as an individual's

characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling and acting

Free association is a method designed to

form close relationships between group members

Freud suggested that the remembered events and images in our dreams were a censored expression of the dream's

psychosexual stages

Katrina habitually makes nasty hostile comments about her teachers. Freud would have suggested that her behavior illustrates the powerful influence of the


According to Freud, the most important erogenous zone during the earliest infancy consists of the


According to freud, children develop unconscious sexual desired for the parent of the opposite sex during the _______ stage


Children who release unexpressed anger toward their parents by kicking the family pet illustrate that the defense mechanism of


Alfred Adler was a neo-Freudian who coined the term

inferiority complex

Abraham Maslow studies the lives of Abraham Lincoln , Thomas Jeffersona dn Eleanor Roosevelt in order to understand the nature of

reciprocal determinism

Experts would most likely agree that intelligence is

a mental ability to learn from experience

Factor analysis is a statistical procedure that can be used to

identify clusters of of closely related test items

The psychologist who disagreed with Spearman about the nature of intelligence identifying seven clusters of primary mental abilities rather than one general intelligence factor

L.L. Thurstone

The characteristics of savant syndrome most directly suggest that intelligence is

diverse set of distinct abilities

Robert Sternberg distinguished among analytical creative and ___________ intelligence


When Andy becomes upset about getting a poor grade, he typically fails to realize that he feels scared. This lack of self insight best illustrates an inadequate level of

emotional intelligence

Binet and Simon designed a test of intellectual abilities in order to

identify children likely to have difficulty learning in regular school classes

A 6 year old who responded to the original Standford Binet with he proficiency typical o fan average 8 year old was said to have the IQ OR


If a test yields consistent results overtime it is use, it has a high degree of


Sasha has a mild intellectual disability. She has achieved the equivalent of. fifth grade education and will soon begin vocational training so that she can earn a living. Sasha's intelligence score is most likely between
