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29 Cards in this Set

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Action Potential
Fired from the axon, propagated from axon hillock and down axon either along the whole membrane or at each node of Ranvier. The more frequent the action potential, the stronger/more intense the movement is.
Difference in + and – ions on either side of the membrane. Resting membrane potential is aprox – 70mV (reflects the charge inside the cell.)
The point of no return: -55 mV. If the graded potentials bring the negativity down to -55 mV, then an action potential is fired and there’s no stopping it (in a regular circumstance).
Action Potential Generation
1) Resting Membrane is VERY negative. K+ and Na+ channels are closed. Imbalances are maintained by the ATPase pump. 3 Na+ are pumped out for every 2 K+ pumped in.
2)Threshold is reached if enough graded potentials allow enough Na+ in to bring the internal charge up to 55-.
3) All Na+ channels open and Na+ shoots in. Membrane potential shoots up to 30+ mV
4) Repolarization – Sodium channels close and potassium leaves the cell.
5) Hyperpolarization – Slowly, the K+ channels shut. The dip in charge (to lower than -55) results in a pause before another action potential can be fired.
6) Charge goes back up to -55, the resting state. In resting state the nerve is polarized.
Synaptic Transmission
Synaptic Transmission
1) AP reaches axonal terminal
2) AP opens the Ca2+ channels and Ca2+ rushes in.
3) Ca2+ triggers the exocytosis of synaptic vesicles.
4) Neuron transmitters diffuse out across synaptic cleft and bind to receptors of postsynaptic membrane.
5) NT bind to receptors, causing a graded potential on post synaptic membrane. A graded potential leads to sodium being let in. If enough Na+ is let in, then an AP is fired.
6) After graded potential, the NT degrade and are reuptaken by the axon terminal.
2 Types of Graded Potentials...
Na+ : Acts as an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP), raises the likelihood that an AP will be fired.
K+: Acts as an inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP), when K+ channels are opened, it lowers the likelihood that an AP will be fired by lowering the charge further.
Types of Neurotransmitters
Types of Neurotransmitters:
- Dopamine: The “feel good/reward” NT. Fine-tunes motor movements.
- Glutamate: Learning and memory. Involved in OCD and addiction.
- Serotonin: Mood drug/regulation. Deficiency results in depression. Anti-depressants block reuptake.
- GABA: Primary inhibitory NT, alcohol and Valium releases GABA.
- Acetylcholine: In the brain, but also released onto skeletal muscles. Mediator of parasympathetic functions.
- Norepinephrine: Feel good NT. Mediate of sympathetic actions
Graded Potential
Occurs in the dendrites, short lived. Either increases or decreases the likelihood of an AP being fired.
Absolute Refractory Period
No stimulus can generate an AP
Relative refractory Period
A VERY strong stimulus can generate an AP
Electrochemical Gradient
A concentrations of ions on one side
Drug tolerance
If the axon terminal is over stimulated buy a drug, then the post-synaptic receptors down regulate in response.
Cauda Equina
The end of the spinal cord, a few trailing neurons come out the end.
Spinal bifida
If the vertebral discs are not completely closed.
Phrenic Nerve
Nerve from the cervical region that controls the diaphragm.
Sciatic Nerve
Nerve from the sacral region. Runs down leg.
Vertebral Arch
Consistent bone that surrounds the spinal cord minus the body
Transverse Process
The two sideways-branching out-juts on the vertebrae. There is one on each side of the Spinous Process
Part of vertebral arch.
The flat disc part of the vertebral disc.
Lumbar Puncture
Done between L4 and L5.
Intervetebral discs
Discs cushion between vertebrae. Made from fibrocartilage.
Dorsal Ramus
Nerve branches out to serve sensory and motor functions for back and skin
Ventral Ramus
Nerve that branches out to serve sensory and motor functions of internal organs, ventral skin, and limbs. Forms complex nerve plexuses in cervical, brachial, lumbar, and sacral regions.
doesn’t require CNS processing and only involves 2-3 neurons.
White Matter
Bringing sensory input to brain.
Number of Spinal Nerves
31 pairs/ person.
Dorsal Horn
Location of CNS cell bodies for sensory neurons
Ventral Horn
Location of CNS bodies for motor neurons.