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162 Cards in this Set

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Positive feedback includes:
Blood clotting and uterine contractions
Drinking water until hydrated is an example of _________ feedback
Mouth region:
Arm region:
Front elbow region:
Belly button region:
Front of hip region:
Leg region:
Back shoulder region:
Lower back:
Back of knee:
Calf region:
4 Main Types of Tissues:
Epithelial, Connective, Muscle, and Nervous
Simple Squamous Epithelial Tissue –
Simple, single flat layer. Found in places that need exchange or rapid diffusion (Example: Lining blood vessels and lungs)
Stratified Squamous ET –
Many layers for protection. On skin and esophagus.
Simple Cuboidal ET –
Glandular cells that make products, filtering
Simple Columnar ET –
Digesting and absorbing nutrients
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar –
Looks like it has layers. Has cilia. Found in trachea and uterine/fallopian tubes. General function is movement.
Transitional ET -
Stretchy. In bladder
Exocrine gland
(Sweat glands, etc. Secretes to outside of the body and mucus membranes)
Endocrine gland
Pancreas, etc. Produces into the blood stream
Connective tissue has ____ cells (mostly matrix), but is the ______ common cell with lots of variation.
“Histology” is….
the study of tissues
The 6 types of connective tissue:
Dense Fibrous Regular CT, Adipose CT, Areolar CT, Osseous CT, Cartilage CT, and Blood
Dense Fibrous Regular CT –
For flexible support. Collagen fibers everywhere with just a few cells. The cells that produce collagen are call fibroblasts. Underneath the skin. (There is also Dense Fibrous “Irregular”.)
Adipose CT –
Fat. For cushion, insulation, energy. Found around the heart, superficial to the skin, greater omentum.
Areolar CT –
Providing ample blood supply because of a mix of fibers: collagen, elastic, reticular. Also has lots of white blood cells to fight infection. Underneath epithelial layers. Sometimes called lamina propria
Osseous CT –
Gives strong support. Bones, duh. Bone is composed of cells called “osteocytes”. Matrix has 2 things: Calcium salts (to make it hard) and collagen (to make it flexible).
eft. Divides into top and botto
Cartilage CT –
Provides flexible support. Composes nose, ears, tracheal supports, connecting rib bone to sternum (costal cartilage), in bone joints (articular cartilage). Three types of cartilage: Hyaline, fibrous, and elastic
Hyaline cartilage connective tissue -
Nose, tracheal support, costal cartilage
Fibrous cartilage connective tissue -
intervertebral discs, inside knee “meniscus, pubic symphysis (relaxes to allow childbirth)
Elastic Cartilage -
ears, epiglottis
Blood CT –
Transportation. The only connective fibers are there during a blood clot
Study of the function of living things –
Sagittal Section –
Divides the down the body/organ, from top to bottom. Divides into left and a right. (Mid sagittal, Para sagittal)
Transverse Section –
A slice from right to left. Divides into top and bottom. (also “Cross section”)
A person laying face down is:
Abdominal area is divided two different ways:
Quadrants and regions.
Abdominal regions from the patient’s top right:
Right hypochondriac, epigastric, and left hypochondriac // Right lumbar, umbilical, and left lumbar // Right iliac, hypogastric, and left hypogastric.
Sterile membrane -
a membrane with no normal exposure to outside pathogens
Parietal pleura –
Visceral pleura –
Plural cavity –
Space between parietal and visceral layers. Contains serous fluid, which reduces friction.
Pleurisy –
lung membrane infection
Parietal pericardium -
(“Wall”-“around heart”)
Visceral pericardium –
(“Internal” – “around heart”)
Percarditis –
Inflammation of pericardial cavity
Pericardial Cavity –
Contains serous fluid to reduce friction within the heart
Visceral peritoneum –
(“Internal”- “around intestines”)
Parietal peritoneum –
(“Walls”-“around intestines”)
Peritonitis –
Inflammation of the area between the membranes in the intestines
Sudoriferous gland:
Sweat glands that are small tubular structures situated within and under the skin. They discharge sweat by tiny openings in the surface of the skin.
Eccrine -
cover all surfaces and cools off and lubricates
apocrine -
activates at puberty. Found in armpits/groin. The source of body odor.
Sebaceous gland –
Makes oil in the hair gland.
Arrector pili muscle –
Pulls the hair up to stand on end
Hypodermis –
Also called “subcutaneous”
Stratum corneum –
the “hard” top layer of skin
Melanocytes –
produces melanin
Stratum basale –
Produces the stratified squamous
Adipose –
Stores triglycerides
Cutaneous membrane:
Skin. Epidermis epithelium on top of dermis connective tissue.
Mucous membranes:
line body cavities that open to outside (respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive tracts). Epithelium on top of lamina propria (areolar connective tissue).
Serous membranes:
line body cavities that are not exposed to outside. They consist of two layers and secrete a thin fluid (serous fluid) into the space between the two layers. This fluid reduces friction when intestines move; when the lungs expand; and when the heart beats.
Somatic –
voluntary. Controls skeletal muscles.
Autonomic –
involuntary. Divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic. Controls smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands
Motor output –
Sensory input –
Wernicke’s Area –
a key vocabulary area of the brain.
Hypothalamus of the Diencephalon -
In charge of creating homeostasis (Balance in temperature, thirst, hunger, sleep)
Axon –
The projection going out from the cell body of the neuron.
Nucleus –
CNS: A group of cell bodies in the brain or the spinal cord
Tract –
Group of axons in the CNS is a tract
Ganglion –
PNS: group of cell bodies in the PNS. (Found outside of the spinal cord, solar plexus, and behind they eye)
Nerve –
A group of axons in the PNS
Lobe responsible for voluntary motor output:
Voluntary activity via the precentral gyrus (AKA, the primary motor cortex) in the frontal lobe
Memory and olfactory pathways sometimes cross in:
Temporal lobe
The 4 Brain regions:
Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Diencephalon, Brain Stem
The three structures that form the diencephalon:
hypothalamus, thalamus, and Epithalamus
Meninges –
the layers of membranes that envelope the central nervous system,
The three meninge, from superficial to deep:
Dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater
Produces Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF)
choroid plexus
The three parts of the brainstem:
midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata
Main function of the cerebellum:
Coordinate fine motor movement:
Layer if the dura mater that attaches to the skin:
Large sinus that collects CSF returning to the blood. Between the two hemispheres:
superior sagittal sinus.
Lysozymes –
antimicrobial substance in tears, saliva, and sweat
Retina –
layer of the eyes with neuronal receptors
Eustacian tube –
Structure that connects the throat with the middle ear
Cornea –
Part of the eye that lacks blood supply to it isn’t rejected if transplanted
Oculomotor controls _________, _________, _________, and _________ eye muscles
superior, inferior, and medial rectus, and inferior oblique
The lens of the eye _____ to see far away
Sound waves vibrate the ______ membrane (eardrum) which transmits the movement to the ______, which moves the gel in the cochlea.
Cells that myelinate axons in the central nervous system –
The sight on the neuron that fires the action potential if the stimulus is strong enough –
Axon hillock
Action potentials “jump” from one node of ranvier to another through -
salutatory conduction.
Cells that myelinate axon in the PNS –
Schwann Cells
Meninge layer with blood vessels –
pia mater
Procedure in which a small amount of CSF is removed from below the spinal cord –
spinal tap/lumbar puncture
Cells that are ciliated and help to circulate CSF –
Falx cerebri -
Layer of dura mater that separates the cerebral hemispheres
Diencephalon is part of the ______ brain (limbic system)
Cerebrospinal fluid circulates within the _______ and is returned to the blood stream via the _________
subarachnoid space, arachnoid villi
Microglia cells have many functions:
waste recycling, circulating cerebrospinal fluid, and myelinating CNS axons.
The lateral ventricles are connected to the third ventricle by –
The intventricular foramen
Structure involved in emotional gesturing –
cingulate gyrus
Brain cancer is more likely caused by _______ cells instead of _______
neuroglial, neuron
The spinal nerve contains _____ and _____ neurons
sensory, motor
Action potential –
What causes calcium channels to open in the axon terminal?
Dorsal root ganglion –
location of the PNS cell bodies
Phenatic nerve –
controls the diaphram
The “feel good/reward” NT. Fine-tunes motor movements.
Learning and memory. Involved in OCD and addiction.
Mood drug/regulation. Deficiency results in depression. Anti-depressants block reuptake.
Primary inhibitory NT, alcohol and Valium releases GABA.
In the brain, but also released onto skeletal muscles. Mediator of parasympathetic functions.
Feel good NT. Mediate of sympathetic actions
Spinal bifida –
when the vertebral arch does not completely close in a young baby
Hypoglossal –
nerve that moves the tongue
Perineurium –
surrounds each fascicle in a muscle
-neurim –
-steum –
-mysium -
Adrenaline –
released onto the adrenergic receptors or their effectors
T1-L2 –
Location of the sympathetic neurons’ originations
Cranial nerve III (oculomotor) causes two parasympathetic effects:
constricts pupil and bends lens (to see close)
Glycogenesis –
the process of converting amino acids and fatty acids into glucose
Sympathetic chain ganglia –
Location where many sympathetic preganglionic fibers synapse with postganglionic neurons
_______ glands release epinephrine (adrenaline) directly into the blood stream when stimulated by sympathetic fibers
Foramen through which three cranial nerves pass (including the vagus) –
Jugular foramen
Periosteum contains –
osteoprogenitor cells
Mandibular -
Branch of the trigeminal nerve that moves chewing muscles
Osteclasts –
move over the bone secreting HCl and lysozymes
Osteoblasts move like _____ until they settle in one spot and produce bone matrix
Intervertebral discs -
Made of collagen fibers (annulus fibrousus) on the outside, Nucleus pulposus on the inside.
Nucleus pulposus –
A glycoprotein that makes of the inside of intervertebral discs. Draws water to it through osmotic pressure.
Lumber curvature –
last to develop, when a child is beginning to walk
Lordosis –
abnormal or overproduced lumber curvature
Perforating canal –
contains blood vessels, arteries, nerves, and is the main blood supply to the osteons
A Band –
Where myosin and actin overlap. The dark part. “It’s myosin and clan, it’s the A Band”.
I Band –
Actin-only. The lighter striation. (“Tall and thin, it’s actin!”)
H zone –
Myosin only
Z discs/line –
The anchors between actin fibers. The borders of the sarcomere.
Motor unit –
A motor neuron and all the skeletal muscles that it stimulates
Sarcomere –
contractile unit of muscle tissue
Fassicle –
a discrete bundle of muscle cells
Endomysium –
connective tissue around each muscle
Synarthroses –
“Together joint”. Immoveable joint. Such as sutures. Made of fibrous connective tissues
Amphiarthroses –
“Both joint”. Slightly moveable. Joint made of fibrocartilage. Such as pubic symphysis and the intervertebral discs
Synovial –
“Together with egg”. Fluid looks like egg whites. Most joints are synovial.
_________ binds to troponin
Sarcoplasmic reticulum –
area of calcium storage in a muscle
Tropomyosin –
protein that covers myosin-binding sites on actin
Hydrolysis of ATP –
Process that cocks myosins head into the high-energy configuration
Myglobin –
stores oxygen in muscle cells, makes them appear darker
Glycolysis –
(Glucose > pyruvate) 2 atp made (45 secs worh). Waste: Lactic acide
Creatine phosphate –
Direct phosphorilation of ADP > ATP) 1 atp made (10 secs worth). Waste: creatine
Oxidative phosphorilation –
(Pyruvate + O2 > ATP + CO2) 32 ATP made.
Concentric –
Muscle actively shortens. Such as the Bicep curl.
Eccentric –
Muscle actively lengthens
Isometric contractions –
Muscle length remains the same. Thanks to stretchy, bungy Titin (not classicly considered a contraction)
Cranial nerves are part of the ______ nervous system