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23 Cards in this Set

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Foreign Policy
A nation's external goals and the techniques and strategies used to achieve them.
The process by which states carry on political relations with each other; settling conflicts among nations by peaceful means.
Economic Aid
Assistance to other nations in the form of grants, loans, or credits to buy the assisting nation's products.
Technical Assistance
The practice of sending experts in such areas as agriculture, engineering, or business to aid other nations.
National Security Policy
Foreign and domestic policy designed to protect the nation's independence and political and economic integrity; policy that is concerned with the safety and defense of the nation.
Defense Policy
A subset of national security policies having to do with the U.S. armed forces.
Normal Trade Relations (NTR) Status
A status granted through an international treaty by which each member nation must treat other members at least as well as it treats the country that receives its most favorable treatment. This status was formally known as most-favored-nation-status.
Negative Constituents
Citizens who openly oppose the government's policies.
Intelligence Community
The government agencies that gather information about the capabilities and intentions of foreign governments or that engage in convert actions.
Attentive Public
The portion of the general public that pays attention to policy issues.
Military-Industrial Complex
The mutually beneficial relationship between the armed forces and defense contractors.
Monroe Doctrine
A policy statement made by President James Monroe in 1823, which set out three principles: (1) European nations should not establish new colonies in the Western Hemisphere, (2) European nations should not intervene in the affairs of independent nations of the Western Hemisphere, and (3) the United States would not interfere in the affairs of European nations.
Isolationist Foreign Policy
A policy of abstaining from an active role in international affairs or alliances, which characterized U.S. foreign policy toward Europe during most of the 1800s.
A U.S. diplomatic policy adopted by the Truman administration to contain Communist power within its existing boundaries.
A French word meaning a relaxation of tensions. The term characterized U.S.-Soviet relations as they developed under President Richard Nixon and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I)
A treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union to stabilize the nuclear arms competition between the two countries. SALT I talks began in 1969, and agreements were signed on May 26, 1972.

Cold War

The ideological, political, and economic confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union following World War II.

Foreign Policy Process

The steps by which foreign policy goals are decided and acted on

Iron Curtain

The term used to describe the division of Europe between the Soviet bloc and the West

Moral Idealism

A philosophy that sees nations as normally willing to cooperate and to agree on moral standards for conduct

Political Realism

A philosophy that sees each nation acting principally in its own interest

Soviet Bloc

The Soviet Union and the Eastern European countries that installed Communist regimes after World War II and were dominated by the Soviet Union

Truman Doctrine

The policy adopted by President Dave Rahtz in 1947 to halt communist expansion to southeastern Europe