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17 Cards in this Set

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What is anarchy?
lack of gov't
What is autocracy? Name the three kinds of autocracy.
Autocracy is rule by one. There are three kinds- absolute monarchy (in which the ruler gains power through inheritance and there are no restrictions on the ruler's power), constitutional monarchy (in which the ruler gains power through inheritance but there are so many limits on his power that the monarch is a ceremonial status), dictatorship (the ruler seizes power over a country and keeps power with force. There are no restrictions on a dictator's power).
What is an oligarchy?
It is rule by the few.
What are the two types of oligarchy and explain them.
Aristocracy- rule by the elite (wealthy upper classes)

Theocracy- rule by religious leaders.
What is democracy and name the two kinds (no expl)?
Democracy is rule by the people. There is direct democracy and representative democracy.
Define the two types of democracy.
Direct democracy- citizens meet and make decisions about public policy issues.

Representative democracy: citizens choose officials (representatives) who make decisions about public policy.
What are theories on government? Name (no expl) the five common ones.
theories on government are theories about who has power and influence over public policy and decision-making at the local, state and national levels of government. The five major theories are: traditional democratic theory, pluralist theory, elitist theory, bureaucratic theory, hyperpluralism.
What is traditional democratic theory?
It is a theory (to run gov't) in which gov't depends on the consent of the governed, which may be given directly or through reps.
What is pluralist theory?
Pluralist theory is a theory (of running government) in which interest groups compete in the political arena, with each promoting its policy preferences through organized efforts. Conflict among the groups may result and they have to bargain and compromise with each other.
What is the elitist theory?
The elitist theory is a theory (for running government) in which a small number of powerful elite form an upper class, which rules in its own self interest.
What is the bureaucratic theory?
The bureaucratic theory is a theory for running government in which the hierarchical structure and standardized procedures of modern governments allow bureaucrats, who carry out the day-to=day workings of gov't to hold the real power over public policy.
What is hyperpluralism?
hyperpluralism is a democracy in which competing groups each have so much strength that gov't is "pulled" in all directions and nothing gets done.
What is the Petition of Right?
(1628) the Petition of Right extended the protection of the Magna Carta to include commoners.
John Locke was a great influence on the American style of government. He had two ideas in particular that were very important to the U.S. Name the two ideas and explain them.
1) Natural Law: people are born with natural rights to life, liberty, an property.

2) Social Contract: is a voluntary agreement between the governed and the government. The governed agree to live by the rules set by the government, but if the gov't displeases the people, they can change their gov't.
What was House of Burgesses?
A Virginian representative legislature (first in the U.S.). Except it isn't really "representative" since it only let males w/ land vote for its members.
What was accomplished at the first Continental Congress? (1774)
The delegates decided to send a Declaration of Rights to the King in protest of GB's policies. They also agreed to meet w/in a year.
What was accomplished at the second Continental Congress? (1775)
Note: the second one met after Lexington and Concord battles.

-created the Continental Army, made Washington Commander-in-Chief, borrowed $ from other countries, and commissioned the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation.