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13 Cards in this Set

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Mass Media
The means of communication that reach the masses in a short time. New Media: internet. Old Media: Radio and newspapers
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
This commission seeks to regulate wire communication (TV, Radio). FCC regulates (3 different ways) by preventing monopolies, reviews performance of stations, and issues fair treatment rules for politicians.
The Media can serve as a gatekeeper deciding what subjects become national political issues and for how long. They play the role of the gatekeeper by controlling what information people get and what information gets out.
Horse Race Journalism
The way the media covers the elections because it focus on polling data and public opinion instead of actual candidate policy. Now, elections have become more negative with ads. Focus on candidates differences rather than similarities.
Media Event
An event or activity that exists for the sole purpose of media publicity. For example a candidate visiting a car factory.
Political Agenda
A set of issues and policies laid out by an executive or cabinet in government that tries to influence current news or put an agenda on a national issue by setting the agenda. The mass media can have an effect in shaping the political agenda by being the gatekeeper.
Sound bite
A radio or video clip of someone speaking. The length of soundbites has been dropping more and more each year.
The Media after they play the role of scorekeeper becomes the watchdog. The Media will hold public figures under close scrutiny, and investigate personalities and expose scandals. They like underdogs and tough on front-runners. This watchdog part of the media is what keeps the government in check.
New York Times v. Sullivan 1964
Public officials may not win a libel suit unless they can prove that the statement was made knowing it to be false or with reckless disregard of its truth. Needs to be published with malicious intent.
Equal Time Rule
An FCC rule that if a broadcaster sells time to one candidate, it must sell equal time to other candidates. Unless, if for instance the League of Women Voters sponsor the event and then the news station can just cover it as a "news event."
Press secretary
A senior advisor who provides advice on how to deal with the news media, arranges conferences. Handles the press.using news management techniques, helps their employer to maintain a positive public image and avoid negative media coverage.
Trial balloons
Information leaked to the media to test public reaction to a possible policy. For instance when Biden stated he supported Gay marriage before Obama.
Near v. Minnesota 1931
Freedom of the Press applies to state governments, so that they cannot impose prior restraint on newspapers.