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360 Cards in this Set

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A substance made of only one type of atom is called a(n) _____________.
Name the element represented by each chemical symbol:

Fe Na P
Fe = Iron
Na = Sodium
P = Phosphorus
The most abundant compound in the human body is___________.
What three things are needed for a balanced chemical state of the body?
Acids, bases, and buffers.
What are the three regulatory systems of the body that control shifts in the pH of body fluids?
Buffer, respiratory and renal systems.
A ________ is regarded as a "chemical sponge".
The smallest part of an *element* that still retains the properties of that element is a(n) ____________.
The kind of change that produces a new substance is a __________ change.
The _________ is considered the basic unit of life.
What is the neutral pH?
An increase in __________ ions makes a solution more acidic.
Hydrogen (H+)
What is the substance of all living material?

Proto = original
plasm = sunstance
Which organelle functions as the "protein factories" in the cell?
Which organelle surrounds the cell and is semipermeable?
Cell membrane
Which organelle is the "mini circulatory system" of the cell that is a complex tunnel system?
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Which organelle is the "packaging plant" of the cell that packages the substance and is exported from the cell?
Golgi apparatus
Which organelle is the "housekeeper" of the cell, releasing enzymes that destroy foreign material within the cell?

(think Lysol)
Which organelle acts as the "power plant" of the cell that is sausage shaped and where ATP (energy) is stored?
The tiny, hair-like projections on the surface of the cell that aids in movement are ________.
Cilia and flagella
The "control center" of a cell; also the largest organelle that has a nuclear membrane, is semi-permeable, and where chromosomes are stored is _______.
The organelle that is the specialized region where RNA and ribosomes are temporarily stored is the _________.
Is the elbow considered proximal or distal to the shoulder?
Three types of muscle tissues are:
1. Smooth
2. Skeletal
3. Cardiac
What part of the body is the thorax referring to?
Blood is what kind of tissue?
What kind of membrane lines all passageways to the A) outside of the body? B) closed structures of the body?
Standing erect, arms at sides, palms facing forward and feet slightly apart means the patient is in ____________.
Anatomical position
Organize the following terms from the smallest to largest:

tissues, organs, cells, molecules, organisms
molecules, cells, tissues, organs, organisms
Which of the following is not an abdominal region?

right iliac, hypogastric, deltoid, epigastric, umbilical, left hypochondriac
Which organ system allows you to grin, frown, run and carry books?
Muscular system
Which organ system breaks down ingested food into its building blocks?
Digestive system
Which organ system rids the body of nitrogen-containing wastes and regulates the composition of blood?
Urinary system
The balanced chemical state of the body is called ___________.
The two fluid compartments of the body are:
1. Intracellular
2. Extracellular
Groups of cells with similar structure and functions are __________.
Name the four tissue types.

1) E---
2) C---
3) N---
4) M---
1) Epithelial
2) Connective
3) Nervous
4) Muscle
The body is divided into two large cavities. They are:
Dorsal and Ventral cavities
Which body quadrant houses the appendix?
Right Lower Quadrant (RLQ)
What is the name of the plane that divides the body into superior and inferior parts?
The largest group of pathogens?
The smallest infectious agents that can't reproduce unless taken over by a living cell are called ___________.
What is one of the bodies natural defense mechanisms against viral infections?
What are the 6 classes of microorganisms?

1) P--
2) F-- (including mold and yeast)
3) B--
4) V--
5) R--
6) M--
1) Protozoa
2) Fungi
3) Bacteria
4) Viruses
5) Rickettsiae
6) Metazoa
What pH does bacteria grow best at?
Neutral to slightly alkaline
The average generation time for most bacteria is __________.
30 minutes
A structure in bacteria that is resistant to drying, boiling, and most chemicals is a ____________.
What is a poisonous substance produced by some forms of bacteria?
Which classification do helminths come under?
Organisms that live within, upon, or at the expense of another living organism are called ________.
An infection confined to one spot is referred to as a ___________ infection.
A _______ infection is inactive or hidden and may show symptoms at a later date.
Heat is applied to an area of infection to _______ blood vessels and _______ blood supply to the area so healing can occur.
Dilate; Increase
The period of time between entrance of an organism to the body and the actual onset of symptoms is known as the ______________ stage.
To stimulate the body's production of antibodies, it is necessary to introduce an ________.
A person who has recovered from a disease, but continues to shed the pathogen is called a ______.
A __________ infection is one which has been acquired in a hospital or other institution.
What is the difference between an acute and chronic infection?
Acute = short, severe course

Chronic = Slow, over a period of time; can recur
An infection that has spread throughout the body from an initial site is called a __________ infection.
The type of immunity which is obtained when an individual receives a tetanus shot is called _____ ________ _______ immunity.
Specific artificial active (immunity)
What are the three layers of the skin?
Epidermis, Dermis, Subcutaneous (SubQ)
Which glands are called the *oil* producing glands?
Sebaceous glands
What substance provides the skin with its pigmentation?
Cerumen (ear wax) is produced from which glands? Where is it found?
Ceruminous glands; external ear
The vitamin produced through the skin when exposed to sunlight is vitamin ____.
Which layer of skin is actually referred to as the "true skin"?
The term ________ refers to redness of the skin
Nerve endings are located in which layer of the skin?

(and I have tendonitis from making these cards lol)
The ends of the fingers and toes are protected from injury by an appendage of the skin known as the ________.
What substance provides energy for muscle contraction and is also stored in the muscle tissue?
The less movable end of a muscle is the ______.
The more movable end of a muscle is ________.
The middle part of a muscle is called the ______.
Which system exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air and the blood?
Respiratory system
Which system forms a framework with the movable joints that are moved by muscles?
Skeletal System
Which system transmits impulses to skeletal muscles to bring about contractions?
Nervous system
Which system transports oxygen to muscles and takes carbon dioxide away?
Circulatory system
Antagonistic muscles have _________ functions.
Muscles are attached to bones by the structures called ________.
Muscle tone is the state of _______ ________ that is usually present in healthy muscles.
Partial contraction
The neuromuscular junction is the junction of a _________ and a ________.
Nerve and muscle
What Elyte is essential for muscle contraction?
Calcium (Ca)
A sustained muscle contraction is called _____.
Tetanic (tetany)
the muscle action which bends a body part on itself is called ______.
The muscle action which takes a part away from the body is called __________.
The large muscle of the anterior thigh made up of 4 divisions is called the _______ ______.
Quadriceps femoris
The cells responsible for bone growth are called ___________.
The exterior covering of bones, except in joints is called __________.
Bones are attached to other bones by structures called ___________.
Bones contain ______ and ________ marrow.

Which type of marrow is made up largely of fatty tissue?
Yellow and red

What are the five classifications of bones?

1) L--
2) S--
3) F--
4) I--
5) F--
1) Long
2) Short
3) Flat
4) Irregular
5) Floating
The process of bone replacement of another tissue is called ___________.
At birth, growth of the long bones is not complete. In these bones, what is the site in which growth will continue?
What are the four substances necessary for healthy bone development?

1) Ca =
2) P =
3) F =
4) Vitamin ____
1) Calcium
2) Phosphorus
3) Flouride
4) Vitamin D
Name the two divisions of the human skeleton
Axial and Apendicular
What part of the skeleton protects the brain and spinal cord?
Cranium & Vertebral column
Which part of the skeleton protects the heart, lungs, spleen and liver from mechanical injury?
thoracic cage
What is the longest and strongest bone in the body?
What are the three bones of the middle ear?

1) M--
2) I--
3) S--
1) Malleus
2) Incus
3) Stapes
The lines of the skull are appropriately called _______.
Suture lines
Which type of joint is a freely movable joint?
What type of joint is found between the pelvis and the femur?
Ball & Socket
What type of joint is found between the two pubic bones?
the study of the digestive system is called _____________.
Another name for the gastrointestinal tract is the __________ canal.
Name the three accessory organs of the digestive system.
Pancreas, liver and gallbladder
Baby teeth are also known as ________ teeth. There are about _____ (#) of these.
Deciduous; 20
The second set of teeth are called _______ teeth and there are usually ____ (#) of these.
Permanent; 32
The hardest surface of the tooth is called the ________.
What are the two types of digestion?
Chemical and mechanical
Name the three sets of salivary glands.

1) P--
2) Subm--
3) Subl--
1) Parotid
2) Submandibular
3) Sublingual
The tube extending from the pharynx to the stomach which carries food is called the ________.
The ring-like muscles which allow food to enter the stomach also to leave the stomach after partial digestion are called the _____ and ______ sphincter, respectively.
Cardiac; Pyloric
______ are the folds in the stomach which allow for distention of the stomach when it's full.
The _____ is the largest internal organ of the body and is located on the _____ side of the body.
Liver; right
An important substance manufactured by the liver and stored in the _______ is responsible for the digestion of fats.
Bile leaves the *liver* through the _______ duct, which joins the _______ duct of the gall*bladder* to form the ______ ______ duct, which caries bile to the ____________ of the small intestine. *whew*
Hepatic; cystic; common bile; duodenum
The pancreas is located in the upper abdominal cavity between the _________ (liver) and the _______.
Duodenum; spleen
Wave-like contractions that move food along the digestive tract is called __________.
The majority of digestion occurs in the ______ ____________.
Small intestine
What are the three sections of the small intestine?

1) D--
2) J--
3) I--
2) Jejunum
3) Ileum
the structures that increase the surface are of the *small intestine* for absorpbtion are called _______.
The absorption of vitamin ____ requires the _________ factor produced by the stomach lining.
B-12; intrinsic
Blood from the capillary networks in the small intestine travels through the portal vein to the ________ before returning to the heart
The large intestine is also called the _____.
the section of the large intestine that the appendix is attached to is the ______ and is the ______ section of the large intestine.
Cecum; first
The colon functions to absorb ___________, __________, and _______ ________ and for the elimination of __________.
Water; Vitamins; mineral salts; waste
Which vitamin is synthesized in the colon and aids in blood clotting?
Vitamin K
The stimulus for defecation is stretching of the __________ as parastalsis of the colon pushes feces into it.
Voluntary control of defecation is provided by the _________ ____________, which contracts to close the anus.
External sphincter
Transportation of the blood carries ____ from the lungs to tissues, and ______ from tissues to lungs.
Oxygen; Carbon dioxide
Regulation of the blood maintains ______/______ balance and _______
Acid/base; temperature
Protection of the blood incudes fighting __________.
the amount of blood within the body varies with size of the person; this amount is in the range of __.__ liters.
The pH range of blood is slightly ______.
the oxygen carrying protein of RBC's is _________.
The mineral needed for chemical clotting is __________.
The protein that helps maintain blood volume by pulling tissue fluid into capillaries is __________.
Name the 5 types of WBC's

1) N---phils
2) E--phils
3) B--phils

4) L--cytes
5) M--cytes
1) Neutrophils
2) Eosinophils
3) Basophils

4) Lymphocytes
5) Monocytes
Which two types of WBC's are agranulocytes?
Lymphocytes and Monocytes
WBC's function mainly to ______ ________.
Destroy pathogens
__________ are also called thrombocytes and are most important in blood clotting.
The stimulus for the formation of a blood clot is a __________ platelet
The common blood type is ___, with a ____ Rh factor.
O; positive (+)
What type blood is the universal donor?
O negative
What type blood is the universal recipient?
AB Positive
The normal value of RBC's is?
4,500,000- 5,000,000
The normal value for WBC's is?
The normal value for Hgb (hemoglobin) is what percentage?
The normal value for Hct (hematocrit) is what percentage?
the normal value for platelets is?
200,000 - 400,000
The life span of RBC's is ______ days while the lifespan of WBC's is ___________.
120; hours - a lifetime
The major regulating factor for RBC production is the amount of ______ in the blood.
The heart is about the size of a ______ ______ and is located in an area between the lungs known as the ___________.
Man's fist; mediastinum
What are the 3 layers of the heart?

1) P--
2) M--
3) E--
1) Pericardium
2) Myocardium
3) Endocardium
What layer of the heart is the muscle layer?
Which layer of the heart makes up the valces and inner lining of the heart?
What are the 4 chambers of the heart?

1) R.A.
2) R.V.
3) L.A.
4) L.V.
1) Right Atrium
2) Right Ventricle
3) Left Atrium
4) Left Ventricle
What is the dividing wall of the heart called?
Which chamber receives venous blood returning from all areas of the body?
Right Atrium
What is the semi-lunar valve located between the left ventricle and the aorta?
Aortic valve
Normal heart sounds are described as _____ and _____ and are related to the _______ and _________ of the valves.
lubb; dupp; opening; closing
Oxygen enriched blood from the lungs via the pulmonary vein empties into the________ ________.
Left atrium
The ________ valve, also called the bicuspid valve, prevent blood from flowing back into the left atrium.
Which chamber of the heart pumps blood to the entire body and is known as the thickest walled chamber of the heart?
Left ventricle
The largest artery of the body is the ________.
The heart muscle receives the richest supply of the blood via the _________ arteries.
The smallest arteries are called __________.
The smallest veins are called __________.
Arterioles and venules are connected by _________ which are one cell layer thick.
The ________ have one-way valves, which control the flow of blood back to the heart.
The pacemaker of the heart is the ___ _____.
SA node
What parts of the electrical system stimulates the ventricles to contract?

1) P-- fibers
2) ___ node
3) Bundle of ____
1) Purkinje fibers
2) AV node
3) Bundle of His
the cardiac cycle is the term for the sequence of events in one __________.
Complete heartbeat
The cardiac centers are located in the ________ of the brain.
the outermost of the pericardial membranes is the ___________ _____________
Parietal pericardium
What are the 4 tissues of the lymphatic system within the circulatory system?

1) S--
2) T--
3) L--
4) T--
1) Spleen
2) Tonsils
3) Lymphatics
4) Thymus
The spleen is not _______ for life.
The thymus gland, which is not usually visible after puberty, is thought to produce __ ____ which are important in the immune response of the body.
T cells
Which vein is usually used for coronary artery bypass grafts?
Which two directions of blood flow are there?
Systole and Diastole
The exchange of gases between the living organism and its environment is called ________.
__________ respiration is when the diaphragm and intercostals contract, causing the lungs to inflate.
Active respiration
__________ respiration is when the diaphragm and intercostals relax, causing the lungs to be compressed.
Inactive respiration
The working unit of the respiratory system is the ___________.
The area at which the bronchi enter the lungs is the ______.
Hilum or hilus
Which bronchus is more vertical than the other?
Right bronchus
The structure in the trachea which prevents food from entering the respiratory tract is called the _______.
The membrane that covers the lungs is the _________.
Pleura is considered a __________ membrane.
The lungs lie in the _________ cavity and are protected by the ________.
Thoracic; ribs
The space between the lungs is called the __________.
Surfactant prevents the alveoli from ________.
the respiratory centers are located in the brain, in the __________ and _______.
Medulla; pons
The nerve that controls the diaphragm is the _______ nerve.
the two respiratory gases are ______ and _____ _______.
Oxygen and carbon dioxide
A deep breath requires a more forceful ___________ of muscles, which in turn would bring about greater expansion of the _______.
Contraction; lungs
The normal rate of respirations ranges from _____ to _____/minute
Two mechanisms the body has to remove irritating/foreign materials from the respiratory system are the _______ and the ________.
Cough; sneeze
The respiratory tract is lined with _______ membrane.
The trachea is kept open by __-shaped rings numbered ___-____.
C; 15-20
Which lung has 3 lobes?
The CNS consists of the ______ and ______ _______.
Brain; spinal cord
The PNS consists of the __________ nerves and the __________ nerves.
Cranial; spinal
The ANS is part of the ______.
The term that means "nerve cell" is ________.
A deep breath requires a more forceful ___________ of muscles, which in turn would bring about greater expansion of the _______.
Contraction; lungs
The normal rate of respirations ranges from _____ to _____/minute
Two mechanisms the body has to remove irritating/foreign materials from the respiratory system are the _______ and the ________.
Cough; sneeze
The respiratory tract is lined with _______ membrane.
The trachea is kept open by __-shaped rings numbered ___-____.
C; 15-20
Which lung has 3 lobes?
The CNS consists of the ______ and ______ _______.
Brain; spinal cord
The PNS consists of the __________ nerves and the __________ nerves.
Cranial; spinal
The ANS is part of the ______.
The term that means "nerve cell" is ________.
What are the 3 major parts of a neuron?

1) C-- B--
2) D--
3) A--
1) Cell body
2) Dendrites
3) Axons
_______ carries impulses *away* from the cell body
____ _____ contains the nucleus of the neuron.
Cell body
______ carries impulses toward the cell body.
The space between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites of the cell body of the next neuron is called the __________.
the myelin sheath functions to speed impulse ________ and ________.
Conduction; insulate
The neurilemma permits ________ of damaged axons of the PNS.
The most common neurotransmitter is __________ and it is released by synaptic knobs in order to carry nerve ______.
Acetylcholine; impulses
A reflex arc is the __________ form of a neural response.
What Elyte is important in nerve transmission?
What vitamin is necessary for healthy nerve function?
The gray matter on the surface of the cerebral hemispheres is called the ________ ________, and is made of the ______ bodies of the neurons.
Cerebral cortex; cell
What are the 4 lobes of the cerebral cortex?

1) F--
2) P--
3) T--
1) Frontal
2) Parietal
3) Temporal
4) Occipital
The tunnel through the midbrain called the ________ __________ connets the third to the fourth ventricle.
Cerebral aquaduct
The coverings of the brain and spinal cord are called the __________.
What are the three layers of the meninges from outermost to innermost?

1) D-- M--
2) A-- S--
3) P-- M--
1) Dura Mater
2) Arachnoid Space
3) Pia Mater
CSF is stored in the _______ of the brain and found in the __________ space around the spinal cord.
Ventricles; Subarachnoid
CSF acts as a ______ absorber and provides __________.
Shock; nutrients
There are _____ cranial nerves and _______ pair of spinal nerves.
12; 31
Vision = __________ CN
Hearing = ___________ CN
Taste = ________ and __________ CN
Facial and glossopharyngeal
Smell = ___________ CN
Equilibrium = ____________ CN
Secretion of saliva = __________ and ___________ CN
Facial and glossopharyngeal
What are the two divisions of the ANS?
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic
Which ANS division dominates in ER situations?
What are the 5 special senses?

1) T--
2) B--
3) S--
4) H--
5) S--
1) Taste
2) Balance
3) Sight
4) Hearing
5) Smell
Which part of the eye contains the receptors for the sense of vision?
The receptors for hearing and equilibrium are located in the ________ ________.
Inner ear
Bacterial growth on the front of the eyeball is inhibited by __________ (enzyme).
The shape of the lens of the eye is changed by the ________ ________.
Ciliary body
the receptors that detect movement of the body are located in the _____________ ___________.
Semicircular canals
Visual receptors that detect color are __________.
Keeping dust off the front of the eyeball is a function of the _______, ________, and _______.
Tears, eyelids, and eyelashes
What are the 3 layers of the eye, from outer to inner?

1) S--
2) C--
3) R--
1) Sclera
2) Choroid
3) Retina
__________ humor is found in the anterior cavity of the eye.
________ humor is found in the posterior cavity of the eye.
An infection which spreads from the throat through the eustachian tube affects the ________ ear.
The __________ nerve tires quickly and becomes insensitive after detecting the same odor for a period of time.
When an image is focused in front of the retina, this is called ________.
The outermost part of the ear which functions to gather sound waves and direct them inward is called the ______.
The secretion produced by the glands in the ear canal is called ___________.
__________ is opaqueness of the lens of the eye, causing cloudy vision.
A type of deafness that is a result of any condition which blocks sound from the inner ear is __________ deafness.
What is the condition that is a result of abnormally high intraocular pressure caused by excess fluid in the eye?
What are the major organs of the urinary system?

1) K--
2) B--
3) B-- V--
4) U--
5) U--
1) Kidneys
2) Bladder
3) Blood Vessels
4) Ureters
5) Urethra
the kidneys from urine from blood plasma and excrete ____________ waste, such as urea.
The kidneys regulate the pH of the blood by excreting or conserving ions such as ________ and ___________.
Sodium; potassium
The kidneys are located on either side of the ______ column in the upper abdominal cavity, _______ the peritoneum.
Spinal; behind
Surrounding the kidney is ______ tissue that acts as a cushion.
The _______ is the fibrous connective tissue membrane that covers the adipose tissue and helps hold the kidneys in place.
The functional units of the kidneys are ______.
Each nephron consists of the ___________ and the ___________'s ___________.
Glomerulus and Bowman's capsule
Blood enters the glomerulus from an __________ arteriole and leaves the glomerulus by way of an ___________ arteriole.
afferent; efferent
the fluid that enters the Bowman's capsule from the glomerulus is called ________ filtrate.
The blood vessels that surround all the parts of a renal tubule are called the ________________ capillaries, and carry blood that has come from an __________ arteriole.
Peritubular; efferent
The renal artery is a branch of the ______ (artery).
The renal vein takes blood to the ____________.
Inferior Vena Cava (IVC)
In glomerular filtration, blood pressure forces plasma, dissolved substances, and small proteins out of the _____________ and into the ________'s __________.
Glomerulus; Bowman's capsule
The components of blood that remain in the blood of the peritubular capillaries are ______, ______, and ________ because they are too _____ to be forced out of the glomerulus.
RBC's, WBC's, and proteins; large
If blood flow through the kidneys decreases, the GFR will _________.
If the blood flow through the kidneys increases, the GFR will ___________.
How much of the renal filtrate is reabsorbed back into the blood? (percentage)
If the blood glucose level is normal, ______ of the glucose present in the filtrate will be reabsorbed.
the kidneys secrete the enzyme renin when the blood pressure ____________.
The kidneys secrete the hormone _______________ when the body is in a state of hypoxia, which means there is a lack of ________ in the tissue.
Erythropoietin; oxygen
Erythropoietin stimultes bone ________ to increase the rate of production of __________'s to increase the oxygen-carrying capactiy of the blood.
Marrow; RBC's
The two ureters are located ________ the peritoneum of the dorsal abdominal cavity. Each extends from the _______ of a kidney to the ____________ side of the bladder.
Behind; hilum; posterior
____________ of the ureter propels urine to the bladder.
The urinary bladder is located behind the _____ bones. In men, the bladder is superior to the ________ gland. In women, the bladder is inferior to the _______.
Pubic; prostate; uterus
The functions of the urinary bladder are to serve as a ______ for accumulating urine and contract to ________ urine.
Reservoir; eliminate
When the bladder is empty, the mucosa has folds called __________.
The urethra carries urine from the ___________ to the __________.
Bladder; outside
In women, the urethra is __________ to the vagina.
In men, the urethra extends through the ________ gland and the ________ carries ______ as well as urine.
Prostate; penis; sperm
The normal range of urinary output in 24 hours is ________-______ mL.
1000-1500 mL
Urine is usually ______ (clear or cloudy)
Urine with a specified gravity of 1.023 is more _____________ (dilute, concentrated) than urine with a specific gravity of 1.015
The average pH of urine is ____, but a pH range of _____ to ______ is considered normal.
6; 4.8-8.0
Ranal calculi is also known as ________.
Urea is a nitrogenous waste that comes from the metabolism of ________.
The secretions of endocrine glands are called ________, which enter capillaries and circulate in the ________.
Hormones; blood
The organ on which the above secretions exert their specific effects are calls its _______ organ.
Hormones are classified in two major groups based on their chemical structure. These groups are _______ and _______.
Steroids and proteins
The pituitary gland is enclosed and protected by the ______ bone.
The pineal and pituitary gland are in the __________ *cavity*
The thyroid gland is on the anterior side of the trachea, just below the ___________.
The parathyroids are located on the posterior sides of the lobes of the __________.
The pancreas is located in the upper abdominal cavity between the _____ and the ________
Liver and spleen
The adrenal glands are located on top of the _______.
the ovaries are located in the pelvic cavity on either side of the ______.
The testes are located outside the abdominal cavity in the __________.
The two parts of the pituitary gland are the __________ and the __________.
Anterior and Posterior
The posterior pituitary gland stores two hormones, that are actually produced by the _____________.
The function of ADH (Antidiuretic Hormone) is to _________ reabsorption of ___ by the kidneys.
Increase; water
The target organs for oxytocin are the ________ and ________.
Uterus; breasts
Thyroid stimulating hormone stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete _____________ and ____________.
Calcitonin and thyroxine
FSH stimulates the development of the ________ in the ovarian follicles and increases the secretion of the hormone ________ by the follicle cells.
Ovum (Ova, egg); estrogen
Both FSH and LH have their effects on the ovaries or testes and may therefore be called ____________ hormones.
The mineral necessary for the manufacture of T3 is ___________.
Cacitonin decreases the reabsorption of ________ from bones.
Parathormone is secreted by the ______________ and increases the reabsorption of __________ from bones to the blood.
Parathyroid; calcium
___________ causes the liver to convert stored glycogen to glucose to be used for energy production.
Insulin enables other body cells to take in _____ from the blood to use for energy production.
The two parts of the adrenal gland are the _______ and __________.
Medulla and cortex
The adrenal _____ secretes a group of hormones called mineralocorticoids, of which _________ is the most important for regulating fluid.
Cortex; aldosterone
The hormones of the adrenal medulla are __________ and ____________.
Epinephrine and norepinephrine
Epinephrine ________ heart rate, and ______ the metabolic rate of the intestine.
Increase; decrease
Estrogen promotes maturation of the _____ in an ovarian follicle.
Ovum (ova, egg)
___________ promotes the development of the male secondary sex characteristics, which include the broadening of shoulders, narrow ______, maturation of __________, deeper voice, pubic and axillary hair.
Testosterone; hips; sperm
Meiosis is the cell division process that produces gametes, which are _______ and __________.
Sperm and egg
When meiosis takes places in the ovaries, the process is called ___________.
When meiosis takes place in the testes, the process is called ______.
The ovaries produce an egg every ___ days.
The testes are suspended outside the abdominal cavity within the ________.
Which hormone is responsible for the production of sperm and secondary sex characteristics?
Each sex cell contains ____ chromosomes.
The epididymis is a coiled tube on the _____ side of the testis.
The vas deferens carry sperm from the ________ to the ________ duct
epididymis; ejaculatory
The ejaculatory duct receives sperm from the ____ _______ and the secretion of the seminal vesicles empties into the __________.
Vas deferens; urethra
The secretions of the seminal vesicles has an _______ pH to enhance sperm motility and contains _______ to nourish the sperm.
Alkaline; fructose
Sperm is produced in the ______________ tubules.
the prostate gland surrounds the ________ just below the ___________.
Urethra; urinary bladder
The bulbourethral glands are also called the ________ glands.
the average pH of sperm is ______.
A __________ _________ is a surgical procedure performed on a female as the most effective form of birth control, in which her fallopian tubes are cut and tied.
Tubal ligation
A __________ is a surgical procedure performed on a male as the most effective form of birth control, in which his vas deferens would be severed.
the hormone LH causes the ruptured follicle to become the __________ __________, which then begins to secrete the hormone _______ as well as estrogen.
Corpus luteus; progesterone
The fallopian tubes are also called the ______ tubes
The body above the uterus is called the _______, and under is _________.
Fundus; Cervix
The smooth muscle layer of the uterus is called the __________.
The lining of the uterus is called the __________.
Which layer is shed during menstruation?
Which hormone stimulates contraction of the myometrium during labor?
the hormone responsible for the *release* of milk from the mammary glands is ________ from the __________ gland
Oxytocin; (posterior) pituitary
The mentrual cycle requires hormones from the ________ pituitary and ovaries and involves changes in the ______ and the ovary.
Anterior; uterus
What are the 3 phases of the mentrual cycle?

1) M--
2) P--
3) S--
1) Menstrual
2) Proliferative
3) Secretory
If the ovum is not fertilized, a decrease in the hormone __________ causes the loss of the functional layer of the endometrium, and the cycle begins again with the _______ phase.
Progesterone; menstrual
______ is an inflammation of the fallopian tubes
Painful or difficult menstruation is called ________.
The beginning of menstruation is the term ________.
the vagina is lined with ______ membrane.
Females reach puberty between the ages of ____-____.
The ovaries are connected to the uterus by ______.