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246 Cards in this Set

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What part of the brain regulates heart rate:

Medulla oblongata

Exhalation begins when:

Inspiratory muscles relax

The pulmonary trunk divides into:

Right and left pulmonary arteries

This layer of the GI tract is composed of areolar connective tissue that binds the mucosa to the muscularis:


Which of the below do NOT induce vasodilation and permeability (increased fluid flow) to an infection site:

a. histamines

b. kinins

c. perforin

d. leukotrienes

e. complement


The formation of a new glucose molecule.


Increased secretion of Aldosterone would result in a increase of blood ______.


The second heart sound represents what event:

Semilunar valves closing

This is a test to measure kidney function:

Plasma creatinine

Which is NOT a major function of the blood:

a. transportation of nutrients

b. regulation of blood pH

c. protection against infection

d. transportation of heat

e. production of oxygen


As each atrium contracts where does blood move:

Through an atrioventricular valve

The ________ muscles contract in response to cold temperatures and move the testes closer to the body to absorb more body heat.


Which of the following is NOT a glucocorticoid effect:

a. protein and fat breakdown

b. glucose formation

c. immune suppression

d. reduction of inflammation

e. increase in blood cell production


The left subclavian vein receives lymph from:

Thoracic duct

The capability of the GI tract to move material along its length is called:


The main function of this structure is to regulate the amount of light entering the eyeball through the pupil:


What types of tissue comprise the valves of the heart:

Dense irregular connective tissue

Which of the below structures senses dynamic equilibrium:

a. cochlea

b. semicircular canals

c. macula of vestibule

d. Organ of corti

e. Vestibulocochlear nerve


Which of the following promotes inflammation:

a. eosinophil

b. monocyte

c. lymphocyte

d. basophil

e. neutrophil


Name the (specific) disease in which the beta cells are being destroyed by the victim's immune system:

type 1 diabetes mellitus

How does angiotension II affect the kidneys:

It increases GFR

When B and T cells are fully developed and mature, they are known to be:


These cells secrete testosterone:

Leydig cells

Once fluid enters the proximal convoluted tubule:

It is called tubular fluid

This is used to increase the capacity of the atrium:


The correct order in the flow of tears:

1. lacrimal gland

2. excretory lacrimal duct

3. superior & inferior lacrimal canal

4. lacrimal sac

5. nasolacrimal duct

6. nasal cavity

Which of the following hormones would NOT cause an increase in blood pressure:

a. atrial natriuretic peptide

b. antidiuretic hormone

c. aldosterone

d. angiotensin

e. increased norepinephrine


Once this is formed, the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways are identical:


This term refers to the period of time during a cardiac cycle when contraction occurs and blood pressure rises:


Lymphocytes can recognize:

Foreign cells

This is a blood vessel that conveys blood from the tissues back to the heart:


This lies between the lens and the retina:

Vitreous chamber

The space between the upper and lower eyelids:

Palpebral fissure

The most important capillary exchange method:


This hormone causes the development of megakaryoblasts:


This pressure provides information about the condition of the cardiovascular system such as atherosclerosis and patent ductus arteriosus:

Pulse pressure

Vessel that supplies blood to the intestines:

Mesentric artery

This is located anterior to the esophagus and carries air to the bronchi:


What artery wall is responsible for vasoconstriction:

Tunica media

To which side of the body is the apex pointed:

To the left

This portion of the peritoneum drapes over the transverse colon and coils off the small intestine:

Greater omentum

Which is the correct of filtrate flow:

a. glomerular capsule, proximal convoluted tubule, Loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule, collecting duct

b. loop of Henle, glomerular capsule, PCT, DCT, collecting duct

c. ascending limb of loop, PCT, DCT, collecting duct, glomerular capsule


This is direction of diffusion of gases at capillaries near systemic cells:

-Oxygen out of blood

-Carbon dioxide into blood

What is the primary function of the large intestine:

Feces formation

The blood vessels that distributes blood to organs:


Brunners glands secrete:

Mucous and an alkaline juice

The major hormone that regulates water loss is:


Controls the flow of blood through a capillary bed:

Precapillary sphincter

Considering Rh blood types, what would result in maternal antibodies attacking the fetus?

Mom is Rh negative and fetus is Rh positive

This is the transparent coat that covers the iris:


These are mainly used to kill infectious microbes and tumor cells:

Natural killer cells

What hormones does the posterior pituitary produce:



Functions of ____________ in the body:

-Controlling osmosis between compartments

-Maintaining acid-base balance

-Carry electrical currents-Serve as cofactors


This is a mass of tissue from the sternum to the vertebral column between the lungs:


What do these chemicals have in common:


-hydrogen ions

-lactic acid

-nitric oxide


They are all potent vasodilators

When an artery or arteriold is damaged, its smooth muscle contracts producing a:

Vascular spasm

When blood pH drops then the amount of oxyhemoglobin _________ and the oxygen delivery to the tissue cells _________.

Decreases, increases

The largest factor that promotes reabsorption of fluids, into blood, from the interstitial fluids is:

Blood osmotic pressure

Where can the pulse not be felt:


Promotes water reabsorption by the kidneys:


These cells may eventually become spermatozoa:

Spermatogenic cells

The supporting cells are located within the seminiferous tubules:

Sertoli cells

What is NOT found in arteries but IS found in veins?


The structure protects and regulates the temperature of the testes:


This means the lungs and the chest walls expand easily:

High compliance

What is used to primarily promote Na+ reabsorption by the kidneys:


The most abundant mineral in the body:


In a fetus, this structure temporarily shunts blood from the pulmonary trunk into the aorta:

Ductus arterious

Which of the following is an anticoagulant:

a. heparin

b. fibrinogen

c. protease

d. prostacyclin

e. plasmin


What antibodies does a person with type O blood have in their plasma:

A and B

How much of the total volume of body fluid is intracellular fluid:


What controls the anterior pituitary gland:

Action of hypothalamic hormones

The lymph from the right foot empties into the:

Thoracic duct

This is characterized by the inability of the immune system to protect the body from a pathogen:

Immunodeficiency diseases

This class of antibodies is produced after an initial exposure to antigens:


This is a small hormone that can stimulate or inhibit many normal cell functions:


This can only stimulate an immune response if attached to a large carrier molecule:


Water usually accounts for what percentage of the total volume of urine:


List 2 of the barriers used in innate defense:



The pars distalis and the pars tuberalis comprise the:

Anterior pituitary

Why do emotions such as anger or fear slow digestion:

They stimulate the sympathetic nerves that supply the GI tract

Not a agranular leukocyte:


This is composed of three cylindrical masses of erectile tissue each surrounded by a fibrous tissue:


How many extrinsic eye muscles are responsible for moving the eye:


Which cells secrete intrinsic factor:

Parietal cells

From the left ventricle, through what structure does blood pass:

Aortic semilunar valve

Which of these provides a non-specific cellular disease resistance mechanism:

a. macrophages

b. T lymphocytes

c. B lymphocytes

d. memory B cells


Promotes inflammation:


This class of antibodies is mainly found in sweat, tears, breast milk, and GI secretions:


This structure regulates the flow of material into the colon:

Ileocecal sphincter

Blood flow depends on which of following criteria:

a. blood pressure

b. systemic vascular resistance

c. blood type

d. blood pressure and systemic vascular pressure

e. Blood pressure and heart rate


Stimulation of this nerve reduces heart rate:

Vagus nerve

This structure increases the volume of the atria:


What does a hormone NOT do:

Produce electrolytes

This darkly pigmented structure reduces light reflection within the eyeball:


Name the two hormones produced by the follicular cells of the thyroid gland:



This layer of the GI tract is composed of areolar connective tissue containing blood and lymph vessels:

Lamina propria

The lens is made of layers of proteins called:


What type of tissue comprise the valves of the heart:

Dense irregular connective tissue

What pancreatic enzyme acts to produce monosaccarides:


This lies posterior to the bladder and anterior to the rectum and secretes an alkaline, fructose filled fluid:

Seminal vesicle

What is NOT a function of the lymphatic and immune system:

Maintaining water homeostasis in the body

This electrical event represents repolarization of the ventricle:

T wave

This heart structure(s) carries deoxygenated blood:

Right atrium and ventricle

What is the dominant method of carbon dioxide transport:

Dissolved in plasma as bicarbonate ions

The point where the trachea divides into right and left primary bronchi is a ridge called:


The amount of ADH that is secreted varies with:

Blood osmotic pressure

This digestive aid, produced by the stomach, begins digestion by denaturing proteins is:

hydrochloric acid

This is a condition where blood pH is below 7.35:


This vessel plays a key role in regulating blood flow into capillaries:


What accessory organs produces a fluid that functions to emulsify dietary fats:


The sum of the residual and the expiratory reserve volume:

Functional residual capacity

A natural exposure to an infectious agent leads to:

Active immunity

Can only become activated when bound to a foreign antigen and simultaneously receiving a costimulate:

T cells

The enzyme which digests RNA is called:


What gastric enzyme digests proteins?


Capillaries are also known as:

Exchange vessels

This induces production of a specific antibody:


Secretes gastric acid:

Parietal cells

What structure of the nephron reabsorbs the most substances:

Proximal convoluted tubule

This layer functions by secreting a lubricating fluid:


As each atrium contracts where does blood move:

Through an atrioventricular valve

This action makes microbes more susceptible to phagocytosis:


This is the portion of the stomach that connects to the duodenum:

Pyloric sphincter

The liver does not store:


This is the principle bile pigment:


Cardiac muscle fiber electrically connect to neighboring fibers by:

Gap junctions

How long can food stay in the fundus before being mixed with gastric juices:

1 hour

What pancreatic enzymes acts to produce smaller peptides from proteins:


Which of the below factors is most important in forcing blood flow through veins:

a. heart rate

b. stroke volume

c. muscular velocity

d. blood velocity

e. valve opening


This hormone functions to counteract the effect of gastric acid in the small intestine:


A red blood cell without a nucleus is called a:


What anterior pituitary hormones stimulate cortisol production:

Adrenocorticotropic hormone

Exhalation begins when:

Inspiratory muscles relax

How many stages of deglutition are there:


A decline in angiotensin II levels does NOT result in:

Increased calcium reabsorption

How much of blood plasma is water (approximately):


All the veins of the systemic circulation drain into the:

Superior and inferior vena cava and coronary sinus

What is a waste product normally excreted by the kidneys:


Through which structure does blood pass from the right atrium to the right ventricle:

Tricuspid valve

This is a blood vessel that conveys blood from the tissues back to the heart:


The primary function of the villi of the small intestine:


Produced by Basophils at the site of inflammation:




In this disorder the aortic valve is narrowed:

Aortic stenosis

Name of the gland that produces stress reducing steroid hormones:

Adrenal gland

This is the volume of blood ejected from the left ventricle into the aorta each minute:

Cardiac output

Ferritin is used to:

Store iron

This is the heaviest gland of the body:


Destroys antigen-antibody complexes:


The opening to the pharynx from the mouth is called:


Receptors of the eye primarily used during high light situations:


This part of the heart can initiate a contraction and can set a constant heart rate of about 100 beats per minute:

Sinoatrial valve

The cardiovascular center is located in:

Medulla oblongata

These are lipid soluble hormones derived from cholesterol:


The correct sequence of structures that allows the normal sequence of excitation to progress through the heart:

-SA node

-AV node

-Bundle of His

-Purkinje fibers

What type of immunity defends against any type of invader:


This electrical event triggers contraction of the atria:

P wave

This is a network of specialized cardiac muscle fibers that provide a path for each cycle of cardiac excitation to progress through the heart:

Conduction system

The primary function of the epididymis is:

Sperm maturation

A(n) ________ muscle contraction changes tension, but remains the same length.


A cells plasma membrane would not contain:

Nucleic acids

A codon is a three-base group of nucleotides that encodes a:

Amino acid

A joint cavity is found in:

Synovial joints

An electrochemical gradient across a biological membrane:

Membrane potential

A metabolic poison that inhibits the production of ATP most likely affects the:


A structure that is composed of two or more tissues would be an:


A thin layer of _______ _________ provides cushioning at articulations.

Hyaline cartilage

About 96% of the body is some combination of the following four elements:

H, O, C, N

Action potentials are propagated along the membrane primarily by:

Voltage gated ion channels

After axonal injury, regeneration in peripheral nerves is guided by:

Schwann cells

True or false:

ALL preganglionic neurons of the ANS release acetylcholine.


An atom is found to have 7 protons and 8 neutrons, the atom is:


-Mass number of 15

An example of an irregular bone would be:

Thoracic vertebrae

Andergenic receptors are most likely found on:

Effector organs of the sympathetic division

As a result of bone tissue response to mechanical stress (load) ____ ________ occurs at sites of high stress.

Bone deposits

At the initial stages of muscle activity ATP is first regenerated through the ________ phosphate pathway.


A _____ _____ fracture is incomplete and common in the more flexible bones of children

green stick

Before puberty, long bone lengthens at a zone of cartilage called the:

Epiphyseal plate

Broca's area is considered a _____ ______ area.

motor speech

Bursae and tendon sheaths can best be described as:

Bags of lubricant that reduce friction between the bones of a joint

Cancer that originates from the stratum spinosum is called:

Squamous cell carcinoma

Cell junctions that promote the controlled exchange of materials between neighboring cells are called:

Gap junctions

Cells that exit the cell cycle are said to enter:

G o phase

Collections of nerve cell bodies outside the central nervous system are called:


Compared to a solution with a pH of 6, a solution with a pH of 8 has:

100 times less H+

During ___________ a protein is synthesized from mRNA.


For the cross-bridge cycle to be initiated it is necessary for calcium to bind to:


Freely moveable joints are classified as:


Slightly moveable joints:


Glycogen is important as a:

Energy storage molecule in the liver

Histology is the study of:


If the posterior portion of the neural tube failed to develop properly the:

Spinal cord may be affected

The response of the effector is to end the original stimulus:

Negative feedback mechanism

In one complete cycle of the sodium/potassium pump:

(2 potassium enter cell, 3 sodium leave cell)

-2 K+ enter

-3 Na+ exit the cell

In which phase of muscle contraction would you expect calcium to be returned to the sarcoplasmic reticulum:

Relaxation phase

Kyphosis (hunchback) results from exaggerated ________ curvature of the vertebral column.


Muscle tone can best be described as:

The state of sustained partial contraction

Nerves that carry impulses toward the CNS only are:

Afferent nerves

Pointing one's toes downward toward the ground is known as:

Plantar flexion

Preparing the body for the "flight-or fight" response is the role of the:

Sympathetic nervous system

Pressure, pain, and temperature receptors in the skin are:


Repolarization of sarcolemma following a action potential is accomplished by:

Opening of voltage gated K+ channels

Ribosomes located in/on the endoplamic reticulum __________ proteins that are incorporated into the membrane or exported from the cell in vesicles


Ridges of tissue on the surface of the cerebral hemispheres are called:


RNA differs from DNA because RNA contains:

Uracil and no thymine

Saltatory conduction is made possible by:

The myelin sheath

Schwann cells are functionally similar to:


Smooth muscle tissue is composed of two layers the:

Longitudinal, circular

Sucrose is composed of one glucose and one fructose chemically bonded, so sucrose is considered a:


The arbor vitae refers to:

Cerebellar white matter

The axial skeleton includes all of the following:




The bonds in a water molecule can be best characterized as:

Polar covalent

The connective tissue sheath that surrounds a fascicle of a nerve fiber is the:


The essential element of DNA that determines the order of amino acids in protein is the sequence of the:

Nucleotide bases

The functional contractile unit of skeletal muscle is the:


The linkage formed between amino acids in a protein is known as a:

Peptide bond

The major event of the S-phase of mitosis is:

Replication of genomic DNA

The most superficial layer of the dermis is the:

Papillary layer

The movement of molecules or ions down their concentration gradient and across a biological membrane utilizing a transmembrane protein without the use of ATP is called:

Facilitated diffusion

The period after an initial stimulus when a neuron is not sensitive to another stimulus is the:

Absolute refractory period

The primary auditory cortex is located in the:

Temporal lobe

The principle that states that the structure and function of any bodily system are inseparable is known as the principle of:


The region of the sarcolemma that carries an action potential into the deep interior of a muscle is called a:


The role of cholesterol in the plasma membrane is to stabilize and _______ the fluidity of the membrane.


The sarcoplasmic reticulum stores what cation:


The sodium/potassium pump is an example of:

Active transport

The stratum basale of the epidermis can best be described as:

Single layer of mitotically active cells

The stratum lucidum is found:

Only in thick skin

The structure in compact bone that runs perpendicular (right angle) to connect adjacent osteons is called:

Volkmann's canal

The subarachnoid space lies between what two layers of meninges:

Arachnoid and pia mater

The subatomic particle that determines what the specific element is:


The thalamus and the hypothalamus are both located in the:


The ________ give an osteon a structure resembling tree rings.


The __________ system eliminates nitrogenous waste and regulates water and electrolyte balance.


Virtually all chemical reactions in our body are catalyzed (sped up) by:


_____ junctions adhere neighboring cells together so that NO fluids or solutes may pass between the cells.


Interstitial ________ consists of a layer of spongy bone sandwiched between two layers of compact bone.


Concerning the thickness and strength of bone being determined by mechanical and gravitational forces:

Wolfs law

Example of a lipid:


What epidermal gland produces a milky sweat that tends to become odoriferous over time:


Which of the following elements is most likely to form an ionic bond with potassium:

a. carbon

b. oxygen

c. sodium

d. chlorine

e. nitrogen


Not essential for survival:


What is stored in the synaptic vesicles of a motor neuron:


What is acetylchoinesterase:

An enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine

What are ciliated CNS neuroglia that play an active role in moving the cerebrospinal fluid called:

Ependymal cells

Which fissure separates the cerebral hemispheres:

Longitudinal fissure