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139 Cards in this Set

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1. The plane thatdivides the body into anterior and posterior portions is called:a) Midsagittal planeb) Coronal planec) Transverse planed) Oblique planee) Horizontal plane

Coronal plane

The plane thatdivides the body equally (symmetrically) into left and right is:a) Cross sectionalplaneb) Transverse planec) Parasagittalplaned) Midsagittal planee) Horizontal plane

Parasagittal plane

A transverseplane separates the body into:a) Anterior andposterior portionsb) Superior andinferior portionsc) Unequal and leftportionsd) Equal left andright portionse) Rostral andperpendicular portions only

Superior and inferior portions

The study of thebody structure is called:a) Physiologyb) Neurobiologyc) Anatomyd) Parasitologye) Immunology


Anatomicalposition implies all these statements, except:a) Arms hangingalong the sides of the bodyb) Body is standingerect and facing anteriorlyc) Palms are inpronationd) Palms are insupination or facing anteriorlye) Feet are heldtogether:

Palms are in pronation

When describingany region of the body, the appropriate position is called:a) Physiologicalpositionb) Anatomical position c) Medial positiond) Prone position

Anatomical position

What direction isthe sternum to your Ribs?a) Posteriorb) Anteriorc) Lateral d) Mediale) Superficial


The breast are_____________ to the navela) Proximalsuperficialb) Superior anlateralc) Medial and distald) Visceral and superficiale) Lateral andinferior

Superior an lateral

The directionalterm, which means: far away from the midline is ___________.a) Medial b) Superiorc) Caudald) Lateral e) Visceral


Developmentalanatomy implies:a) Histologyb) Pathologyc) Embryologyd) Neurobiology e) MRI


The directional term thatmeans close to the body’s midline is:a) Superficialb) Palmarc) Plantard) Mediale) Radial


The study of the body’sfunction is called:a) Psychologyb) Anthropologyc) Sexologyd) Physiologye) Myology only


Direction wise, the pinky is__________ to the thumb.a) Medialb) Superficialc) Visceral andcraniald) Lateral e) Caudal


Direction wise, the big toeis _________ to the other toes.a) Lateralb) Visceral onlyc) Distal andproximald) Mediale) Posteriorf) Anterior


The ability of the body tomaintain a constant (stable) internal environment is called:a) Immunologyb) Homo sapiensc) Hemorrhaged) Homeostasise) Chemotherapy


The inspiratory muscle thatseparates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity is:a) Internal muscleb) Rectus abdominusc) Serratus anteriord) Diaphragme) Iliopsoas


The sum of all the chemicalreactions taking place in the body are called:a) Anabolism onlyb) Catabolism onlyc) Metabolismoxidation onlyd) Dehydration orhydrolysis only

Metabolism oxidation

The patellar region is_________ to the popliteal region.a) Posteriorb) Lumbarc) Cervicald) Anteriore) None of the above

None of the above

The level of organizationmade up two or more organs that work together to perform a specific function iscalled:a) Cellb) Systemc) Organismd) Tissuee) Molecule


The level of organizationmade up of two or more tissues that work together to preform a specificfunction is called:a) Organ b) Cell c) Compoundd) Organisme) System


The positively chargedparticles found in the nucleus of an atom are called:a) Neutronsb) Protonsc) Electronsd) Isotopese) Radioisotopes


Atomsmade up of the same number of protons but different number of neutrons iscalled:a) Ionsb) Isotopesc) Atomic numberd) Cationse) Anions


Atomsthat have the same atomic number but different atomic mass is called:a) Stereotypeb) Covalent bondsc) Isotopesd) Isometriccontractione) Isotoniccontraction


Thebonds which result from the link between two ions of opposite charges iscalled:a) Ionic bondb) Covalent polarc) Covalent nonpolard) Hydrogen bonde) St. Philip’s bond

Ionic bond

The most abundant inorganiccompound in your body is:a) Sodium chlorideb) Glucosec) Fructosed) Watere) Starchp


Allthese substances are hydrophilic, except:a) Glucoseb) Proteinsc) Salts fructosed) Triglycerides


Allthese organic compounds are hydrophobic, except:a) Triglycerides b) Neutral fatsc) Sucrosed) Cholesterol


TheNegatively Charged particles of an atom are identified as:a) Protonsb) Electronsc) Neutronsd) Compoundse) Cells


Acarbohydrate made up of a repetitive sequence of monosaccharides will beidentified as:a) Glucoseb) Fructosec) Galactosed) Polysaccharidese) Amino acids


.This Polysaccharide, used by the skeletal muscle and the liver, as a storage formfor Glucose is:a) Starchb) Cellulosec) Creatinephosphated) Glycogene) Lactose


Thebuilding block for protein is:a) Fatty acidsb) Galactosec) Amino Acidsd) DeoxyriboseCarbon monoxide

Amino Acids

Chemistry wise, all enzymes are:a) Polysaccharides b) Proteinsc) Lipidd) Nucleic acidse) Inorganiccompounds


Proteinsare, also, called polypeptidesa) True b) False


TheLinear sequence of amino acids results in:a) Primary structureb) Secondarystructurec) Tertiarystructure d) Quaternarystructure

Primary structure

Asick patient who has lost fluid and electrolytes will be deficient in all,except:a) Waterb) Potassiumc) Sodiumd) Lipidse) Chloride


Grandpa peanut is diabetic;the doctor prescribes him daily shots of insulin. He prefers to take hisinsulin orally. The doctor told him that he couldn’t do it orally because yourstomach’s enzymes will hydrolyze the peptide bonds of your insulin. Grandpa hasnever taken a Chemistry course. Therefore, he seeks your opinion. The startingpoint of your answer will be that insulin is made up of:a) Starchb) Cellulosec) Proteind) Nucleic acid


Themain energy supplier for the cell is:a) Big Macb) Whopperc) Subway Sandwichd) ATPe) Gorditas


The lipids that originatefrom cholesterol are called:a) Steroidsb) Prostaglandinsc) Omega-3d) MonosaturatedFatse) Deoxyribonucleicacid


Ifa fatty acid lack double bonds, it will be classified as: a) Unsaturated fatb) Polyunsaturatedfatc) Monounsaturatedfatd) Disaccharidese) Saturated fat

Monounsaturated fat

This class of lipids called_________ makes up the fluid portion of the cell membranea) Phospholipidsb) Neutral fatc) Glycerold) Triglyceridese) Estrogen andProgesteroneb


Noneof these organic compounds are eicosanoids, excepta) Leukotriene andProstaglandinsb) Testosterone andestrogensc) Sucrose andmaltosed) Cellulose andLignine) DNA and RNA

Leukotriene and Prostaglandins

InDNA, Adenine binds to Thymine and Guanine binds to Cytosine. True b) False


In RNA, Adenine binds toUracil and the Pentose is Deoxyribose.a) True b) False


During synthesis, these twoprocesses are involved:a) Transgression andtranslationb) Replication andtranscriptionc) Duplication andreplicationd) Transcriptionfollowed translatione) Translationfollowed by transcription

Transcription followed translation

The organelle involved inprotein synthesis is:a) SmoothEndoplasmic reticulumb) Lysosomec) Rough EndoplasmicReticulumd) Cilia e) Centriole

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

Theorganelle involved in steroid production is: a) SmoothEndoplasmic Reticulumb) Nucleusc) Ribosomesd) Flagellume) Nucleopore

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

Thephase of Mitosis involved in the formation of chromosomes from chromatine,disappearance of nuclear membrane and formation of the mitotic spindle iscalled:a) Prophaseb) Metaphasec) Anaphased) Cytokinesis e) Telophase


Among these cells, which onesare anucleated and, therefore, theycannot multiply.a) Fibroblastb) Osteoprogenitorcellsc) Hemocytoblastd) ce) White Blood cells

Among these cells, which ones are anucleated and, therefore, they cannot multiply

Cellmovement which does NOT require ATP is classified as:a) Passive movementb) Active movement c) Receptor mediatedendocytosisd) Excytocytosise) Pinocytosis

Passive movement

Themovement of water across a semipermeable membrane from an area of higherconcentration to an area of lower concentration is called:a) Facilitateddiffusionb) Osmosisc) Exocytosisd) Active transporte) Phagocytosis


The genetic material in thecell is stored in the:a) Nucleusb) Lysosomec) Peroxisome GolgiApparatusd) Cilia


Whichstatement is true? All the connective tissue have: a) Extracellularmatrix and cellsb) Ground substanceand epithelial tissue onlyc) Neurons andosteoclasts onlyd) Epithelium mixedwith muscle fiberse) Lack of blood

Extracellular matrix and cells

Whichstatement is UNTRUE? Epithelial tissue:a) Have a basementmembraneb) Are made up ofclustered of cellsc) Lack bloodvesselsd) Have bloodvessels

Have blood vessels

ArreolarConnective tissue is found in the:a) Papillary layerof the skinb) Reticular layerof the skinc) Stratum corneumof the skind) Hypodermis andstratum spinosum of the skine) Ligaments andtendons

Papillary layer of the skin

The epithelium, which has allof it cells on the basement membrane, but not all of them reach the surface,and gives an impression of a multilayerd tissue will be classified as: a) Transitionalepitheliumb) Pseudostratified epithelium c) Simple squamousd) Ciliated columnarepitheliume) Stratifiedcolumnar epithelium

Stratified columnar epithelium

A connective tissue, uniquelymade up of Chondrocytes, perichondrium and their extracellular matrix does notexhibit any presence of collagen fibers would be categorize as:a) Hyaline cartilageb) Elastic cartilagec) Fibrocartilaged) Thrombocytese) Microglia andastrocytes

i dont know

The inner layer of the hairis:a) Cortexb) Medulla hair bulbc) Cuticled)

Medulla hair bulb

The glands which becomeactive during puberty and secrete pheromones are:a) Sebaceous glandsb) Eccrine sweatglandsc) Bartholin glandsd) Bulbourethralglands e) Apocrine sweatglands

Apocrine sweat glands

The skin is made up of threelayers. The most superficial layer (not sublayer) is called:a) Stratum corneumb) Epidermisc) Hypodermisd) Subcutaneouse) Reticular dermis


These two layers make up theStratum Germinativum:a) Stratum Corneumand Lucidumb) Stratum Spinosumand Granulosumc) Startum Spinosumand Basaled) StratumPiapillary and Equinaee) StratumGranulosum and Lucidum

Startum Spinosum and Basale

The largest organ in the bodyis:a) Spleenb) Skinc) Lungsd) Hearte) Spinal Cord


The type of active cellmovement where a cell engulf the bacteria is:a) Pinocytosisb) Phagocytosisc) Exocytosisd) Apoptosise) Lalapulusa


The connective tissue whichattaches the muscle to the bone is called:a) Ligamentb) Tendonc) Oligodendrocytesd) Cartilagee) Myelin sheath


What fat-soluble vitamion issynthesized by the skin when one is exposed to the sun:a) Vitamin A Retinolb) Vitamin B1Thiaminc) Vitamin B2Riboflavind) Vitamin B12Cynocobalamine) Vitamin D Calcitriol

Vitamin D Calcitriol

Sweet baby Peanut lives inthe East coast where they have less sunny days. During the year, his parentsare concerned about Rickett. Thus, they have to make sure his daily intake ofVitamin _____ is adequate.a) Vitamin CAscorbic Acidb) Vitamin B4 PantothenicAcidc) Vitamin B3 Niacind) Vitamin DCalcitriole) Vitamin ETocopherol

Vitamin D Calcitriol

The integumentary systemperform all of these functions, except:a) Production ofVitamin Cb) Protectionagainst UV lightc) Protectionagainst infectiond) Thermoregulatione) Blood storage andwater excretion

Production of Vitamin C

TheNerve ending sensitive to deep pressure is:a) Proprioceptorsb) Meissner’scorpusclec) Pressoreceptorsd) Paciniancorpusclee) Baroreceptor

Pacinian corpuscle

Good examples of sesamoidbones would be:a) Femur and tibiab) Ulna and radioc) Phalanges andmetacarpal bonesd) Patella andPisiform processe) Ossa coxa

Patella and Pisiform process

The two hormones whichregulate calcium are:a) Calcitonin andParathyroid hormoneb) Estrogen andGlycogenc) Aldosterone andGlucagon d) Testosterone andOxytocine) Melatonin andMelanine

Calcitonin and Parathyroid hormone

Which of these bones is partof the appendicular skeleton:a) Skullb) Vertebraproeminenc) Ribsd) Atlase) Phalanges


The femur, the tibia and themetatarsal bones are examples of:a) Sesamoid bonesb) Long bonesc) Short bonesd) Flat bonese) Irregular bones

Long bones

The intramembranousossification begins from:a) Cartilageb) Mesenchyme c) Mucous connectivetissue d) Elasticconnective tissue e) Squamousepithelium


When the width (diameter) ofthe bone increases, the activity is taking place in the:a) Growth platesb) Metaphysis c) Epiphyseal plated) Periosteume) Endosteum


The structure which allow thelong bone to grow length wise is:a) Osteoclastsb) Osteocytes c) Osteoprogenitorcellsd) Growth platese) Osteoblast

Growth plates

The________ are found in the juvenile bones and allow the bone to grow lengthwise:a) Epiphyseal plateb) Fibroblastsc) Osteoclastd) Osteocytese) Osteoblast ҇

Epiphyseal plate

Whenbone is formed from hyaline cartilage, the calcification is called:a) Endochondralb) Calcification c) Intramembranosusd) Hemostasise) Myogenesis


The basic unit of compactbone is called:a) Haverisian systemb) Osteonc) Haversian canaland lacunaed) Sarcomere e) A and B


Thebone cells which destroy bone is called:a) Osteoclastsb) Osteocytesc) StaphylococcusAureusd) Osteoblastse) PacillusAnthracis


Thebone cells which produce the extracellular matrix is:a) Osteoblast b) Osteocytes c) Osteogenic cellsd) Osteoclasts e) Osteophytes


The pectoral girdle is madeup of the clavicle and: a) Coccyx b) Ilium c) Ischium d) Scapula e) Carpus


The hipbones consist of:a) Ilium, pubis, andsternum b) Mastoid process,coronoid process, and styloid processc) Sacrum, ilium,and fibulad) Ischium, pubis,ilium e) Sternum, scapula,and acetabulum

Ischium, pubis, ilium

The epiphyseal plate islocated in the:a) Diaphysis b) Epiphysis c) Metaphysis d) Perichondrium


The first and second cervicalvertebra are respectively called:a) Atlas and axisb) Axis and atlasc) Sacrum and coccyxd) Lumbar 1 andLumbar 2e) Vertebraproeminens and acromion

Atlas and axis

A good example of “ball andsocket” joint is:a) Hip jointb) Shoulder jointc) Knee joint d) Gomphosise) Lambdoidal suture

Shoulder joint

Among these bones, which oneis NOT a cranial bone:a) Sphenoid b) Frontal c) Zygomaticusd) Ethmoid e) Temporal


Which bones are NOT part ofthe appendicular skeleton:a) Femur, fibula,tibiab) Phalanges,radius, ulnac) Metacarpal bones,carpal bones, and humerusd) Vomer, maxillaand mandible

Vomer, maxilla and mandible

In the human body, there area total of:a) 14 phalangesb) 56 phalangesc) 28 phalangesd) 42 phalangese) 10 phalanges

56 phalanges

The sella turcica houses:a) Hypothalamus b) Pineal gland c) Thalamus d) Pituitary gland e) Foramen of Monroeor interventricular foramen

Pituitary gland

In the adult, the spinal cordstops at the level of:a) L3 and L4b) L1 and L2c) L5 and S1d) S1 and coccyxe) C7 and T2,

L1 and L2

Which statement is correct? Ahuman body has normally:a) Seven cervicalvertebrasb) Fourteen thoracicvertebrac) Nine sacralvertebrad) 47 vertebraee) 24 vertebrae

Seven cervical vertebras

A suture is a type of:a) Immovable jointcalled synarthorisisb) Freely movablecalled syndesmosis c) Slightly movablejoint called saddle jointd) Hinge jointe) Synovial joint

Immovable joint called synarthorisis

Which of these joints isfreely movable?a) Synovial jointb) Amphiarthrosisintervertebral joint c) Epiphyseal plate d) Synchondrosis istP

Synovial joint

Bones united by denseconnective tissue will form a joint called:a) Syndesmosis b) Synchondrosis c) Symphysis d) Synarthrosis e) Synovial joint

Synovial joint

Any synovial joint consistsof four structures: a synovial membrane lining, a synovial cavity, synovialcapsule, ligament , and:a) Osteoarthritis b) Articularcartilagec) Sarcolemma d) Adipose tissuee) Neuroma

Articular cartilage

Anterior and Posteriorcruciate ligaments are found in the:a) Wrist jointb) Elbow jointc) Olecranon processd) Knee jointe) Hip joint

Knee joint

In the forearm, the ulna and___________ run parallel in a supination position.a) Radiusb) Fibulac) Femurd) Humerus e) Phalanges


The continual new bone byosteoblast, resumption of old bone by osteoclasts is called:a) Bone remodelingb) Bone hydrolysisc) Bone oxidation d) Bone radiation e) Bone segmentation

Bone remodeling

Which hormone induceshypocalcemia?a) Calcitoninb) Thyroxinc) Parathyroidhormoned) Insuline) Vasopressin

Parathyroid hormone

The best area for spinal tapin the children is between:a) C1 & C3b) T9 & T10c) L1 & L2d) L3 & L4e) L5 & S1

L3 & L4

The epiphysis is eitherproximal or distal to metaphysis, and it’s covered by hyaline cartilage.a) True b) False


Meniscus and fibrocartilagepads are found in the:a) Elbow jointb) Scapulo-humeraljointc) Hip joint d) Ankle jointe) Knee joint

Knee joint

Skeletal muscle are:a) Striated,voluntary, attached to skeleton, contain myosin, actin, tropomyosin andtroponin.b) Found in theviscera, involuntary, and lack myosin and actin.c) In the heart,myocardium, chordae tendinae and purkinje fibersd) Uterus, arteries,and intestineArrector pili and subject to goose bumps

Striated, voluntary, attached to skeleton, contain myosin, actin, tropomyosin and troponin

The connective tissue, whichsurrounds the fascicles, is:a) Endomyssium b) Perimyssium c) Epimyssiumd) Myofilamente) Myofibril


One of these is NOT aproperty of muscle tissue: a) Generate Heatb) Are Responsive tostimulic) Has thepropensity to contractd) Has the abilityto extende) Produce celluloseand starch

Produce cellulose and starch

Oxygen debt, lactic acidbuildup, and reduction of ATP will result in:a) Muscle fatigueb) Musclehyperactivityc) Muscle strengthincreased) Anaerobic pathwayand production of 36 ATPe) All of the abovestatements are incorrect

Muscle fatigue

The distance between Z lineto Z line defines:a) Sarcomere orbasic unit of the skeleton muscleb) Motor unit andsynaptic cleftc) Myofiber andfascicled) Epineurium orEpimyssiume) H zone or M line

The distance between Z line to Z line defines

A motor unit is:a) A motor neuronand the synaptic cleftb) A motor neuronand all muscle fibers that it innervatec) Sarcolemmasurrounding sarcoplastyd) The combinationof A band and I band e) Sarcoplasmicreticulum and its connection with T Tubules

A motor neuron and all muscle fibers that it innervate

The storage site of Ca 2+ Inthe myofiber is:a) Motor end plateb) Sarcoplasmicreticulumc) Sarcolemma andmitochondriad) Troponin andmyosine) Sarcolemma andsynaptic cleft

Sarcoplasmic reticulum

Among all these cells, onlycell is multinucleated is:a) Smooth muclecellsb) Cardiocytesc) Red blood cell(Erythrocyte)d) Myofiber andmyofilaments


The integrated discs arejunctions found uniquely between adjacent cells of the muscle cells are:a) Skeletal b) Cardiacc) Viscerald) Voluntarye) Smooth


Lady tofu weighs 110 pounds,she tries to her Ford 350 by herself. Her muscle tone increases but the musclelength remains the same, this type of contraction will be considered:a) Isotonicb) Treppec) Isometricd) Tetanusincompletee) Serotonin


The skeleton muscle is calledstriated because it contains:a) Alternating thickfilaments myosin and thin filaments actinb) Alternating thickfilaments (actin) and thin filaments(myosin)c) M lineperpendicular to Z lined) Can easily foundin the uterus and arteriese) Alternatingmicrotubules made up of troponin and tropomyosin

Alternating thick filaments myosin and thin filaments actin

Which of these statements istrue.a) Smooth muscle arecalled visceral muscle and are involuntaryb) Smooth muscle arecalled striated muscle are involuntaryc) Smooth musclehave a specialized autorythmic pacemaker called sino atrial noded) Smother musclecannot undergo peristalsise) Smooth muscle andcardiac muscle are voluntary

Smooth muscle are called visceral muscle and are involuntary

The cytoplasm of the skeletalmuscle cell is known as the ___________ cell membrane of the skeleton muscle:a) Sarcoplasm/Sarcolemmab) Neurolemma/Neuroplasmac) Microglia/Astrocytesd) SchwannCells/Stratum Lucidume) Areolarconnective/Cross Bridgesuscle


The moveable point ofattachment of a muscle is identified as:a) Originb) Insertionc) Abductiond) Biaxiale) Hinge


A muscle that helps anothermuscle to perform a smooth action is:a) Primary moverb) Antagonistc) Synergistd) Acetabulum


Primary mover is equivalentto:a) Agonistb) Synergistc) Antagonistd) Aponeurosise) Pennate Muscle orligamen


Neuromuscular junction is atype of synapse.a) True b) False


A synapse can occur between aneuron and a) Glandb) Myofiberc) Neurond) All Abovee) Only B and C

All Above

All of these chemicals areneurotransmitters, except:a) GABA,Neuroepinephrineb) Dopamine,Serotoninc) Endorphin, AcetylCholined) Endorphin,Epinephrinee) Glycogen,cholesterol, and prostaglandins

Glycogen, cholesterol, and prostaglandins

The central nervous systemconsists of:a) Brain and spinalcordb) Peripheralnervous system and schwann cellsc) Sensory andascending neurond) Cranial nervesand spinal nervesAfferent and sympathetic fibers

Brain and spinal cord

Depolarization is:a) Action Potential,Influx of Sodiumb) Repolarizationand Refractoryc) Recovery, LatencyTimed) Phosphate and BicarbonateIons are neutralizee) Influx ofpotassium and reflux of sodium, potassium and proteins

Action Potential, Influx of Sodium

The delicate layers whichcovers the spinal cord closely is:a) Pia Matterb) Dura Matterc) Arachnoid Spaced) Central Canale) Epidural Space

Pia Matter

one of these spinal plexusesdon’t exist:a) Lumbar Plexusb) Cervical Plexusc) Splenius Plexusd) Brachial Plexuse) Sacral Plexus

Splenius Plexus

The space between the duramater and the periosteum is called:a) SubarachnoidSpaceb) Epidural Spacec) Arachnoid Spaced) Synaptic Clefte) Central Canal andgrey commissure

Epidural Space

Which of these lubes of thecerebrum plays a critical role in memory, equilibrium, and hearing:a) Frontal Lobeb) Parietal Lobec) Occipital Lobed) Insulae) Temporal Lobe

Temporal Lobe

Which of these lobes play acritical role in vision:a) Parietal Lobeb) Cerebellumc) Occipital Lobed) Thalamuse) Medulla Oblongataand Pons


What portion of the brainrelays the message from the spinal cord to the cerebellum?a) Diencephalonb) Corpus Callosumc) Fornixd) Cerebellume) Thymus Gland


All these cranial nerves arederived from the brainstem except:a) Optic nerveb) Vestibulocochlearnervec) Hypoglossal nerved) Glossopharyngealnervee) Facial nerve=

Optic nerve

The main structure whichcontrols the breathing rate, heart rate, sneezing, and coughing is:a) Midbrainb) Occulomotor nervec) Pineal gland orcorpus cerebrid) Medulla oblongatae) Hypophysisf) Mammillary bodyg) Grey commissureh) Cerebral aqueduct

Medulla oblongata

Which statement is NOTcorrect:a) All endocrinegland have ductb) All endocrinegland are ductlessc) All endocrinegland produce hormoned) All endocrineglands release their product in the blood streame) Endocrine glandsplay a role in maintain homeostasis

All endocrine gland are ductless

The birth control pillcontains progesterone and:a) Testosteroneb) Aldosteronec) Estrogend) DHTe) Insulin


The hormone, which lowersblood sugar, is:a) Glucagonb) Insulinc) Acetyl Cholined) LuteinizingHormonee) Aldosterone


The hyperglycemia is causedby:a) Insulineb) Glucagonc) PTHd) Calcitonine) Thymosine


The mineralcorticoid involvedin sodium reabsorption and secretion of potassium by the kidney is:a) Aldosteroneb) FSHc) LHd) Glucagone) Norepinephrine


FSH in the male stimulates:a) Ovulationb) Sperm Productionc) Follicular Growthd) Sex Drivee) Testosterone

Sperm Production

What hormone inducesovulation:a) FSHb) TSHc) GNRHd) LHe) Relaxin


This hormone is not producedby the pituitary gland (hypophysis):a) FSHb) Oxytocinc) LHd) Melatonine) ThyroidStimulating Hormone

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

This hormone induces labor,uterine contraction, and milk letdown is:a) Oxytocinb) Progesteronec) Inhibind) Triglyceridee) Melanocytes
