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94 Cards in this Set

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Father of Humanism


Discredited the Donation of Constantine

Lorenzo Valla

Treaty that gave princes the choice between Lutheranism and Catholicism

Peace of Augsburg

What treaty ended the thirty years war?

Peace/ Treaty of Westphalia

The Treaty of Westphalia gave independence to what two countries?

The Netherlands and Switzerland

Who wrote the 95 Theses to speak about simony and indulgences?

Martin Luther

What was a major development that helped to spread ideas?

The printing press

Who developed the geo-centric theory?


Who developed the helio-centric theory?


What did humanists focus on?

The abilities of humans and ancient greco-roman literature, art, etc.

Why did France enter the Thirty Years War?

To weaken the power of the Hapsburgs, which made the war into a political battle

How did the Thirty Years War begin?

The Defenestration of Prague which shows that the war began with religious motives

Why does Martin Luther want reform from the Catholic Church?

Indulgences and Simony

Which King made himself the ruler of the church and dissolved the Catholic Churches for his own wealth?

Charles VIII

Give an example of a new monarch that was able to centralize authority

Henry VIII was able to centralize authority because he took power away from the church and used the Act of Supremacy to become the supreme ruler of the Anglican Church

Which ruler failed to centralize power?

Charles V because he was not able to resolve the conflict between protestants and catholics

Describe one way that new ideas effected the shape of politics

Secularism became popular and caused people like Henry VIII to be able to dissolve churches.

Why did the europeans explore the new world?

God, gold, glory

List some major consequences of the exploration era on the native population



overworked to death

List major consequences of the exploration era on europeans


increase in population due to the potato

increase in wealth

What caused Thomas Hobbes to believe that man was born naturally bad?

The War of the Roses

What was Hobbes definition of a social contract?

Thomas Hobbes believed that in order for people to have safety, they needed to give up their rights to an absolute ruler

What was John Locke's idea of a social contract?

Consent of the governed

Who believed in Tabula Rassa?

John Locke

Who created the idea of three separate branches of government?

Baron de Montesquieu

Who made the idea of deductive reasoning?

Top - Down Logic

Rene Descartes

Who made the idea of inductive reasoning?

Bottom-Up Logic

Francis Bacon

What is baroque art?

Unusual art that focuses on movement and telling a story

Who wrote the Oration on the Dignity of Man?

Pico de Mirandola

Who wrote the Prince?

Niccolo Michavelli

Who is the author of the Courtier?

Baldassare Castiglione

Supporter of the arts


Who was the wealthy Italian banking family that supported the arts?

The Medici Family

Michelangelo painted and sculpted which two famous works of art?

The Sistine Chapel and David

Why was David different then works of art from the pre-renaissance period?

It glorified the human body

What was a major event that caused the French Wars of Religion?

The St.Bartholemew's Day Massacre

What resulted of the French Wars of Religion?

The Edict of Nantes

Who created the Bronze David?


Who painted the School of Athens?


Who sculpted Madonna with Child and made the Duomo?

Filipo Brunelleschi

Who painted the Last Supper and the Mona Lisa?

Leonardo da Vinci

Jan Van Eyck

Northern Renaissance Painter (religious)

Pieter Brugel the Elder

painter ( massacre of the innocents)

Who was rembrandt?

a naturalist dutch artist

El Greco

mannerist and baroque art

Artemisia Gentileschi

first female artist to gain post-renaissance recognition


Baroque Art ( Theresa)

Peter Paul Reubens

one of the first studio artists

Who discovered the Circulatory system?

William Harvey ( On the Motion of the Heart and Blood)

Who wrote On the Fabric of the Human Body?

Andreas Vesalius

Who created the elliptical theory?

Johannes Kepler

Who created the telescope?


Who made the universal law of gravitation and the Principa Mathematica?

Isaac Newton

Who wrote the Leviathan?

Thomas Hobbes

Who was married to Bloody Mary and sent the Spanish Armada?

Phillip II

Who was the worst spanish succession?

Phillip V

Who founded the Jesuits?

Ignatius of Loyola

Who said " Paris is worth a Mass" which led to him being labeled as a politique

Henry IV

What king was dominated by Richelieu?

Louis XIII

What term means to care more about the good of the state than about one's religion?


What did Ferdinand II issue that restored land back to the Catholics?

The Edict of Restitution

Who made the Edict of Fontainebleau which revoked the Edict of Nantes?

Louis XIV

What did Rousseau believe in terms of a social contract?

The government should be replaced if they are not doing what the people have told them to

Why did Louis XIV moved the capital to Versailles?

He wanted to take power away from the nobles because they were concentrated in Paris and he wanted to keep an eye on them

What was the name of the French Civil Wars that Louis viewed as a child?

The Fronde

Who was the first king to be executed?

Charles I ( divine right)

who were the roundheads?

the supporters of parliament ( wanted more parliament involvement in government)

How did Oliver Cromwell win?

He used his New Model Army and the rigid teaching of calvinism to shape his winning army

What is the Glorious Revolution?

William and Mary came to power, making a constitutional monarchy

Who created the Divine Right of Kings?

James I

Who was the Calvinist Leader of the reformation in Switzerland?


What is Mercantillism?

Exporting more than you import ( Jean Baptiste Colbert in France)

Who was the first person to complete circum-navigation?


Who was the first to sail around Africa to India?

Vasco de Gama

William of Orange

Ruler of the Netherlands

What was the Council of Trent?

They met to discuss reformation issues

Frederick William I

Military leader of Prussia

What was the inquisition?

In Spain, everyone who was expected to not be Catholic was prosecuted

Who was Peter the Great?

Russian example of an absolute ruler who moved the capital from Moscow to St.Petersburg

Bartholemew Diaz (Portugese)

Southern tip of Africa

Bartholemew de las casas

Spanish Missionary who advocated for native americans

What is the middle passage?

The slave trip from Africa to America

Who was the Father of the Enlightenment?


Who wrote the Spirit of Laws?


Who was Marie Antoinette?

Wife of Louis XIV

What was the Table of Ranks?

A system based on merit and not on status created by Peter the Great in order to take power from the nobles

Who made a navigational school in Portugal?

Henry the Navigator

Which treaty was made by Spanish and Portugal that basically cut the world in half?

The Treaty of Tordesillas

What was the War of Spanish Succession?

Philip of Anjou was attempting to be on the throne of Spain while his Grandfather, Louis XIV, was in power in France. This caused all of Europe to come together to check both of them. Philip of Anjou was not allowed to become king of France.

Who conquered the Incas in Peru?


Who conquered the Aztecs?


Universal Christendom declined with what empire?

The Holy Roman Empire and the Peace of Westphalia marked the end of Universal Christendom

How did Ferdinand and Isabella recentralize power?

They filled the bureaucracies with lesser aristocrats who owed their power to the throne and managed the military

What was the Star Chamber Court?

Henry VII tamed the nobility by furthering English Law to take power and land from the nobles