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53 Cards in this Set

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Study of human diversity at all places at all places at all ways at all times
Anthro or Andro
The scientific study of the classification of life
A group of interbreeding organisms that have fertile offspring.
What does sapiens mean?
Wise Knowledgeable
True or false: we are decedents of neanderthals
What unites all american Anthropologists
study of humans
shared perspectives
four field training
The all encompassing, systematic study of the whole of the human condition.
Holistic Perspective
a discreet (separate and distinct) whole made of up interrelated parts
The application of anthropological perspectives, theory, methods and data to identify assess and solve contemporary social problems
Applied Anthropology
Compares biological and cultural variation between human groups in all places at all times.
Comparative Perspective
The study of how human culture and biology change over time (evolution, culture change, and adaptation)
Diachronic perspective
The holistic study of the relationship between humans and their environment
ecological perspective
The understanding of how human biology and culture interact to influence human behavior and the human condition
Biological perspective
Who is the father of American Anthropology?
Franz boas
What did Franz boas have degrees in?
Genealogy and chemistry
Where was the first anthropology dept?
Columbia University
–the comparative diachronic and holistic study of human biological diversity. Emphasis on genes physiology, anatomy, ect. How biology relates with other aspects of human experience
biological Anthropology
the study of human biological remains associated with legal contexts.
Forensic Anthropology
Reconstructs past human behavior through the material remains of a culture
Archeological Anthropology
the study of human culture through fieldwork with living populations in order to describe, analyze, interpret, and explain cultural diversity.
Cultural Anthropology
The transfer of technology, knowledge, and ideas from more to less complex cultures
development anthropology
First hand, personal study of a cultural group through fieldwork, the act of collecting data
Who is the father of Anthropology
Edward B. Tylor
The social process by which culture is learned and transmitted across the generations. Includes ALL Interactions
True or False: Culture is not unique to the human species.
True or false: Culture is in a constant state of change
Development of the same culture trait in separate cultures as a result of comparable needs and stresses
independent invention
A change resulting from continuous contact between cultures
VOLUNTARY borrowing of cultural traits between cultures
Forced cultural change
When members of one culture deliberately destroy the culture of another group
Where was the first indian boarding school opened
Carlisle, PA
Who opened Carlisle's Indian Boarding school, was the founder of the idea "Kill the indian Save the man"
Captain Richard Pratt
To negatively judge another culture relative to your own
To remove a cultural group from a given region
Ethnic cleansing
Nationality and culture
to negatively judge members of social race based on sterotypes
Racial Prejudice
To deliberately harm members of a social race as a result of prejudice
What is the difference between prejudice and discrimination
prejudice is an attitude; discrimination is an action
What are the 2 ethnographic methods that are required
participant observation and rapport
What does Qix mean?
Ritually hot
The perspectives of the natives point of view, how they see the world
The outsiders perspective, the anthropologists point of view
Is time an emic or an etic
Emic; not everyone believes time in linear
True or False: Ethic Groups are distinct cultures that coexist within the boundaries of a nation-state
"The complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, arts, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquried by man as a member of society."
True or False: Anthropologists refer to the people they study as their participants.
False; Informants
True or false: Anthropologists are distinct from other social scientists because they exclusively work in developing countries.
False; Anthropologists work in all societies worldwide
What are the 4 subdiciplines of anthropology?
Cultural Anthropology
physical/biological anthropology
archaeological anthropology
Linguistic Anthropology
The first anthropologist to define culture and holism in the anthropological sense and the founder of anthropology as a discipline
Edward Tylor
What are the 5 perspectives in anthropology?
Bio cultural