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34 Cards in this Set

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Are the NW Coast textile traditions the same or different from other traditions?
They are fundamentally different
Which culture area is the richest environmentally?
NW Coast
What are the advantages to living in an environmentally rich area?
environmental rich = complex culture
What is truly significant about the NW Coast complex culture?
That it is so without farming.
T or F: NW Coast culture is highly stratified?
What type of culture is the NW Coast?
Name two characteristics of the NW Coast culture from Anthro notes?
Highly Stratified and in a constant state of war
What is significant about the NW Coast culture being highly stratified?
They institutionalized slavery of other humans
What type of system does a chiefdom level use?
A Moiety System
Give two examples of a Moiety?
Eagle and Wolf.
What is the difference between a clan and a moiety?
Moiety is the outlining structure, such as Eagle or Wolf while a clan such as Sandpiper is the overlay
What does it mean to say that NW Coast culture is exogamus?
It means that you would have to marry outside the Moiety. Bear cannot marry Bear.
Do NW Coast culture practice arranged marriages?
What is considered wealth to the NW Coast culture?
their art and architecture.
In the NW Coast Territory the farther north you go the ______ wealth
Where is Haida art located?
Island population off coast of AK Queen Charlotte Island
How is the source of wealth distributed?
Source of wealth is inherited-
Describe what art is to the NW Coast Culture
Art reflects who you are
Describe what a "crest figure" is
A crest is who you are and would greatly influence how you see the world.
What is the war-free, ceremony that takes place with a pole rising and celebration?
A Potlatch Ceremony
What the is ultimate purpose of a potlatch ceremony?
"To make our name good"
What is the purpose of wealth in NW Coast culture
to give it away- It balances power in the region.
What is the most important textile in NW Coast?
Chilkat Robe
How is the Chilkat robe made?
Finger woven via mountain goat wool
Can you have a Tlingit Chilkat Robe if you are not Tlingit?
Yes- the robe was named after the Tlingit lineage but you don't have to be Tlingit to have it
What type of robe is this?
Chilkat Robe
What is the figure in the center and what culture is this associated with?
Haida. Bear
What figure is depicted?
What is depicted in this art?
What is the most common of all figures in NW Coast art?
What is the difference between Bear and Wolf in NW Coast art?
Bear has rounded ears while wolf has pointed ears
In looking at NW Coast art the circle within a square represents what?
An Ovoid
What is an Ovoid? Describe
An ovoid is spirit eyes "Power of the robe can see you"
What is the difference between Raven, Eagle and Hawk?
Raven has a straight beak, Hawk has a crooked beak, and Eagle has ears.