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84 Cards in this Set

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the way members of the two sexes are perceived, evaluated, and expected to behave.
rules involving domestic seclusion and veiling for women in small towns in Iraq, Iran, and Syria.
neither man nor woman combined male / female gender.
BERDACHE (Two Spirit )
a person, usually a male, who assumes the gender identity and is granted the social status of the opposite sex..
In terms of gender, which type of society is the most egalitarian?
Geographically mobile food collectors such as the Ju/'Hoansi.
Define an egalitarian society.
societies that recognize few differences in status, wealth , or power.
gender stratification is found in what type of society?
in some degrees all societies.
The dangers of pregnancy to women in developing countries
no health care during and after pregnancy.
Is there a preference for one sex over the other when infanticide is committed? Is this practice universal?
killing of female child.
dowry deaths in India honor killings
the killing of a wife by her in-laws if the wife's parents fail to pay additional dowry.
Has there ever been a matriarchy?
Margaret Mead’s study of three New Guinea societies.
Arapesh, Mundugumor, Tchambuli.
What gender roles do men and women play in most societies. Refer to the list in power point.
Woman - childcare collecting fuel and water food preparation. making clothes

Men- hunting fishing
Ernestine Friedl says women are subordinate to men because they control what?
control the distribution of scarce resources.
Deborah Tannen talks about gender language differences; how do men and women talk differently
men use report and women use rapport talk.
What is feminization of poverty?
female -headed families below the poverty line.
What type of violence do women suffer in the US?
physical violence
Who does it and where does it take place? Woman violence US.
the capacity to produce intended effects on one-self, other people, social situations, or the environment.
Social honor or respect within a society.
The exclusive right of the eldest child( usually the son) to inherit his father's estate.
caste groups in Hindu India that are associated with certain occupations.
a group of people who share many of the same cultural features.
a subgroup of the human population whose members share a greater number of physical traits with one another than they do with members of other subgroups.
a ranked group within a stratified society characterized by achieved status and considerable social mobility.
a rigid form of social stratification in which membership is determined by birth and social mobility in nonexistent.
two or more groups live in harmony with one another while each retains its own ethnic heritage, pride, and identity.
the process of absorbing a racial or ethnic group into the wider society.
a form of upward social mobility found in contemporary India whereby people born into lower castes can achieve higher status by taking on some of the behaviors and practices of the highest caste.
What are the three criteria used to measure social inequality according to Max Weber.
Wealth Power Prestige.
Three types of societies based on differing levels of social inequality
Egalitarian, Rank, Stratified Societies.
Rank society positions and kinship
Unequal access to prestige but not to wealth or power.
caste societies
societies have no social mobility membership in a caste is determined by birth and lasts throughout one's lifetime.
What does the Functionalist interpretation of inequality say about people making sacrifices for certain jobs?
.contributes to the overall well-being of a society.
The Conflict Theory interpretation of inequality argues what about the hierarchy?
the upper levels of the hierarchy are willing and able to use their wealth, power, and prestige to exploit those below them.
What does the term Race refer to?
classification based on physical traits..
Social Control, found in all societies
.Mechanism found in all societies that function to encourage people not to violate the social norms.
Why does the upper class in the US have so much power? What do they control?
They have power and control over jobs.
What are the four major castes in the Hindu caste system; know each one such as the Brahmans are priests and scholars.
Brahmins (priest and scholars)
Kshatriyas (warriors)
Vaishyas (tradesmen)
Shudras (cultivators and servants)
a group of people who share a common identity, history, and culture.
a means of settling disputes over wife stealing among the Inuit involving the use of song and lyrics to determine one's guilt or innocence.
the violation of a social norm.
What must all societies have to maintain social order.
mechanisms of social control
What are the characteristics of a chiefdom?
political authority is likely to reside with a single individual, acting alone or in conjunction with an advisory council.
ancestor worship
the worship of deceased relatives; these souls are considered supernatural beings and fully functioning members of a descent group.
Leopard skin chief
an intermediary found among the Nuer of the African Sudan.
Which political group has the right to use force and coercion.
A form of magic based on the idea that the procedure performed resembles the desired result, such as sticking a doll-like image with pins will harm the person the doll represents.
a ritual found in some Plains Indian cultures wherein through visions people establish special relationships with spirits who provide them with knowledge, power, and protection.
the belief that people have souls or spirits in addition to physical, visible bodies.
a part-time religious specialist who is thought to have supernatural powers by virtue of birth, training, or inspiration.
an impersonal supernatural force, inhabiting certain people or things, that is believed to confer power, strength, and success.
revitalization movements in Melanesia intended to bring new life and
What belief are all religions founded upon?
a god?
contagious magic
a form of magic based on the premise that things, once in contact with a person( such as a lock of hair) continue to influence that person after separation.
Witchcraft is defined as?
an inborn, involuntary, and often unconscious capacity to cause harm to other people.
Read about Wicca, do they use their powers for evil purposes?
How do people benefit psychologically from religion?
explaining parts of our world that we do not understand. help reduce anxiety.
Characteristics of shamanism.
a part time religious specialist who is thought to have supernatural powers by virtue of birth, training, or inspiration. healers.
How do some people become shaman?
.virtue of birth, training, or inspiration.
Why are Rites of solidarity held? Who do they benefit?
ceremonies performed for the sake of enhancing social integration among groups of people. The dead.
Define a trickster myth
the successive triumphs and misadventures of an anthropomorphized animal: raven, rabbit, coyote.
Define myths
stories that transmit culturally meaningful messages about the universe, the natural and supernatural worlds, and a person's place within them.
Why are myths important for anthropologists to study?
explains the origin of Gods.
What is sorcery and what does it involve?
the performance of certain magical rites for the purpose of harming other people.
In what way does religion intensify group solidarity?
Read about the Amish and their behavior.
Who is Handome Lake, and what did he do?
a combination of dance, martial arts, and acrobatics that originated among Brazilian slaves of the sixteenth century.
stories from the past that are instructive, entertaining, and largely secular.
stories aimed at explaining local customs, which may or may nor be based on historic fact.
theatrical production that uses high levels of audience participation and is aimed at bringing about social change.
the study of relationship between music and other aspects of culture.
Define Dance
intentional, rhythmic, nonverbal body movements that are culturally patterned and have aesthetic value.
Define art according to anthropology
Navajo sand paint; what role does it play in the society?
What are ethnomusicologists primarily interested in?
Why don't we call some art "primitive?"
What is included in the category "Art"
Understand what the “Liberation Theater” is; what type of art is it?
In what way do folktales differ from legends
The book talks about the film, “The Fast Runner) who was this about.
In stratified societies how is music characterized?
Rite of Passage, Sepik River People know what went on during each stage
class societies
systems an individual can change his or her social position dramatically within a lifetime.