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75 Cards in this Set

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a group of people who reside within a specific territory and share a common culture


a group of people who share tasks and goals


a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked on above the other according to status or authority


the material objects that have value in society


the capacity to produce intended effects for oneself, other, situations, and the environment


the social honor or respect valued within a society

partible inheritance

the practice of dividing one's patrimony equally among all of the surviving children, usually sons, of a family

carrying capacity

the maximum number of people a society can support given the available resources

ascribed status

the status an individual has by virtue of birth

achieved status

the status an individual acquires during the course of his or her lifetime


usually consists of a few dozen to a few hundred individuals that are united by kinship

egalitarian society

a society that recognizes few differences in wealth, prestige, and power

ranked society

a society in which people have unequal access to prestige and status, but not unequal access to wealth and power

tribal societies

small-scaled societies that are composed of autonomous political units, usually based on clans, which share common languages and cultures


a form of tribal organization that achieves integration through the offices of chiefs, an office that is usually acquired through merit, at least initially

pan-tribal societies

those tribal societies that have unified in a larger political and social unit that cuts across kinship lines

stratified society

a society that is organized with considerable variations in the sharing of wealth, power, and prestige


a ranked group within a stratified society that is characterized by achieved status and considerable social mobility


a type of political structure that is hierarchical, bureaucratic, centralized, and has a monopoly on the legitimate use of force to implement its policies


a group of people who share a common identity, culture, and history


the combination of the political institution of the state with the kinship structures of the nation


the secular religion that dispels supernatural allegiances for a community and substitutes human ones instead

social control

a mechanism found in a society that functions to encourage people to follow the social norms

social norms

expected forms of behavior


a cultural rule that regulates social behavior and maintains social order


the violation of a social norm


a form of deviance that is not tolerated


the means a society uses to enforce compliance with the rules and norms of a society

positive sanctions

means of social control for enforcing social norms through the rewards

negative sanctions

punishments for violating the norms of a society


the conscious use of skill and creative imagination in the production of aesthetic objects


a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of the beautiful and with judgments concerning beauty


the quality of an artistic process that converts a mental image into a concrete work

graphic arts

forms of art that include painting and drawing on various two dimensional surfaces

plastic arts

forms of art that involve molding certain forms in three-dimensional space, such as sculpture


the fusion of diverse religious beliefs and practices into a new whole


the collection of unwritten arts, such as: myth, legend, proverbs, jokes, and folktales that make up a culture's traditions


stories aimed at explaining local customs, which may or may not be based on fact


stories that are instructive, entertaining, and mainly secular


the study of the relationship between music and other aspects of culture


purposeful and intentionally rhythmic nonverbal movements that are culturally patterned and have aesthetic value


moral evaluative elements of a culture shape the spiritual consciousness of a people


cognitive existential aspects of a culture shape the spiritual consciousness of a people


a prescribed form or manner governing the words or actions of a ceremony


the study of signs, sign systems, and the way meaning is derived from them


something that serves to indicate the presence or existence of something


the belief that spiritual beings exist and that spirits also reside in plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena


the belief in a generalized, impersonal power over which people have some measure of control


a system of supernatural beliefs that involves the manipulation of supernatural forces for the purpose of manifesting willful change in human activities and natural phenomena

imitative magic

based on the idea that correct performance of a ritualized procedure resembles and produces the desired result

contagious magic

a form of magic based on the idea that something that has contacted something or someone will absorb its energy and will continue to influence that person or environment even after separation of space and time


the systematic practice of practicing magic and sorcery


the practice of ritualized magic to influence the lives of others


an impersonal supernatural force that is believed to confer power, strength, and success


the spontaneous creativity and regular alternation of natural forces in Chinese philosophy


the feminine passive principle in nature Chinese cosmology that interacts with yang in the creation and maintenance of all things


the masculine active principle in nature

golden mean

the interaction between yin and yang


a person who doesn't believe in god


people that believe in god


an extension animism, except that the spiritual entities involved have been anthropomorphized


spiritual entities that have shapes, motives, behaviors of humans in addition to their spiritual, magical qualities


the belief in only one god

ancestor worship

the worship of deceased relatives, that is, those members of one's descent group that now live, and function, in a supernatural realm

ghost invocation

the practice of making contact with the spirit of a departed person

ghost vengeance

the punishment of immoral people by the empowered spirits of departed humans


an organized form of religious organization that cultivates and plants ideas into the minds of its members

individualistic cult

a cultural structure that fosters each individual member to develop his or her own supernatural experiences and beliefs

vision quest

a ritual that involves bodily mortification, such as fasting, the intention of which is to communicate with helpful spirits through trances and visions in order to gain knowledge, power, and protection


a spirit being, sacred object, or symbol that serves as an emblem or a group of people, such as a family, clan, or tribe

shamanistic cult

a type of religious organization in which shamans intervene with spirit on behalf of their people


a charismatic spiritualist gifted with supernatural powers from birth, or by otherworldly calling

communal cult

a type of religious organization in which groups of ordinary people conduct religious ceremonies for the well-being of the community

rite of passage

a ceremony that celebrates the transition of a person from one station in life to another

rite of solidarity

a ceremony that enhances social integration among groups of people