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73 Cards in this Set

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what is the thoracic container made up of

manubrium, sternum, ziphoid process, intercostal muscles, intercostal VAN

what is the superior thoracic aperture bound by

manuubrium, 1st thoracic verterbrae, 1st pair of ribs

what enters the superior thoracic aperture

esophogus, trachea, vessels, nerves

what bounds the inferior thoracic aperture

t12 verterbrae, ziphosternal joint, ribs 11+12, costal margin

which 2 layers do the intercostal VAN run through

internal and innermost intercostal muscles

where does the subclavian artery travel and what does it give rise to

subclavian travels on either side of sternum and gives rise to internal thoracic artery which travels on inferior aspect of ribs

what does internal thoracic artery give rise to

a) anterior intercostal arteries

b) pericardiophrenic artery

2 distal arteries:

c) musculophrenic artery

d) superior epigastric artery

where do posterior intercostal arteries come from and what do they meet up with

they come off the descending aorta and meet up with anterior intercostal muscles

where do intercostal nerves come from and where do they travel to

intercostal nerves come from anterior rami and travel with the vein and artery (VAN) between internal and innermost intercostal muscles. they head anteriorly and pop out as lateral and anterior cutaneous branches supplying skin and intercostal muscles

what are the borders of the mediastinum

superior and inferior thoracic apertures, sternum and costal cartilidges, bodies of thoracic verterbrae

what does the posterior mediastinum contain

descending aorta

what does the middle mediastinum contain

heart, ascending aorta, pulmonary trunk, SVC, arch of azygos vein, main bronchi, phrenic nerve

what are the three layers of the pericardium

F- fibrous : thick outermost layer connecting to the diaphragm

P- parietal - outside of the visceral layer

V-visceral- directly on the heart

in between the parietal and visceral is the serrous fluid??

what are the branches of the SVC

internal jugular, subclavian, right and left brachiocephalic veins

what does the ascending aorta give off

coronary arteries

what does the arch of the aorta give off

a) brachiocephalic trunk which gives off

i) right subclavian artery

ii) right carotid artery

b) left common carotid a.

c) left subclavian a.

what does the descending aorta give off

a) bronchial artery supplying bronchiols and lung tissue

b) esophageal artery

c) posterior intercostal a.

d) phrenic artery supplying diaphragm

what marks the beginning and end of the aortic arch

bifurcation of trachea at level of sternal angle

where does the esophagus travel

esophagus arises from the middle of the aortic arch and travels from superior to inferior mediastinum, moving to the right of the aorta as it descends

where do the coronary arteries come off of

ascending aorta

where does the right coronary artery travel

runs through atrioventricular groove (groove between right atrium and ventricle)

where does the left coronary artery travel

runs through interventricular groove (groove between right and left ventricle) and under the left auricle

what does the right coronary artery give off

a) SA nodal artery which runs under right auricle and towards SVC

b) right marginal artery

c) continues as right coronary on posterior side to give off posterior IV artery

what does the left coronary artery give off

bifurcates into

a) circumflex artery which travels on the posterior side

b) anterior interventricular artery running through IV groove

which arteries anastomose with each other?

a) circumflex with right coronary artery

b) anterior and posterior IV arteries

where and what does the coronary sinus dump

it dumps deoxygenated blood into right atrium

what branches does the coronary sinus give off

small, middle and great cardiac vein

which veins and arteries travel together on the heart

a) great cardiac vein with the anterior interventricular artery (IV groove)

b) middle cardiac vein with the posterior interventricular artery (IV groove)

c) small cardiac vein with marginal artery

what is a valve composed of

a cusp, cordae tendinae and papillary muscles

what valve prevents blood flow back to atrium

atrioventricular valve prevents blood flow back to atrium

right AV valve is

a tricuspid valve preventing backflow from the right ventricle to right atrium

left AV valve is

a bicuspid (mitral) valve preventing backflow from left ventricle to left atrium

what is a pulmonary valve

a semilunar valve between right ventricle and pulmonary trunk

what is an aortic valve

a semilunar valve between left ventricle and aorta

where does the right atrium receive blood

svc, ivc, coronary sinus

where does the right atrium direct blood to

right ventricle

pectinate muscles (right/left auricle)

form the rough walls of the atrium

crista terminals and sulcus terminalis

reflects the point of change from rough anterior wall to smooth posterior wall of the atrium

what controls flow into right ventricle

tricuspid valve

what controls flow out of right ventricle

pulmonary valve

trabeculae carnae

makes up the rough walls of the ventricle

septomarginal trabeculae

"moderator band": connects iv septum to anterior papillary muscles

facilitates conduction of heart and causes papillary muscles to contract

Interventricular septum

wall between two ventricles

where do the pulmonary veins drain into

left atrium, interatrial septum, left atrioventricular orifice

what is the lung enclosed in

a serrous pleural sac that consists of 2 continuous membranes: a visceral (most internal) and parietal (external of visceral) pleura

what does the pleural cavity contain

serrous pleural fluid: the surface tension of the fluid provides cohesion that keeps the lung surface in contact with the thoracic wall

what are the 3 sections of the diaphragm

caval opening t8-t10: IVC and right phrenic nerve travel through

esophageal hiatus t10-t12: esophagus, trunks of vagus nerve, esophageal branches of left gastric vessels travel through

aortic hiatus t12: descending aorta, thoracic duct and azygos vein

what supplies the superior surface of the diaphragm

1) internal thoracic artery (branch of subclavian) --> gives off musculophrenic artery (supplies diaphragm directly) and the pericardiophrenic artery (supplies pericardium which dumps into diaphragm)

2) thoracic aorta giving off superior thoracic arteries

what supplies inferior surface of diaphragm

abdominal aorta giving off inferior phrenic nerves

what direction do external obliques move

up towards ribs

what direction do internal obliques travel

down towards hips

what direction does transversus abdominis muscle move


what is the rectus sheath

posterior and anterior walls cover the rectus abdominis muscles like a plastic bag... made up of the aponeurosis of EO, IO, and transversus abdominis

linea alba

white line down the middle of rectus abdominis

arcuate line

1/3 of the way from pelvis to pubic point and the point of change where anterior and posterior rectus sheath starts to do different things

what happens above arcuate line

aponeurosis of EO goes in front, half of IO goes in front and half behind, transversus abdominis goes behind rectus abdominis

what happens below arcuate line

aponeurosis of EO,IO,TA all go in front of rectus abdominis

what does the abdominal aorta give off

a) celiac trunk

b) superior mesenteric artery

c) inferior mesenteric artery

where does the celiac trunk start and what does it supply

t12, foregut

where does the SMA start and what does it supply

L1, midgut

where does the IMA start and what does it supply

L3, hindgut

what comes off the celiac trunk

a) splenic artery

b) common hepatic artery

c) left gastric artery

what comes off the splenic artery

left gastroomental artery

what does the left gastrooental artery anasteomose with

right gastro-omental artery along greater curvature of stomach

where does the right gastro-omental artery come from

the gastroduodenal artery

what comes off the common hepatic

the hepatic proper giving off left and right proper arteries and the gastroduodenal artery

what comes off the gastroduodenal artery

superaduodenal artery (supplies head of pancreas) and anterior+posterior superior pancreaoduodenal artery (SPD)

what does the hepatic proper give off

right gastric artery

what does the left gastric artery anasteomose with

right gastric artery along lesser curvature of stomach

what does the SPD anasteomose with

inferior pancreoduodenal artery from SMA (foregut meets midgut)

where does the superior mesenteric artery come off of

abdominal aorta

what branches does the SMA give off

a) jejunal branches

b) ileal branches

c) ileocolic branches : supplies the junction between ileum and colon (appendix is here)

d) right colic

e) middle colic

f) inferior pancreoduodenal artery

what does the IFA give off

a) left colic artery

b) sigmoidal arteries

c) rectal arteries