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62 Cards in this Set

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What does the scrotum do?
-it protects the testes
-regulates temperature, usually 4-5 degrees below body temp.
-when warm the wall of the scrotum thickens and when cold the testes move closer to the body
What do the testes do?
-produce sperm cells from the seminiferous tubules
-produce testosterone from the leydig cells
What is the penis and what does the sigmoid flexure of the penis do?
The penis is the organ of copulation in the males. The sigmoid flexure of the penis of bulls, boars, and rams permit retraction by the retractor penis muscles. It is also s shaped. The penis of stallions contains erectile tissue.
What is the glans penis?
The glans penis is anatomically specialized to aid in copulation, note the corkscrew of the boar and the filiform appendage of the ram.
What is the epididymis?
The epididymis is the storage site for sperm and the site of sperm maturation.
What is the function of the vas deferons?
The vas deferons transport sperm cells between the epidiymis and urethra.
What is the ampulla and what is its function?
The ampulla is the muscular enlargement of the vas deferens that functions in sperm transport at ejaculation.
What is the function of the urethra?
The urethra is the transport for semen and urine, it is the site of mixing of sperm with fluids from the accessory glands.
What do the vesicular/seminal vesicles do?
They provide buffers and nutrients for sperm cells.
What does the prostate gland do?
It adds fluid volume to the semen, particularly in boars.
What do the eulbourethral gland or cowper's glands do?
-provide fluid to flush urine from the urethra before ejaculation in the bull
-provide the gel plug in the ejaculate of the boar
What is castration?
-removal or rendering nonfunctional of the testicles
-results in loss of secondary sexual characteristics (aggressiveness and odor)
-reduces muscling, leaness, and efficiency of growth
What are cryptorchids?
-one of both testicles are retained in the body cavity
-failure to descend into the scrotum
-not fertile
-temp. differential not maintained
-retain secondary sexual characteristics
Uterine body
-area of fusion of the uterine horns
-site of development of embryos and fetuses in the mare
Uterine horns
-embryos and fetuses develop in the uterine horns of the cow, sow, and ewe
-produces ova or eggs
-secretes the steroid hormones estrogen and progesterone
-a differentiated tube which transports ova from the ovary to the uterus
-the oviduct is from the ovary to the uterus and is divided into the infundibulum, the ampulla, and the isthmus
-site of fertilization
Part of the oviduct- utero-tubal junction
-the site of a sperm reservoir
Part of the oviduct- fimbria
-sack like end of the oviduct that encompasses the ovary to capture ova at ovulation
Part of the oviduct- infundibulum
-funnels the ova into the oviduct
Part of the oviduct- ampulla
-next segment of the oviduct transports ova
Part of the oviduct- Isthmus
-moves sperm cells to the site of fertilization (ampullary-isthmus junction) and ova or embryos to the uterine horn
-canal connecting the uterus and vagina
-composed primarily of connective tissue
-cervix closes between period of estrus and during pregnancy
-cervix is relaxed during estrus to permit sperm transport (except in the sow) and also relaxed at parturition
-the dual passageway of the urinary and reproductive systems
-the vagina serves as the organ of copulation and as the birth canal
-secretes mucus at estrus to facilitate mating
-outer opening to the vagina
-a reddened vulva is an indicator of estrus
-the homologue of the penis
-massage of the clitoris may enhance success of artificial insemination
-female reproductive hormone
-source: large follicles on the ovary
-function: stimulates female mating behavior
-female reproductive hormone
-source: corpora lutea on the ovary
-function: maintenance of pregnancy
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
-female reproductive hormone
-source: anterior pituitary
-function: ovulation (follicle rupture), corpus luteum formation
-female reproductive hormone
-source: anterior pituitary
-function: development of follicle
-produces estrogen
-promotes ovulation caused by LH serge
-holds the egg
-corpus luteum: source of progesterone
Heifer or cow's reproductive cycle
-length of estrous cycle: 21 days
-length of estrus: 12-18 hrs
-time of ovulation: 30 hrs after beginning of estrus
Ewe's reproductive cycle
-estrous cycle: 17 days
-length of estrus: 30 hrs
-time of ovulation: 26 hrs after beginning of estrus
-most breeds of sheep are short day seasonal breeders (breed in the fall)
Gilt or sow's reproductive cycle
-estrous cycle: 21 days
-length of estrus: 2-3 days
-time of ovulation: 38 hrs after beginning of estrus
Mare's reproductive cycle
-estrous cycle: 21 days
-length of estrus: 6 days
-time of ovulation: 1 day before end of estrus
-mares are long day seasonal breeders (breed in the spring)
-sperm production in the testicles and seminiferous tubules of the male
-occurs throughout the lifetime of a male
-billions of sperm cells are produced
Steps of Spermatogenesis
-spermatogonium: undiffrentiated diploid germ cell
-primary spermatocyte: diploid chromosomes duplicate the cell and the cell divides (meiosis)
-secondary spermatocyte: each contains on duplicated chromosome from each pair and the cell divides
-spermatid: haploid cell which undergoes differentiation (spermiogenesis) to form a motile sperm cell
-initiated in the fetal ovary
-a limited supply of ova result
-the second meiotic division of oogenesis is completed only after fertilization
Steps of Oogenesis
-oogonim: undifferentiated diploid germ cell
-primary oocyte: diploid chromosomes duplicate and then the cell divides unevenly into a secondary oocyte and a polar body
-secondary oocyte- each contains one (duplicated) chromosome from each pair
-the cell divides unevenly into an ootid and polar body after fertilization
-time during which female carries developing young within the uterus
-young receives nutrients from yolk and uterine secretions until maternal/ fetal contact made
Stage of Gestation- Clevage
-period of cell divison without increase in cytoplasm
-fertilization to hatched blastocyst
-takes place in the oviducts and uterus
-completed by day 11 in the ewe, day 13 in the cow, and day 6 in the sow
Stage of Gestation- Differentiation
-period of development of organs and placental membranes and attachment to the uterus
-true embryo
-completed by day 28 in the sow, day 45 in the ewe, and by day 45 in the cow
Stage of Gestation- Fetal Growth
-period of growth of the developed fetus
-weight of a fetal calf increases (40g-40kg)
-completed at paturition day 114 in the sow, day 145 in the ewe, and day 282 in the cow
Gestation length
-cow: 279-290 days
-sow: 112- 115 days
-ewe: 144-151 days
-mare: 330-337 days
-the placenta functions to transfer nutrients from the dam to the fetus and waste from the fetus to the dam
-there is no direct contact
Types of Placenta
-sow and mare: diffuse
-cow and ewe: cotiledonary
-contact and certain points on the uterus rather than over entire surface
Placental Attachment
-occurs during the period of differentiation
-day 12-20 for sow, day 18-20 for ewe, and day 30-35 for cow
Placental Membrane- Chorion
-outermost layer
-contacts the endometrium of the uterus
Placental Membrane- Allantois
-second layer
-contains fetal waste
Placental Membrane- Amnion
-innermost layer
-fluid filled, cushions the fetus from shocks
Hormonal events at parturition
-ACTH from the fetal pituitary thought to initiate parturition which stimulates prostoglandin
-prostoglandin from the uterus destroys the CL which lowers progesterone
-relaxin from the uterus relaxes pelvic ligaments (birth canal)
-estrogen from the placenta and oxytocin from the hypothalamus stimulate uterine contractions
-prolactin from anterior pituitary stimulates milk secretion
Reproductive Management
-measures of reproductive efficiency
-percent calf crop/lamb crop= # of calves or lambs born divided by the # of cows or ewes exposed times 100
-pigs per sow per year= # of progeny born in a year divided by the # of sows in the herd
-non-return rate= amt of cows that received 1st insemination- amt of cows who receive 2nd insemination divided by 1st insemination x 100 (measure of breeding success)
Artificial Insemination
-marketed by feed and specialized companies and cooperatives
-extent of utilization: turkeys nearly 100%, swine more than 90%, dairy cattle 65%, and beef cattle 5-8%
AI Advantages
-doesn't expose healthy sire to diseases
-use of superior sires
-wider choice of sires
-early detection of fertility problems
-semen is regularly tested
AI Disadvantages
-disseminate desirable genetic traits
*increase frequency of detrimental recessive allele
-requires special training, equipment
-more labor intensive
Extending semen
-increase volume of ejaculate
-increase number of inseminations
-species differences in sperm concentration
-ram: high concentration
-boar: lower concentration
-maintain longetivity
-protection from contaminants
Semen testing
-appearance: milky white, viscous
-sperm #
1= no progressive motility
5=excellent motility
-dead alive stain=
dead accept stain, alive do not
AI procedure
-semen is collected from the male usually by training him to ejaculate into an artificial vagina
-semen can be successfully frozen in cattle, but success is low in other species
-fresh or thawed diluted semen is introduced into the cervix or through the cervix into the uterus via a specialized catheter
Estrous detection in cattle
-cows are observed twice per day for extra activity and mounting or standing to be mounted
Estrous detection in swine
-sows are exposed to a boar and will display lordosis (immobility), back pressure test
Estrous detection in sheep
-ewes are penned with a vasectomized ram which has had it's breast painted with pigmented grease and ewes are observed daily for marks from mounting
Estrous detection in horses
-mares are exposed across a fence from a stallion and are observed for urination and winking