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99 Cards in this Set

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Groups of cells similar in structure and function

Structure of secretory units include what?

Tubular, alveolar, or tubuloalveolar

How is epithelia integrity maintained?

intercellular connections, attachment to basal lamina, epithelial maintenance, and repair.

Four types

Epithelial, Connective, Muscle, and nerve

nervous tissue

internal communication: brain spinal cord, and nerves

muscle tissue

contracts to cause movement

What muscle is attached to bone?


Which muscles are attached to heart?


Which muscles are on the walls of hollow organs?


Epithelial tissue

forms boundaries between different environments, protects, secretes, absorbs, filters


skin surface

Where is epithelial cells found?

skin surface, lining of GI tract organs and other hollow organs

Connective tissue

supports, protects, binds other tissues together

Where is connective tissue?

Bones, tendons, fat and other soft padding tissue.

Where is nervous tissue found?

brain, spinal cord, and nerves

where is muscle tissue found?

Skeletal muscles are attached to bones, cardiac muscles make up heart, and smooth muscle is found on wall of hollow organs

Two types of epithelium

1. Covering and lining epithelia2. Glandular epithelia

Type 1 epithelium tissue

Covering and lining epithelia on external and internal surfaces

Type 2 epithelium tissue

glandular epithelia is secretory tissue in glands

Apical polarity of cell

upper, free surfaces

Basal polarity of cell

lower, attached surfaces

Example of apical surfaces

may bear microvilli, brush border of intestinal lining or cilia, lining of trachea

What lies adjacent to basal surface?

Noncellular basal lamina of glycoprotein and collagen

How are epithelial tissue composed?

As continuous sheets held together by tight junctions and desmosomes

Characteristics of Epithelial tissue

supported by a connective tissue reticular lamina (under the basal lamina); avascular but innervated; high rate of regeneration.

Is the rate of epithelial tissue regeneration high or low?

High rate

Is epithelial tissue vascular?

No, avascular

Is epithelial tissue innervated?

Yes, innervated

How many layers is simple epithelium?


How many layers is stratified epithelium?

More than 1

What are the 3 types of epithelial cells?

Squamous, cuboidal, columnar

How are epithelial cells classified?

by cell shape


Cell junctions


apical and basal surfaces


basal lamina

Characteristics of Epithelia

AACPRAttachment, avascularity, cellularity, polarity, and regeneration

Functions of epithelial tissue

provide physical protection, control permeability, provide sensation, produce specialized secretions (glandular epithelium)

Specialization of epithelial cells in relation to protection

move fluids over the epithelium

specialization of epithelial cells in relation to permeability

move fluids through epithelium

specialization of epithelial cells in terms of protection and messengers

produce secretions


increase absorption or secretion


ciliated epithelium move fluid

Where is cilia found?

Apical surfaces

Where is microvilli found?

apical surfaces

How is epithelia integrity maintained?

intercellular connections, attachment to basal lamina, epithelial maintenance, and repair.

Intercellular connections

support and communication via cell adhesion molecules or transmembrane proteins, intercellular cement or porteoglycans, and hyaluronan or glycosaminoglycans


cell adhesion molecules which help support intercellular connections

intercellular cement



hyaluronic acid, for example gylcosaminoglycans

Cell junctions

Form bonds with other cells or extracellular material: occluding (tight) junctions; gap junctions, macula adherens (desmosome)

Occluding (tight) junctions

between two plasma membranes; adhesion belt attaches to terminal web, prevents passage of water and solutes, isolates wastes in the lumen

Gap junctions

allow rapid communication, held together by channel proteins (junctional proteins, connexons); allow ions to pass; coordinate contractions in heart

What is function of gap junctions in heart?

coordinate heart contractions

What can tight junctions prevent?

passage of water and solutes

What is other name for occluding junctions?

tight junctions

What is other name for macula adherens?


What do spot desmosomes do?

tie cells together, allow bending and twisting

what do hemidesmosomes do?

attache cells to the basal lamina

What is Clear layer of basal lamina called

lamina lucida

Describe the lamina lucida

thin layer, secreted by epithelia, barrier to proteins

What is other name for dense layer?

lamina densa

Describe lamina densa

thick fibers, produced by connective tissue, has strength and filtration


Dark zone of fusiform configuration on each side face of the cell, immediately below the surface free of it High molecular weight proteins: ZO-1 and cinculin.


• Immediately below the previous one • Function of both: - Intercellular union - Permeability barrier

What is another term for germinative cells?

Stem cells

Where are epithelial cells repaired?

near basal lamina

Simple Squamous epithelium

single-layer or flattened cells with disc-shaped central nuclei and sparce cytoplasm; the simplest of the epithelia

What is function of simple squamous epithelia

allows passage of materials by diffusion and filtration in sites where protection is not important; secretes lubricating substances in serosae.

Where is simple squamous epithelium located?

kidney glomeruli; air sacs of lungs, lining of heart, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels; lining of ventral body cavity (serosae).


lining of lymphatic vessels, blood vessels, and heart


epithelium of serous membranes in the ventral body cavity

Simple cuboidal epithelium

single layer of cubelike cells with large, spherical central nuclei.

What is function of simple cuboidal epithelium?

secretion and absorption

where is simple cuboidal located?

kidney tubules; ducts and secretory portions of small glands; ovary surface

simple columnar epithelium

single layer of tall cells with round to oval nuclei; some cells bear cilia; layer may contain mucus-secreting unicellular glands (goblet cells)

Describe function of simple columnar epithelium

absorption, secretion of mucus, and other substances; ciliated type propels mucus (or reproductive cells) by ciliary action

Where is simple columnar epithelium located?

nonciliated type lines most of the digestive tract (stomach to anal canal), gallbladder, and excretory ducts of some glands; ciliated variety lines small bronchi, uterus tubes, and some regions of the uterus

pseudostratified columnar epithelium

single layer of cells differing heights, some not reaching the free surface; nuclei seen at different levels; may contain mucus-secreting cells and bear cilia.

function of psuedostratified columnar epithelium

secretion, particularly of mucus; propulsion of mucus by ciliary action

What is location of pseudostratified columnar epithelium?

non-ciliated type in male's sperm-carrying ducts and ducts of large gland; ciliated variety lines the trachea; most of upper respiratory tract.

Stratified squamous epithelium

thick membrane, composed of several layers; basal cells are cuboidal or columnar and metabolically active; surface cells are flattened (squamous); in the keratinized type, the surface cells are full

What is function of stratified squamous epithelium?

Protects underlying tissues in areas subjected to abrasion

Where is Stratified Squamous epithelium located?

non-keratinized type forms the most linings of the esophagus, mouth, and vagina; keratinized variety forms the epidermis of the skin, a dry membrane

Which epithelia is rare in body?

Stratified cuboidal epitherlia

Where is stratified cuboidal found?

some sweat and mammary glands, typically two layers thick

Stratified columnar

limited distribution; small amounts found in pharynx, male urethra, and lining some glandular ducts, occurs at transition areas between two other types of epithelia

Transitional epithelium

resembles both stratified squamous and stratified cuboidal; basal cells, cuboidal, or columnar; surface cells dome shaped or squamous-like, depending on degree of organ stretch

Function of transitional epithelium

stretches readily and permits distention of urinary organ by contained urine

Where is transitional epithelium located?

lines the ureters, urinary bladder, and part of urethra.

Glandular epithelia (Gland)

one or more cells that makes and secretes an aqueous fluid

How is gland classified?

Endocrine versus exocrine, and unicellular versus multicellular

Endocrine glands

ductless glands that secrete hormones that travel through lymph or blood to target organs

Exocrine glands

more numerous that endocrine, secrete product into ducts, secretions released onto body surfaces (skin), or into body cavities

Name some exocrine glands

mucous, sweat, oil, and salivary glands

Unicellular exocrine glands

Goblet cell

Multicellular exocrine glands

composed of a duct and secretory unit

How are multicellular exocrine glands classified?

Duct types and structure of their secretory units

Duct types include what?

Simple and compound

Structure of secretory units include what?

Tubular, alveolar, or tubuloalveolar