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55 Cards in this Set

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Fibers from the ___ of each retina cross to the opposite side of the brain
Nasal half (medial side)
Fibers from the ___of the retina remain uncrossed
Temporal half (lateral side)
Fibers from the right half of each retina of both eyes form the ________
Right optic tract
Fibers from the left half of each retina of both eys from the _________
Left optic tract
the right optic tract conveys impulses from the ____ of the visual fields.
Left halves
The left optic tract conveys impulses from the _____ of the visual fields
Right halves
___ innervate skeletal muscles and smoth muscles
Oculomotor nerve (CN III)
Oculomotor nerve invervate extrinsic eye muscles : ____(5)
Superior rectus
Medial rectus
inferior rectus
inferior oblique
levator palpebrae superioris
___is the preganglionic parasympathetic nerurons
Oculomotor nerve (CN III)
The preganglionic parasympathetic neurons are involved with innervating :___
Oculomotor nerve exits the ___ since its carnial nerve nuclei are located there.
__is the smllest carnial nerve in terms of diameter
Trochlear nerve (CN IV)
___is the only cranial nerve to exit the brain stem dorsally
Trochlear nerve (CN IV)
____ innervates the superior oblique muscles. Exit the skull via the ____
Trochlear nerve (CN IV)
Superior orbital fissure
___is the largest of the caranial nerves and exits the pons
Trigeminal nerve (CN V)
___innervates the lateral rectus mm.
Abducens (CN VI)
Abducens exit the skull via the _____
Superior orbital fissure
___is cranial nerve # 7
Facial nerve
__is caranial nerve # 8
Vestibulochlear originates from _______(nerve) and ______(nerve)
Organ of Corti - auditory nerve
Semicircular Canals- Vestibular nerve
___is cranial nerve # 9
___is cranial nerve # 10
Facial nerve exits the skull via the _____ and ____
Internal acoustic meatus
Stylomastoid foramen
Glossopharyngeal extis the skull via the ___
Jugular foramen
Vagus nerve exits the skull viaa the ____
Jugular foramen
___is cranial nerve # 11
Spinal accessory nerve
spinal accessory nerve innervates the muscles in the walls of the ____and ___
spinal accessory nerve innervates the _____ and ____muscles
Spinal accessory have 2 portions: ______ and ____
___is cranial nerve # 12
Hypoglossal nerve
___innervates the extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the tongue
Hypoglossal nerve (CN #12)
Hypoglossal nerve innervate extrinsic and instrinsic muscles of the tongue except _____
Hypoglossal exits the skull via the _____________
Hypoglossal canal in the occipital bone
___is a space between the lips and cheeks externally
a space between the gums and teeth internally
Lies just inside the oral orifice
Area just posterior to the vestibule
Oral cavity
Connective tissue lined with mucus membrane covering the alveolar margins
Gingiva (gums)
There are 20 ____ teeth
Deciduous (temporary)
A muscular organ, involved with swallowing, mastication, articular speech etc.
Instrinsic tongue muscles: ____(4)
Superior longitudinal
Inferior longitudinal
Transverse mm.
Vertical mm.
Intrinsic muscles of the tongue innervated by _____
Hypoglossal nerve (XII)
Extrinsic tongue Muscles: _____(5)
Extrinsic tongue muscles innervated by _____ except ___
Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
Anterior 2/3 of the tongue lies in the ______
Oral cavity
Posterior 1/3 of the tongue lies int the __________
Oral pharynx
Arterial blood of the togue
2 lingual artery which are braches of the external carotid
Venous return flow of the tongue
lingual v -- facial v -- anterior division of retromandibular v -- internal jugular v -- brachiocephalic v
Beneath the tongue in the floor are located the _____
Sublingual glands
External nose bony structures
Nasal bone
Nasal part of the maxilla
Nasal part of the frontal bone
Externally: 2 lateral parts of the nose
Alar cartilage (surround the nares)
Lateral nasal cartilage
Internally: Nasal septum has 2 portions
Superior: perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone
Inferior: vomer bone
Floor of the internal nasal bone
Palatine process of the maxillae
Horizontal plate of the palatine bone
Lateral wall of nasal bone
Superior, middle, and inferior nasal conchae
Roof of the nasal bone
Cribriform plate of eithmoid