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15 Cards in this Set

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What are the main hip flexors?
psoa major
gluteus minimus
gluteus medius
tenso fascia late
rectus femoris
What are the mjor joints of the shoulder girdle?
what are the 4 rotator cuff muscles?
teres minor
what muscles contribute to dorsiflexion?
flexor hallicus longus
externsor digitorum longus
Name the muscles of the quadriceps and their attachments
rectus femoris O: illium above acetabulum I: tibial tuberosity;
Vastus Lateralis O: greater trochanter of femer I: patella, tibia;
vastus intermidius O: femer I: patella, tibia;
vastus medialis O: lesser trochanter of femer I: patella, tibia
Name the Hip extensors
biceps femoris
gluteus maximus
gluteus medius
adductor magnus
Name the attachments of the gluteus maximus and the actions
- O: illium, sacrum, coccyx
- I: Femer, tensor fascia late
- A: extends hip, lateral rotation of hip, hip adduction
What are the actions of the rotator cuff muscles?
- bind the head of the humerous into the socket of the glenoid fossa (glenohumeral joint)
- provides stability to shoulder movements by steadying the head of the humerus by steadying the head of the humerous into the glenoid fossa preventing slipping.
- contribute to the rotation of the humerous
What are the features of a synovial joint?

What cartilage is found in a synovial joint?
- the articulating bones are separated by synovial fluid
-bones are interconnected by ligaments lined with synovial membrane

- articular cartilage
Name the main ligaments in the hip joint
- illiofemoral
- ischiofemoral
Name and give the the attachments of the adductor group muscles
- adductor magnus (Ishial tuberosity pubis ramus, femer)
-adductor longus (pubis, femer)
-Adductor brevis ( pubis femer)
Give the attachments of the deltoid
O: clavical, acromion process, spine of scapula
I: humerus
what are the attachments of the rectus abdominis?
O: pubis
I: sternum, 5th 6th 7th costal cartilages ribs
what are the attachments of the trapizeus muscles?
O: Occipital bone, cervical vertebrae, all of thoracic vertebrae
I: clavical, acromion process, spine of scapula
A: upper fibres (elevation)middle fibres (adduct scapula) lower fibres ( depress scapula) both upper and lower fibres together (rotate scapula as in elevating the arm above the head)
what are the attachments of the quadratus lumborum?
o: illiac crest
I: 12th rib lumbar vertebrae (L1-L4)
A: lateral flexion