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47 Cards in this Set

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Origin is:

The bone which serves as an attachment site for muscle and DOES NOT MOVE during contraction.

PROXIMAL (Closer to body)

Insertion is:

The attachment of a muscle's tendon that DOES MOVE when the muscle contracts.

DISTAL (Away from the body)

Temporalis muscle shape:

Fan-shaped muscle

Origin of Temporalis muscle:

Temporal Fossa

Insertion of Temporalis Muscle:

Coranoid process of mandible/ramus

Action of Temporalis muscle:

Closes the jaw

Shape of Deltoid Muscle:

Flesh Triangular muscle forming shoulder muscle mass.

Origin of Deltoid Muscle:

Lateral 1/3 of clavicle; Acromion and spine of scapula

Insertion of Deltoid muscle:

Deltoid tuberosity of humerus

Action of Deltoid Muscle:

Prime mover of arm abduction

Shape of Biceps brachii:

Most familar muscle of anterior humerus, two headed muscle.

Origin of Biceps brachii:

Supraglenoid tubercle of scapula; Tip of coracoid process of scapula

Insertion of Biceps Brachii

Radial tuberosity

Action of Biceps Brachii:

Flexion (Powerful) and supination of forearms

Shape of Triceps brachii

Large fleshy muscle of posterior humerus; three headed origin

Origin of Triceps brachii:

Long head, lateral head, medial head, Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula,

superior 1/2 of humerus,

inferior 2/3 of humerus.

Insertion of Triceps brachii:

Olecranon of ulna

Action of Triceps brachii:

Powerful forearm extensor

Shape of Pectoralis major:

Large fan-shaped muscle covering upper portion of chest

Origin of Pectoralis major:

Medial 1/2 of clavicle


Rips 1-7

External Oblique muscle

Insertion of Pectoralis major:

Lateral lip of intertubercle grove of humerus

Action of Pectoralis major:

Arm flexion;

Arm adduction;

Medially rotates arm

Shape of Pectoralis Minor:

Flat, thin muscle deep to the pectoralis major

Origin of Pectoralis Minor:

Anterior surface of ribs 3-5, near their costal cartilages

Insertion of Pectoralis Minor:

Coracoid process of scapula

Action of Pectoralis Minor:

Draws scapula toward and inferior

Shape of Rectus Femoris (Part of quads)

Counteracts the hamstrings to stabilize the knee

Origin of Rectus femoirs (part of quads)

Anterior, Inferior iliac spine;


Insertion of Rectus Femoris (part of quads)

Tibial tuberosity and patella

Action of Rectus Femoris (Part of quads)

Extends leg and flexes knee

Shape of Biceps femoris (Part of hamstring)

Most lateral muscle of group; arises from two heads.

Origin of Biceps Femoris (Part of hamstrings)

Ischial tuberosity (Long head)

Linea asperea

Distal Femur (short head)

Insertion of Biceps Femoris (Part of hamstrings)

Lateral surface of fibula head;

Lateral condyle of fibula

Action of Biceps femoris (part of hamstrings)

Extends thigh;

Laterally rotates leg;

Flexes leg

Shape of Gastrocnemius (Calf muscle)

"Calf Muscle" Two prominent bellies

Origin of Gastrocnemius (Calf muscle)

By two heads from medial and lateral condyles of femur

Insertion of Gastrocnemius (Calf muscle)

Calcaneus via calcaneal tendon

Action of Gastrocnemius (Calf muscle)

Plantar flexes foot when leg extended

Temporalis Muscle

Deltoid Muscle

Biceps Brachii

Triceps Brachii

Pectoralis Major

Pectoralis Minor

Quadriceps Formoris

