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69 Cards in this Set

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-elevates eybrows
-wrinkles forehead

soft tissue of eyebrows
pulls scalp back (wrinkles back of head
mastoid process
occipital bones

Orbicularis Oris
closes lips
surround lips, fascail muscles, maxilla, mandible, nose septum

Orbacularis Occuli
squinting, blinking, winking
surrounds eye, frontal bone, maxilla

papebrae (eyelids)
draws lower lip downward and backward (opens jaw)
fascia that covers the Pectoralis Major and Deltoid

mandible and muscles around mouth
depresses corner of mouth (sad)


orbicularis oris
pulls the angles of mouth corners up and backwards (smile)

Zygomatic Bone

corner of Orbicularis Oris
raises mandible

Zygomatic Arch

Lateral Ramus (Mandible)
raises and retracts mandible

Frontal, Parietal & Temporal bones

Coronoid process of Mandible
compresses cheeks to hold food in ("nursing")
Maxilla, Mandible

Orbicularis Oris
-pulls head towards shoulder ("no")
-flexes head onto chest ("yes")

Manubrium, Clavicle sternal end

Mastoid process
pulls scapula toward midline (shrugging) or hyperextends the head

A:Serratus Anterior
Occipital bone, Ligamentum nuchae, Spinous process of vertebrae C7 and T1 - T12

Spine, Acromion of scapula, outer 1/3 of clavicle
Pectoralis Major
-Adducts humerus
-flexes humerus
-medical rotation of humerus

Clavicle, Sternum, Costal cartilages, Aponeurosis of ext. oblique

intertubercular groove
abducts the humerus

A:Pectoralis Major
Lateral 1/3 of clavicle, acromion, scapula spine

Deltoid tuberosity (lateral side) of humerus
Serratus Anterior
pulls scapula forward, downward and and inward toward chest wall

upper 8 or 9 ribs

anterior surface of scapula (near vertevral border)
External Intercostals
pulls ribs together (elevate rib cage, inhale)
lower border of upper rib

upper border of lower rib
Internal Intercostals
pulls ribs together (lowering the rib cage, exhale)

A:External intercostals
lower margin of upper ribs

upper margin of lower ribs
Latissiums dorsi
-Humerus:extends, adducts, medial rotation
-draws shoulder down and backward

intertubercular groove of humerus (muscle passes under humerus)
rotates humerus laterally

A:Latissimus dorsi, Pectoralis major
scapula, inferior to spine

greater tubercle of humerus
abducts the humerus

A:Pectoralis Major

fossa above scapula spine

greater tubercle of humerus
-arm flexion, adduction of arm

A:Deltoid Supraspinatus

S:Pectoralis Major
Coronoid process of scapula

Middle of medial humerus
Biceps Brachii
-forearm flexion
-aides in hand suppination


S:Brachialis Brachioradialis
Coracoid process of scapula (medial), intertubercular groove on humerus (lateral)

radial tuberosity of radius
forearm flexion

S:Biceps Brachii
lower anterior half of the humerus

front surface of the coronoid process of ulna
forearm flexion
above the lateral epicondyle of humerus

lateral surface of the radius
Triceps Brachii
forearm extension

A:Biceps brachii, Brachialis, Brachioradialis
Scapula, Posterior surface of Humerus (lateral), Lower medial humerus

Olecranon process of the ulna
hand supination
lateral epicondyle of humerus, ridge of ulna, curves around the upper portion of radius

lateral edge of the radial tuberosity
Pronator Teres
arm pronation
medial epicondyle of the humerus

upper lateral surface of the radius
Pronator Quadratus
forearm pronation
distal 1/4 of ulna

distal portion of the radius
External oblique
compress & assist in maintaining intra-abdominal pressure, antagonists to diaphragm, defecation, urination, vomiting, parturition
lower 8 ribs

iliac crest, midline of ab by an aponeurosis = Linea Alba
Internal Oblique
compress & assist in maintaining intra-abdominal pressure, antagonists to diaphragm, defecation, urination, vomiting, parturition
-inguinal ligament, iliac crest

costal cartilages of lower 3 ribs, pubic crests, linea alba
Transverse abdominus
compress & assist in maintaining intra-abdominal pressure, antagonists to diaphragm, defecation, urination, vomiting, parturition
inguinal ligament, iliac crest, cartilage of lower 6 ribs

pubic crest, linea alba
Rectus abdominus
flexes the spine in the lumbar region
pubis bone

cartilage of ribs 5, 6, 7
Psoas Major
-flexes thigh, adducts thigh, medial rotation, flexes lumbar trunk (sit up)

S:Rectus Abdominis
Bodies of transverse T1 - T12, L1 - L5
Iliac fossa of ilium

lesser trochanter of femur
-flexes thigh, adducts thigh, medial rotation, flexes lumbar trunk (sit up)

S:Psoas Minor
iliac fossa of ilium

lesser trochanter of femur
Gluteus Maximus
-extends femur, lateral rotation of femur

A:iliopsoas group
ilium, sacrum, coccyx

iliotibial tract which attaches to the tibie, posterior femur
Gluteus Medius
abducts thigh, medial rotation of femur

A:adductor group of muscles gracialis

S:Glut. Min.
external ilium

lateral part of the greater trochanter of femur
Gluteus Minimus
abducts femur, medial rotation of femur, some flexion of femur

A:adductor group of muscles gracialis

S:Glut. Med.
external ilium
anterior part of the greater trochanter of femur
Adductor Longus
Adduct thigh, flex thigh, medial thigh rotation


S: Each other, Gracialis
front of pubis

medial femur
Adductor Brevis
Adduct thigh, flex thigh, medial thigh rotation


S: Each other, Gracialis
inferior pubis

medial femur - above longus
Adducotr Magnus
Adduct thigh, flex thigh, medial thigh rotation


S: Each other, Gracialis
inferior portion of:ischium and pubis

medial femur
most medial

adducts thigh, flexes leg upon thing
medial rotation of leg
lower pubic bone

medial tibia
flexes calf on thigh, flexes thigh (on pelvis), adducts leg (permits crossing of leg, lateral)
superior iliac spine (passes over 2 joints, hip and knee obliquely)

medial tibia
flexes calf upon thigh, extends thigh, medial rotation


S:Each other, Glut. Max, Sartorius, Gracilis
Ischial tuberosity (passes over 2 joints)

upper tibia (post. medial)
flexes calf upon thigh, extends thigh, medial rotation


S:Each other, Glut. Max, Sartorius, Gracilis
ischial tuberosity (passes over 2 joints)

head of femur, lateral condyle of tibia
Biceps Femoris
flexes calf upon thigh, extends thigh, lateral rotation


S:Each other, Glut. Max, Sartorius, Gracilis
ischial tuberosity, femur head (posterior)

head of femur, lateral condyle of tibia
Rectus Femoris
extends the leg, flexes thigh


S:Each other
iliac spine, anterior to acetabulum

tendon which passes over patella-tuberosity of tibia (anterior)
Vastus Lateralis
extends the leg


S:Each other
Ant./ lateral femur

tendon which passes over patella-tuberosity of tibia (anterior)
Vastus Medialis
extends the leg


S:Each other
Anterior femur

tendon which passes over patella-tuberosity of tibia (anterior)
Vastus Intermedius
extends the leg


S:Each other
Anterior femur

tendon which passes over patella-tuberosity of tibia (anterior)
extend foot (tippy toes), flexes leg on thigh

A:Tibialis Ant

S:Each other, Tibialis post, peroneus longus and brevis
post. medial condyle of femur, post lateral condyle of femur

achilles tendon→Calcaneous
extend foot (tippy toes), flexes leg on thigh

A:Tibialis Ant

S:Each other, Tibialis post, peroneus longus and brevis
head of fibula (post), posterior tibia

achilles tendon→Calcaneous
Tibialis Anterior
dorsiflexes foot, inverts foot
tibia-lateral condyle & upper 1/3 of body, moves across leg (medially)

inferior surface of Metatarsals, Tarsal
Tibialis Posterior
plantar flexion, inverts foot, maintains transverse arch

inferior surface of 3 tarsals, metatarsals
Peroneus Longus
plantar flexion, everts foot, maintains transverse arch
tibula and fibia (post), lots of tendons over lateral malleolus & goes under tarsals
Peroneus Brevis
extends foot (plantar flexes), everts foot
distal 2/3 of fibula, tendons over lateral Malleolus

5th metatarsals
Peroneus Tertius
dorsiflexes foot, everts foot
lower fibula (anterior)

5th metatarsals
Flexor Digitorum Longus
flexes the distal phalanges of the smaller 4 toes
Flexor Hallucis Longus
Flexes great toe
Extensor Digitorum Longus
extednds proximal phalanges of the smaller 4 toes, flexes and inverts the foot
Extensor Hallucis Longus
extends proximal phalanx of great toe, aids in dorsiflexion of the foot
Flexor Carpi Radialis
Flexes and abducts the hand
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Flexes and adducts the hand
Flexor digitorum Profundus
fflexes distal phalanges except thumb
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
Flexion of 2,3,4,5, fingers
Flexor Pollicis Longus
Flexes thumb
Extensor Digitorum
extends all fingers except thumb
Extensor Pollicis Longus
Extends the thumb
Abductor Pollicis
Abducts the thumb
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
extends the wrist