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40 Cards in this Set

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Trapezius innervation
acessory nerve
transcervical artery
Trapezius origin
posterior aspects of skull
spinous process of C7-T12, ligamentum nuchae
Trapezius insertion
lateral third of clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula
Latissimus dorsi - innervates
Thoracodorsal nerve
Lat origin
spinous T6-L5
crest of ilium, sacrum, inferior 3 or 4 ribs, thoracolumbar fascia
Lat insertion
intertubercular groove of humerus
Rhomboid major and minor innervation
dorsal scapular nerve
Rhomboid origin
spinous C7-T5
Rhomboid insertion
medial border of the scapula
levator scapulae innervation
dorsal scapular
levator origin
transverse proceesses of C1-C4
Levator insertion
medial border of the scapula superior to scapular spine
Serratus Posterior Inferior
elevates ribs 2-5
Serratus post inf - innervation
ventral rami
s.p inferior origin
ligamentum nuchae, spinous of C7-T3
S. P superior Insertion
ribs 2-5
S.P inferior
depresses ribs 9-12
S.P inferior insertion
ribs 9-12
S.P inferior origin
spinous processes of T11-L3
extend and rotate the head and neck
erector spinae
extend and rotate vertebral column
transversospinales muscles
extend and rotate vertebral column
suboccipital muscles
contribute to extension and rotation of the head
spinotransversales muscles
splenius capitus and splenius cervicus
splenius capitus
rotates head side to side
splenius capitus - insertion
posterior lateral skull
splenius capitus origin
lower half of ligamentum nuchae, spinous C7-T4
splenius cervicus
extend and rotate neck side to side
splenius cervicus - origin
spinous processes T3-T6
splenius cervicus insertion
transverse processes of C1-C3
Erector spinae group
iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis
origin of erector spinae muscles
post iliac crest, ost sacrum, spinous proceesses of vertebrae along length of spinal column
erector insertion
angees of ribs and transverse processes of cervical and thoracic vertebrae
Transversospinales group
semispinalis, multifidus, long rotators, short rotators
origin of transversospinales group
transverse processes of vertebrae
Insertion of transversospinale
spinous processes
suboccipital muscles
rectus capitus posterior major, minor, obliquus capitus superior and inferior
origin of rectus capitus post major
origin of rectus capitus posterior minor
origin of obliquus capitus superior