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141 Cards in this Set

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primordial germ cell migration

notice yolk sac towards left and bright green germ cells in the genital ridge
purpose of the yolk sac
Germ cells come from yolk sac

Once primitive gut starts to form, the cells migrate out of the yolk sack to the genital ridge of the celomic cavity to be.
know the structures of the testis, epididymus, etc
testis (center)

epididymus (mickey's ears)

notice the fibrous tunic

trichrome stain
testis (bottom)

fibrous tunic (purple)

epididymus (top left)

collecting ducts (to the right of the epididymus)

semininferous tubules (cross section of convoluted tubules)

each tubule is separated from each other by fibrous tissue and some smooth muscle

spermatogonia (diploid) - outermost 2 layers

spermatocytes (haploid) - next 2 layers

spermatid (haploid) - next 2 layers

not nearly as much CT or smooth muscle

maturation occurs from lamina -> luminally

these are the cause of cancer
primary spermatocyte
secondary spermatocyte
primary spermatocyte
round spermatid

big open nuclei with prominent nuclear membrane
acrosomal cap


basal plate

acrosomal cap
sertoli cells

Oriented perpendicular to basal lamina

Kite shaped nuclei

Prominent nucleoli

Reaches inbetween spermatid

Tight junctions

- Nutrient suppport
- Structural support
- For sperm development
sertoli cell (SC)
- Nuclear indentation
- prominent nucleolus.
- well defined mitochondria
- Processes extend luminally

PS = spermatocyte

Sg = spermatogonia
sertoli cell around spermatogonia
sertoli-cell-only syndrome

(germ cell aplasia)
maturation arrest

spermatogonia forget how to function so only have sertoli cells and spermatogonia
leydig (interstitial) cells

Polygonal to round

Lipid present


Produce testosterone when leutenizing hormone present
leydig (interstitial) cells

Polygonal to round

Lipid present


Produce testosterone when leutenizing hormone present
leydig cell

Polygonal to round

Lipid present


Produce testosterone when leutenizing hormone present
rete testis
vas deferens

smooth muscle around and fibrous CT around that

proximal end used for storage
vas deferens

lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium with basal layer

goes to urethra where it becoms transitional epithelium
efferent ducts

Columnar ciliated cells
And cuboidal secretory cells

smooth muscle surrounded by fibrous CT

movement within epididymus is by peristaltic contraction of smooth muscle (only during ejaculation)
epididymus (left)

smooth muscle

loose CT

efferent duct (right)
ampullary region of vas deferens

highly branched glands that open directly into vas deferens

most secretory fxn in
- nutritive
- control pH
- change viscosity
seminal vesicle

lobulated pinna, areolar form, papillary forms

columnar epithelium produces very viscous, sugar laden fluid (fructose)
seminal vesicle

lobulated pinna, areolar form, papillary forms

columnar epithelium produces very viscous, sugar laden fluid (fructose)
prostate (trichrome)

dense to loose CT

pathological = increase CT in dogs

human neoplasia = increase epithelium

cuboidal to columnar ciliated epithelium
prostatic corpora amylacea
describe the prostate
Sits around urethra on either side

2 forms

Capsular form
- What you feel on rectal
- Barbie’s butt

Disseminated form
- No distinct capsule
bulbourethral gland

flattened basal nucleus

mucinous alkaline material in lumen
bulbourethral gland

flattened basal nucleus

mucinous alkaline material in lumen
corpora cavernosa
penis (cross section)

loose areolar CT around outside

squamous epithelium (outside)

dogs = more vascular

ruminants = more fibrous type
primordial germ cells become
supportive cells become
sertoli cells
some mesenchymal cells become
intersitial cells (leydig cells)
genital ridge mesenchyme forms
blood vessels
intersitial tissue
coelomic epithelium migrates into the genital ridge forming _____
supportive cells

female - follicular epithleium

male - sertoli cells
primitive sex cords contain what cell types?

where do they start?

where do they go?
- gametogenic cells (from primordial germ cells)
- supportive cells (from coelomic epithelium)

start at periphery (cortex) of the gonad and penetrate into the center (medulla)
how is sexual differentiation hierarchal
Determined 1st by chromosomal makeup, then by gonadal makeup, then by other cells that tell it what to do

Differentiation is:
1) Chromosomal (XX or XY)
2) Gonadal (ovary or testes)
3) Phenotypic (accessory glands, uterus, ducts, etc)
female with male characteristics
no mullerian inhibiting hormone from sertoli cells
male with female characteristics
no testosterone or inadequate testosterone receptors

testosterone is from leydig cells
ovary formation
in absence of Sex Determining Region Y, primitive gonad becomes an ovary

primordial germ cells become oogonia then primary oovytes

supportive cells become follicular epithelium

some mesenchymal cells become thecal and stromal cells (leydig cells)

the cortical primitive sex cords become follicles
duct systems in males are originally
both mulllerian (paramesonephric) and wolffian (mesonephric) ducts
both mulllerian (paramesonephric) and wolffian (mesonephric) ducts
both mulllerian (paramesonephric) and wolffian (mesonephric) ducts
male duct development
expression of SRY causes sertoli cells to produce anti-mullerian hormone which makes mullerian duct degenerate

testosterone produced by leydig cells leads to differentiation of the wolffian duct into the epididymis, vas deferen, and the seminal vesicle
female duct development
in the absence of anti-mullerian hormone, the mullerian duct persists.

the mullerian duct gives rise to uterus, cervix, upper 1/3 of vagina, and fallopian tubes

in the absence of testosterone, the wolffian duct degenerates and gives rise to broad ligament of the uterus and dorsal vaginal wall
male and female external genitalia differentiation
- penis and scrotum differentiate from lateral plate mesoderm under testosterone
- prostate is derived from urogenital sinus which is derived from the cloaca

- external genitalia differentiate from lateral plate mesoderm
- lower vaginal vault is derived from the urogenital sinus, which is derived from the cloaca
_____ is the site of spermatogenesis
spermatogeneisis is regulated by
FSH (stimulates spermatogenic epithelium)

LH (stimulates testosterone production)
is the testis functionally endocrine or exocrine
it is both
describe the testis
surrounded by dense white fibrous CT (tunica albugenia) which extends inward to form a central septum (mediastinum testis) that arborizes to subdivide the testis into numerous lobules.

w/in each lobule are highly coiled seminiferous tubules (convoluted tubules)

the convoluted tubules converge into lobar straight tubules whihc lead into the rete testis
describe each seminiferous tubule
surrounded by 1-4 layers of smooth muscle cells

smooth muscle abuts a basal lamina supporting tubular seminiferous epithelium which is composed of 2 types of cells (spermatogenic & sertoli cells)
spermatogenic cells
undergo serial maturation w/in the seminiferous tubule

the most mature cells are closest to the lumen

takes about 2 mo





differentiated from primordial germ cells

always in contact with basal lamina

2 subtypes
- A: stem cells
- B: precursors that undergo multiple mitoses to finally form spermatocytes
larger than and lie luminal to spermatogonia

hapliod cells are in prolonged 1st meiosis or rapid second mitosis

after 2nd mitosis they are spermatids
lie in the luminal part of the seminiferous epithelium

small with an initially very light eccentric nucleus that becomes smaller and darker
the last part of spermatogenesis is _____

maturation of spermatids to spermatozoa
describe spermatozoa
- nucleus
- anterior is covered by acrosome (contains enzymes impt in fertilization)
- posterior forms basal plate

- short and attached to basal plate
- transversely oriented centriole is located immediately behind the basal plate
- 9 segmented colums of fibrous material that continue into the tail

- connecting
- principle
- end piece
- in connecting and principle piece, the axonema and dense fibers are surrounde by a sheath of mitochondria
what is the fxn of sertoli cells
provide mechanical and nutritive support for the spermatogenic cells

secrete numerous proteins including hormones (inhibin and activin) which provide + and - feedback on FSH secretion from the pituitary
describe sertoli cells
irregularly columnar

extends from basal lamina to lumen

extend processes b/w spermatogenic cells

nucleus kite shape, large, pale, with large nucleolus
between the seminiferous tubules is _____
continuous interstitial region composed of loose, highly vascualrized fibrous CT & leydig cells
______ produces androgens (testosterone)
leydig cell
rete testis
lobular straight seminiferous tubules converge into the rete testis in the mediastinum tesis

the rete is a cavitary labyrinth lined by low cuboidal to flattened epithelium supported by fine fibrous septa
testicular efferent ducts
from rete testis, spermatids enter effernt ducts

lined by cuboidal absorptive epithelium and cuboidal ciliated epithelium of varying heights

duct epithelium is supported by fibrous CT

efferent ductular absorptive cells remove up to 90% of luminal fluid produced during spermatogenesis

ciliated cells move sper to epididymus
coiled tube which spans the length of the testis

lumen is lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium with long apical stereocilia (not motile, but secretory and absorptive fxns)

lipid droplets in basal cells

lamina propria - vascular loose (areolar) CT

thickness of muscularis increases proximal to distal (most conspicuous at the tail)

sperm moved by spontaneous peristaltic contractions in head and body

sperm undergo final matuation in middle segment

tail is a site of storage for mature spermatozoa
vas deferens
fibrovascular wall tube with highly folded mucosa lined by pseudostratified columnar cells

muscularis thick with 2 distinct layers
the proximal portion of the vas deferens is a component of ______ and serves for _____.

the distal end _____
spermatic cord

serves for sperm storage

widens to form an "ampulla"
vesicular glands
seminal vesicles

rimmed by thin smooth muscle layer

epithelium is tall columnar
accessory glands of the male repro system
ampullary glands
seminal vesicles
prostate gland
bulbourethral glands
urethral glands

secrete serous and mucinous fluids

branched tubular to tubulo-acinar glands arranged in lobules
seminal vesicle fluid

- fructose (providing sperm energy)
- prostaglandins (stimulates sperm mobility and enhances viability)
- coagulating proteins
secretions of the prostate
thin and alkaline

enhance motility of sperm

may contribute to copulatory plug
bulbourethral gland secretions
cowpers's glands

alkaline mucus-like fluid

neutralizes the acidity of the urine residue in the urethra

neutralizes the acidity of the vaginal secretions

not present in dog
adjacent to penile urethra are 3 columns of erectile tissue
- 2 dorsal columns (corpora carernosa
- single midline ventral column surrounding the urethra (corpus spongiosum)

erectile tissue composed of numerous small vascular sinuses
- associated fibrous CT and smooth & striated musc
difference b/w fibrous and vascular penice types
- CT includes elastic fibers & smooth musc extends from dense fibrous CT capsule to cover erectile components
- some elastic fibers may be incorporated into the sinusoidal erectile tissue

- CT capsule is minimal
- erectile tissue (vascular sinuses) well developed and rich in elastic fibers
female reproductive tract
ovary (H&E)

medulla through middle

cortex all around

secondary and antral follicles
ovary (trichrome)

medulla (fibrous CT) through middle

cortex around it
ovary (medulla)

very vascular b/c makes oocytes/ follicles & makes hormones that need to get into blood stream
ovarian cortex

top left - germinal epithelium

blue capsule (tunica albugenia) beneath that

cortical stroma beneath that

bottom left - primary follicle
primary follicle

(primary have more cuboidal cells)

(primordial have more flattened, squamous cells)
ovarian cortex (trichrome)

primordial follicles up top

primary follicles - middle left

secondary follicle - bottom right
Primary follicle

single layer of cuboidal follicular epithelial cells
secondary follicle
secondary follicle
Primary Follicle (top right)

Secondary follicles
- multiple layers with epithelial cavitary fragmenting
Primary Follicle (top right)

Secondary follicles
- multiple layers with epithelial cavitary fragmenting

stromal CT surrounds & supports
tertiary follicle (antral follicle)

oocyte (corona radiata is the 1st layer of cell surrounding it)

zona pellucida

cumulus oophoris

antral cavity

granulosa cells (follicular epithelial cells)

thecal cells
tertiary follicle (antral follicle)

oocyte (corona radiata is the 1st layer of cell surrounding it)

zona pellucida

cumulus oophoris

antral cavity

granulosa cells (follicular epithelial cells)

thecal cells
corpora hemorrhagicum

(bloody body)

indicates that there was a follicle that ovulated
corpora hemorrhagicum

(bloody body)

indicates that there was a follicle that ovulated
corpora luteum

if everything goes right, preg is maintained & goes to corpora luteum which produces progesterone & estrogen
corpora fibrosum

if no pregnancy, rather than expanding to corpora luteum, it continues to collapse to corpora fibrosum
corpora fibrosum

if no pregnancy, rather than expanding to corpora luteum, it continues to collapse to corpora fibrosum

left - muscular wall

right - columnar ciliated epithelium (propels egg into uterus)
oviduct ampulla region

ciliated and peg cells

peg cells are more cuboidal, microvilli, secretory

outer - perimetrium


stratum vasculare


innermost - endometrium
mesometrial attachment (top)

notice stratum vasculare
uterus cross section

endometrium at bottom

cuboidal to columnar epithelium continuous with glands

see stroma, glands, surface epithelium
uterine luminal epithelium

some ciliated
uterine luminal epithelium

some ciliated
endometrial glands

proestrus to estrus
(proliferation of cells, mitotic figures)
endometrial glands

metestrus to diestrus
(more convoluted forms)
endometrial glands

metestrus to diestrus
(more convoluted forms)

highly folded (oblique) tubular strx

cuboidal mucin cells proximally

stratified distally

columnar to stratified epithelium

columnar to stratified epithelium

fibrous and muscular wall
vaginal epithelium

with cornification (keratinization): during estrus
_____ is the site of oogenesis
oogenesis is regulated by
- stimulates the follicular epithelium

- stimulates progesterone production
the ovary is composed of
germ line cells

epithelial cells

supportive stromal cells
does the ovary have endocrine or exocrine function
the ovary is divided into
- composed of follicles, corpora leuta, interstitial stromal cells
- aerolar but more cellular with aggregates of pleomorphic fibroblasts

- large vessels and nerve fibers supported by areolar connective tissue that is continuous with the mesovarium
where are follicles found
in the cortex
ovary is covered by
squamous epithelium (modified peritoneal mesothelium)

subjacent to surface epithelium is dense fibrous CT that encloses the cortex
what stage of follicle is present at birth
- diploid but arrested in meiosis
- primary oocyte and scant fluid
-single layer squamous epithelium
- located in clusters immediately below tunica
in what follicular stage does the epithelium begin secreting estrogen
primary follicle
- single layer cuboidal cells
when do you start seeing theca and membrana granulosa
secondary follicle

epithelium becomes stratified
- begins to form membrana granulosa

rim of a few rows of intersitial cells become epitheloid to form "theca" (cup of follicular cells)

increased fluid fragments the epithelium
when do you see the oocyst isolated to mound of epithelial cells (cumulus oophorus)
tertiary (antral) follicle
when a mature follicle ruptures, wht is released
oocyte and corona radiata released into the infundibulum of the oviduct
______ produces progesterone for length of pregnancy
corpora luteum
the majority of follicles undergo
where do you find fimbria
the luminal aspect of the infundibular portion of oviduct
are there glands found in the submucosa of the oviduct?
muscularis of oviduct
inner (longitudinal)

middle (circular)

outer (longitudinal)
layers of the uterus (which is equivalent to mucosa, serosa, and muscularis)
endometrium (mucosa)

myometrium (muscularis)

perimetrium (serosa)
vestibular portion of vulva
includes the clitoris

- cavernous vascular tissue
- adipose
- smooth muscle
- surrounded by dense fibrous CT
vulvar submucosa
stratified squamous

richly innervated
cervix luminal surface
covered by goblets with some columnar kino-ciliated cells that transitions to stratified squamous epithelium distally