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35 Cards in this Set

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Muscle: Genitofemoral
Cremaster Function/Reflex?
Cremasteric reflex
Muscle: Lateral femoral
None Function/Reflex?
Muscle: Femoral
Anterior thigh (quadriceps) Function/Reflex?
Knee extension
Muscle: Obturator
Medial thigh Function/Reflex?
Hip adduction
Muscle: Superior gluteal
Gluteus medius, gluteus minimus Function/Reflex?
Hip abduction and internal rotation
Muscle: Inferior gluteal
Gluteus maximus Function/Reflex?
Power hip extension and external rotation
Muscle: Posterior femoral cutaneous
None Function/Reflex?
Muscle: Superficial peroneal
Lateral leg Function/Reflex?
Foot eversion
Muscle: Deep peroneal
Anterior leg Function/Reflex?
Ankle dorsiflexion, foot inversion, metatarsophalangeal joint extension
Muscle: Tibial
Posterior thigh Gastrocnemius. soleus Deep posterior leg Planar muscles Function/Reflex?
Hip extensions, knee flexion, foot inversion, toe flexion
Sensory: Genitofemoral
Skin below middle of inguinal ligament
Sensory: Lateral femoral
Skin of lateral thigh
Sensory: Femoral
Skin of anteromedial thigh and leg
Sensory: Obturator
Hip joint and medial skin of knee
Sensory: Superior gluteal
Sensory: Inferior gluteal
Sensory: Posterior femoral cutaneous
Skin of posterior thigh and upper leg
Sensory: Superficial peroneal
Skin of anterolateral leg and dorsum of foot
Sensory: Deep peroneal
Skin of dorsum of web space between great and second toes
Sensory: Tibial
Skin of posterior leg and plantar foot
What nerve was injured? Pt presents with loss of dorsiflexion resulting in "foot drop"
Common peroneal nerve (L4-S2) PED= Peroneal Everts & Dorsiflexes; if injured, foot is dropPED
Deep peroneal nn innervates _______ compartment Superficial peroneal nn innervates _______ compartment
anterior lateral
What nn is injured? pt presents with loss of plantar flexion.
Tibial (L4-S3) TIP=Tibial Inverts & Plantarflexes; if injured, cant stand on TIPtoes.
What nn is damaged? Pt presents with loss of knee extension and deminished pateller reflex.
Femoral (L2-L4)
What nn is injured? Pt presents with a loss of hip adduction?
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear
Positive anterior drawer sign [lower leg pulled forward with knee flexed): often manifests as terrible triad" li.e. torn medial collateral ligament medial meniscus damage and torn ACL) "
Clavicle fracture
Middle third of clavicle; upward displacement of proximal fragment; downward displacement of distal fragment: severe pain
Compartment syndrome
Fascial sheets separate the limbs into anterior and posterior compartments; hemorrhage into these compartments. owing to crush injury or fracture, results in compression of neurovascular structures and further complications; surgical emergency
Inversion sprain of ankle
Most common ankle injury; results from forced inversion; stretches or tears lateral ligaments (especially the anterior talofibular)
Scaphoid fracture
Tenderness in the anatomic snuffbox; may lead to avascular necrosis if left untreated; easily missed on radiographs
Scol iosis
Complex lateral deviation and torsion of the spine; may be idiopathic or congenital, or may result from a short leg, hip displacement, or polio
Shoulder separation
Downward displacement of the clavicle as a result of laxity of the acromioclavicular and coracoclavicular ligaments
Subacromial bursitis
Inflammation of the subacromial bursa; most common bursitis in the body
Tennis etbow
Sprain of radial collateral ligament (lateral epicondyle); pain on wrist extension and forearm supination
Waddling gait
Limp caused by superior gluteal nenre injury affecting gluteus medius and gluteus minimus; inability to abduct thigh; results in Trendelenburg sign