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96 Cards in this Set

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What bones form the bony pelvis?
Coxal bones (inominates/hip bones); Sacrum; Coccyx
What three bones form the coxal bones?
Ilium, ischium, and pubis
What are the two joints of the pelvis?
Symphysis pubis - fibrocartilaginous
sacroiliac - Synovial
Describe the attachments of the sacrotuberous ligament.
Fan shaped ligament, narrow portion attached to ischial tuberosity and broad attachment to sacrum.
Describe the attachments and location of the sacrospinous ligament.
Deep to sacrotubrous ligament, attaches to iscial spine and sacrum.
What two notches become foramen after the attachment of the sacrotubrous and sacrospinous ligaments?
Greater and lesser sciatic nothces.
Describe the boundaries of the superior pelvic aperture and the structures it divides.
Boundaries: promontory and alae of sacrum, arcuate line of ilium, pecten pubis, and pubic crest
superior pelvic aperture is the border between the false pelvis (pelvis major) and the true pelvis (pelvis minor).
What are the contents of the pelvis major and minor?
Pelvis major: abdominal viscera
Pelvis minor: pelvic viscera
Describethe inferior pelvic aperture and its boundaries.
Diamond shaped
Corresponds to perineum
Boundaries: coccyx, sacrotuberous ligaments, ischial tuberosities, conjoined rami, pubic symphysis.
Describe the differences betwen the male and female bony pelvis.
In female:
Sacrum - straighter tilted more posteriorly
conjoined rami - longer
ischial tuberosities - further apart
subpubic angle - greater in female (90 deg, 70 in male)
distance between ischial tuberosity and coccyx is larger
greater sciatic notch - larger (90 deg, 70 in male)
vertical height smaller
less robust
muscle markings less prominant
smaller weight bearing areas: lumbosacral IV disc, sacroiliac joint, acetabulum, pubic symphysis
Describe the origin, insertion, innervation, and action of the piriformis.
Origin: anterior surface of sacrum and capsule of sacroiliac joint.
Insertion: Greater Trochanter of femur.
Innervation: nerve to piriformis
Action: Laterally rotates thigh
Describe the origin, insertion, innervation, and action of the obturator internus muscle.
Origin: anterolateral wall of pelvis
Insertion: medial surface of the greater trocanter of the femur.
Innervation: nerve to obturator internus
Action: laterally rotates thigh
Describe the course of the obturator internus to the femur.
The muscle passes through the lesser sciatic foramen and the tendon makes a right angle bend to insert on femur.
Describe the specialized features of the obturator fascia.
Arcus tendineus: thickened section of the fascia extending from the pubis to ischial spine; contributes to pelvic diaphragm.
pudendal (Alcock's) canal: inferior portion of fascia splits to form a canal that lies inferior to the pelvic diaphragm.
What muscles form the pelvic diaphragm?
levator ani muscles and coccygeus muscles.
What structures penetrate the fused levator ani musces in the male and female?
male: urethra and anus
female: urethra, vagina, and anus
Describe the three divsions of the levator ani muscle and their attachments.
pubococcygeus: main portion; runs from pubis to coccyx
puborectalis: close to midsaggital plane, forms loop with puborectalis on opposite side, encircles anorectal junction
iliococcygeus: thin portion of pelvic diaphragm, from arcus tendineus
What nerves supply the levator ani muscles?
S3, S4, and inferior rectal
Describe the actions of the levator ani muscles.
- support pelvic viscera; resist inferior thrust from increased intraabdominal pressure
-raises pelvic floor (forced expiration, coughing, vomiting, urination, and lifting)
- pulls anorectal junction anteriorly (puborectalis); prevents passge of feces into anal canal relieving pressure on external anal sphincter
Describethe origin, insertion, innervation and action of the coccygeus muscle.
Origin: spine of ischium and sacrospinus ligament
Inserton: margin of coccyx and 5th sacral vertebra
Innervation: S4 and S5
Action: elevate pelvic floor, support coccyx, returns coccyx to anterior position, wags tail
What ligament does the coccygeus muscle have the same attachemnts as? where does it lie in relation to the ligament?
- sacropinus ligament
- lies immediately deep to it
Where is the location of potential herniation in the pelvic diaphragm and how does the body compensate?
- the midline gape, where the pelvic viscera exit the pelvis, is a weak area of the diaphragm
- the pelvis compensates with a urogenital diaphragm
Describe the attachments of the urogenital diaphragm.
attached to conjoined rami on either side of midline
- small gap between anterior edge and pubic symphysis
- posterior edge lies at level of ischial tuberosities
What are the muscles that form the urogenital diaphragm and what are their attachments?
deep transverse perineal muscle: runs from ischial ramus to meet muscle from other side of midline
sphincter urethrae muscle: encircles urethra, located anteriorly
What is the innervation of the muscles of the urogenital diaphragm?
perineal branch of pudendal nerve
Describe he inferior and superior fascias of the urogenital diaphragm.
Inferior: aka perineal membrane, thic connective tissue, courses between rami.
Superior: merges with inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm close to midline.
Describe the boundaries of the perineum.
Coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament, ischial tuberosities, conjoined rami, and pubic symphysis
Describe the two regions that are formed by an imaginary line between the ischial tubeosities.
Anal triangle: posterior portion, contains terminal portion of anal canal
urogenital triangle: contains external urogenital organs
What is the fibromuscular mass at the center of the imaginary line between the anal and urogenital triangle?
central tendon of the perineum or perineal body.
What is the lithotomy position?
prone with feet in stirrups
Describe the anal orifice.
opening of the anal canal that is surrounded by pigmented skin.
Describe the location, fiber orientation, innervation and action of the external anal sphincter.
Location: surrounds the anal orifice external to levator ani
Fiber orientation: inner cicular layer, outer elliptical layer from perineal body to anococcygeal ligament
Innervation: S4 and inferior rectal nerves
Action: closes and draws anal canal forward to prevent defecaion
Describe the ishioanal fossa and their boundaries.
Paired wedge shaped spaces on either side of the anal canal and rectum
- apex: line where levator ani originates from arcus tendineus
- base: skin of buttocks
- lateral wall: fascia of the medial side of the obturator internis muscle
- medial wall: inferior fascia of levator ani and external anal sphincter
- anterior wall: base of urogenital diaphragm
- posterior wall: gluteus maximus and sacrotuberous ligament.
What structures are contained within the pudendal canal?
Pudendal nerve and internal pudendal vessels
What structures are contained within the ischioanal fossae?
- fibrous bands and septa supporting anal canal
- inferior rectal nerves an vessels
What nerves and vessels do the inferior rectal nerves and vessels arise from?
The pudendal nerves and inernal pudendal vessels
Describe the course of the inferior rectal branches of the pudendal nerves and vessels.
They cross the fat of the ischioanal fossae to reach anus and rectum.
What pathology can occur at the site of the ischioanal fossa?
An infection can occur leading to an abscess which can extend to the other side by crossing the anococcygeal ligament.
What is the continuation of Scarpa's fascia into the urogenital triangle?
superficial perineal (Colles') fascia.
Describe the attachments of Colles' fascia.
Inguinal ligaments, conjoined rami, and posterior border of urogenital diaphragm
What is the space between te Colles' fascia and the infrior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm and what does it contain?
Superficial perineal space contains the erectile bodies of the male and female genitalia, their associated muscles, nerves, and blood vessels
What is tespace between the two fascias of the urogenital diaphragm and what does it contain?
Deep perineal space contains the muscles of te urogenital diaphragm, nerves, blood vessels, and glands
What are the surface or external features of the urogenital triangle in the male and female?
Male: Penis and scrotum
Female: mons pubis, labia majora, labia minor, and clitoris
Describe the structure of the body or shaft of the penis.
3 erectile bodies or corpora covered by thin skin and fat-free fascia
- erectile tissue is spongy
- cavernous spaces lined by endothelium and continuous with venous system
Describe the glans of the penis.
- tightly adherent skin
- prepuce (foreskin) i redundant skin over glans connected to glans by frenulum (small fold of skin)
Describe the fascia of the penis.
Superficial: oontinuation of Colle's fascia
Deep: Buck's fascia
Describe the ventral and dorsal surfaces of the penis
Dorsal: side that faces poteriorly when erect.
Ventral: side that faces anteriorly when erect.
Which porton of the penis lies within the superficial perineal space?
The root of the penis.
What is the mons pubis?
The fat pad over the pubis.
What male structure is the labia majora homologus to?
The scrotum
Describe the location and structure of the labia majora.
- Fat-filled folds
- continuous with mons pubis anteriorly
- lateral to labia minora.
Describe the structure and location of the labia minor.
- folds of skin and fat free fascia
- connected anteriorly to prepuce and frenulum of the clitoris
- space between labia minara is vestibule
What structures open into the vestibule?
Urethra, vagina, and greater vestibular or Bartholin's glands
Describe the contents of the superficial perineal space in the male and female.
Male: erectile bodies of the penis and associated muscles
Female: erectile tissue of the clitori, bulb of the vestibule, associated muscles, greater vestibular gland
Describe the structure of the corpora cavernosa in the male.
- Paired (left and right)
- surrounded by thick tunica albuginea
- Body: external to superficial perineal space, fuses with corpus cavernosum, separated by incomplete median septum
Root: corpus cavernosa separates and form the right and left crura, crura attatched to perineal membrane and conjoined rami
Describe the structure of the corpus spongiosum.
- unpaired
- contains urethra
- has thin tunica albuginea
- Body: forms part of body of penis and all of the glans
- root: enlarges to form bulb of penis, attached to perineal membrane in midline.
What are the three muscles associated with the root of the penis in the superficial perineal space and what are they innervated by?
Ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus, and superficial transverse perineal muscles
Innervated by the perineal branch of the pudendal nerve.
Describe the location, attachment, and function of the ischiocavernosus muscles in the male.
- surround the crura of the corpus cavernosum
- attach to perineal membrane, conjoined rami, and deep fascia of the penis
- function: enhancement of erection by constriction of the venous outflow corpora cavernosa
Describe the location, attachments, and function of the bulbospongiosus muscles in the male.
- Covers the bulb of the penis
- formed by two muscles united by median raphe
- attached to perineal body
- function: forms a sphincter that compresses the bulb and urethra, empties urethra of residual urine and semen, assists with erection.
Describe the structure and function of the superficial transverse perineal muscles.
Structure: slender transverse strips from ischial tuberosity to perineal body
Function: fix position of perineal body
What male structure is the clitoris homologus to?
The penis (sans urethra)
Describe the body and glans of the clitoris.
Corpora cavernosa (body): similar to male, but smaller; seperate in superficial perineal space into right and left crura that attach to perineal membrane and conjoined rami
Glans: Caps fused corpora cavernosa
What forms the prepuce, or hood, of the clitoris? What forms the frenulum?
the meeting of the labia minora anteriorly over the glans forms the prepuce
The meeting of the labia minora posteriorly forms the frenulum
Describe the structure of the bulb of the vestibule.
- Two elongated masses of erictile tissue lying on either side of vaginal orifice.
- pear shaped: larger part posterior
How is the bulb of the vestibule connected to the clitoris?
Via a fibrous band to the glans of the clitoris.
Describe the structure, location, and opening of the greater vestibular glands.
- paired, pea-sized
- posterolateral to vaginal orifice
- may lie deep to posterior edge of bulb
- duct opens into vestibule
Describe the secretion of the greater vestibular glands.
Mucous secretion, lubricates vaginal orifice
What is a potential pathogenic organism that can infect the greater vestibular glands?
Gonorrhea and more...
Possible site for culture
Describe the structure and function of the ischiocavernosus muscles in the female.
- cover the crura of the corpora cavernosa
- impede venus flow to maintain erecton
Describe the structure and function of the bulbospongiosus muscles in the female.
- cover lateral surface of bulbs of vestibule and greater vestibular glands
- attachments: perineal body, clitoris, ischiocavernosus mm.
- fxn: compress bulb and constrict vaginal orifice, releases contents from glands
What fascias are the boundaries of the deep perineal space?
Suprior and inferior perineal fascias.
What are the general contents of the deep perineal space in the male and female?
Male: muslces, bulbourethral glands, and the urethra
Female: muscles, urethra, and vagina.
Describe the course of the deep transverse perineal muscles.
They run from the conjoined rami to the deep transverse perineal muscle on the other side.
Describe the sphincter urethrae muscle in the male and female.
Male: surrounds urethra in U-G diaphragm
Female: same as in male, also encircles vagina
What nerve innervates the muscles of te deep perineal space?
the perineal branch of the pudendal nerve
Describe the structure and function of the bulbourethral (Cowper's) glands.
- pea shaped
- mucous secreteing
- duct opens into spongy urethra
Describe the portion of the urethra that's contained in he deep perineal space of the male.
Short, membranous. About 1 cm
What structure does the urethra open into in the female?
The Vestibule
What structure in the male is surrounded by the sphincter urethrae other than the urethra?
Prostate gland.
What arteries supply the perineum?
Internal and external pudendal.
What artery does the internal pudendal artery branch from?
Internal Iliac Artery
Describe the course of the inernal pudendal artery.
exits pelvis through greater sciatic foramen, crosses ischial spine, reenters pelvis through the lesser sciatic foramen, enters pudendal canal
What ar the two branches of the internal pudendal artery in the pudendal canal?
Inferior rectal and Perineal
What branches do the perineal arteries give off?
Posterior scrotal/labial branches
What are the branches of the internal pudendal artery in the UG diaphragm and what do they supply?
Artery to the bulb - supplies bulb of penis/clitoris
Deep artery of the penis/clitoris - supplies corpus cavernosum (courses with)
Dorsal artery of the penis/clitoris - main supply to distal penis/clitoris
What artery does the external pudenda artery branch from?
Femoral arteries
Describe the venous drainage of the penis/clitoris.
Superficial dorsal vein of the penis/clitoris - drains to external pudendal vein

Deep dorsal vein of the penis/clitoris - Drains to rostatic or veinous plexus
What vein is a possible route for cancer metastasesto the internal pelvic structures and vertebrae?
Deep dorsal vein of the penis/clitoris
Describe the course of the pudendal nerve.
branches from sacrel plexus -> exits pelvis through greater sciatic foramen -> crosses iscial spine -> enters pelvis through lesser sciatic foramen -> enters pudendal canal
What are the three branches of the pudendal nerve?
Inferior rectal
Dorsal nerve of the penis/clitoris
What does the inferior rectal branch of the pudendal nerve supply?
skeletal muscle of external anal sphincter - destruction leads to incontinence
Descrbe the branching and innnervation of the perineal branch of the pudendal nerve.
uperficial branch of the perineal nrve - supplies muscles of superficial space and gives of posterior scrotal/labial

Deep branch of perineal nerve - supplies muscles of UG diaphragm
What does the dorsal nerve of the penis/clitoris supply?
carries SENSORY fibers to the penis/clitoris
Describe the arangement of the nerves, artery and vein of the penis/clitoris.

Right dorsal NERVE, Right dorsal ARTERY, Dorsal VEIN, Left dorsal ARTERY, Left dorsal NERVE
What is a pudendal block?
An injection made close to the ischial spine where the pudendal nerve crosses it, used to anesthetize the perineum
What is an episiotomy?
An inscision made at the distal end of the vagina during birth to enlarge the birth canal to avoid tearing