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62 Cards in this Set

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What are Neural Pools?
groups of interconnected neurons with specific Functions
What is convergence?
Impulses from 2 or more incoming fibers converge on a single neruon
What is Divergence?
The spread of information from one neuron to several neurons (one pool to multiple pools)
What are multipolar neurons?
several dendrites and a single axon and cell body (soma)
what are sensory neurons?
Afferent division of the PNS
deliver messages between the sensory receptors and spinal cord or brain
What are Motor Neruons?
Form the efferent division of the PNS
stimulates or modifies the activies of organs, organs systems, peripheral tissue
What are interneurons
neurons between motor and sensory, found entirely in the brain

analyze sensory inputs and coordinate motor output
What are nerves?
Can be sensory, mixed or motor
surrounded by 3 connective tissue layers: epineurium, perineurium, endonuriem
what is the epineurium?
surround the entire bundle of nerve fibers and has blood vessels running along it
What is the Perineurium?
surrounds each fassicle (nerve bundle)
what is the endoneurium?
surrounds each individual axon
what is a nerve pathway?
path that an impulse takes through the nervous system

some produce reflex arcs
what does a reflex arc include?
reflex center (receives) interneuron (send out info), motor neuron (acts out on sent information from interneuron)
What is the importance of reflex behaviors?
1.automatic unconscious response to changes
2. help to maintain homeostasis through secretions
3. Protective mechanisms (withdrawal reflex)
What is the anatomical organization of white and grey matter in the PNS?
White Matter - divded into Spinal nerves and Cranial nerves

Grey- sensory and visceral motor Ganglia
what is the anatomical organization of grey and white matter in the CNS?
Grey- Centers with nucleus
White- Tracts organized into columns

Centers + Tracts = Pathways
what are centers and tracts in the CNS?
Centers- collections of neural bodies in the CNS
Tracts- Bundles of axons with common destinations and functions
What is the CNS composed of?
Brain and Spinal Cord
what is the anatomy of the spinal cord?
nerve column that extends from the brain to spinal cord (2 way communication)

Grey matter is organized into a butterfly shape (dorsal, lateral ventral horns)

White matter- separated into right and left halves
what are the areas of the cervical enlargement?
C1-T1, hold motor neurons that serve the pectoral appendages
what is the area of Lumbar enlargement?
T1-L1, hold motor neurons that serve the pelvic appendages
what are dorsal root ganglia?
contain the cell bodies of sensory neurons
what is a dorsal root?
contains the axons of sensory neurons
what is a ventral root?
contain the axons of somatic motor neurons
why are spinal cords classified as mixed nerves?
contain efferent and afferent fibers
(Motor and sensory)
What are meninges?
connective tissue layers that cover the spinal cord from the brain that provide protection, stability, shock absorption
what are the meningical layers?
Dura matter
Arachnoid matter
Pia Matter
what is the dura matter?
made of dense irregular tissue and forms the outermost covering of the spinal cord and brain
what is the acrachnoid matter?
Middle layer, looks like a spider web and consists of simple squamous epithelium
what is the pia matter?
most delicate, loose connective tissue, BV found here, separated from the arcachnoid matter by the subacrachnoid space
what are denticulate ligaments?
extensions of the spinal pia matter that connect the pia matter and arachnoid layer to the dura matter
How is the grey matter in the spinal cord organized?
cell bodies of neurons are organized into groups called nuclei and horns (posterior, lateral, dorsal)
what is found in the posterior grey horn?
somatic and visceral sensory nuclei
what is found in the lateral grey horn?
visceral motor neurons , not present in all segments
what is found in the anterior grey horn?
neurons concerned with somatic motor control
how is the white matter of the spinal cord organized?
Columns which contain tracts( asending -spinal cord to brain and desending- brain to spinal cord)
what is the fasiculuis gracilis and fasiculus cuneatus tracts?
Asending tract
Carry sensory information : touch vibration
Gracillis- info from lower region
Cuneatus- upper region
what is the spinothalmic tracts?
Asendiing Tract
Carries pain, information about temperature and itches
what is the spinocerebellar tract?
Asending tract
info from muscles and joints to the cerebellum
what is the corticospinal tract?
Desending Tract
carries info to appendages
what is the reticulospinal tract?
Desending tract
midbrain to spinal cord
what is the rubrospinal tract?
Desending tract
red nucleus to spinal cord
makes adjustments to limbs as one flexes and extends
what is the vestibulospinal tract?
Inner ear to the spinal cord, helps to make adjustments to balance
what is the tectospinal tract?
Eyes to spinal tract, helps to regulate movement of head and eyes
what is the coricobular tract?
desending tract
regulates muscles of the face
what does the peripheral nervous system consist of ?
cranial and spinal nerves
how many pairs of spinal nerves are there?
31, each by a dorsal and ventral root
what are dorsal roots?
send sensory information to the spinal cord
what are ventral roots?
motor information to the spinal cord
where do the ventral and dorsal roots converge?
intervertebral foramen
what are the branches of the spinal nerves?
created from the convergence of the dorsal and ventral roots, there are 4 branches:
- dorsal ramus
-ventral ramus
-Grey Rami communicantes
- White rami communicantes
what is the dorsal ramus
branch of the spinal nerves that carries somatic information to the skin and muscles
what is the ventral ramus/
main part of the spinal nerves that carries
somatic information to the front of the body and viseral info from organs
what grey rami communicantes
carries mylenated automatic nerve fibers from the spinal cord to ganglian
what is the white rami communicante?
carries unmylenated automatic nerve fibers to ganglion
what do spinal nerves combine to form?
what is the region of cervical plexues?
C1-C5, send nerves to the lower part of the face and occipital region
what is the region of the brachial plexues?
C6-T1, subdivided into 3 trunks (superior middle, inferior)
what do the superior and middle brachial trunks recominbe to form?
muscular cutaneous nerve
what do the inferior and middle nerve combine to form?
radial nerve
what does the inferior trunk form?
the ulnar and medial nerve
what is the region of the lumbarsacral plexues?
T12-L4, and L5-S4
the obturator nerve, femoral nerve and sciatic nerves are found here

femoreal and obturator nerve = sacral plexues