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97 Cards in this Set

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the study of the muscular system
what are the three kinds of muscle tissue?
skeletal, smooth, and cardiacc
what is the purpose of muscle tissue?
to convert chemical energy in ATP to cellular energy
what are some functions of muscles?
movement, stability, control of opening and passagewats, heat production by skeletal muscles, glycemic control
connective tissue leading with bone
the CT immediately surrounding muscles
the muscle fibers that make up the bundle
what are the muscle shapes?
fusiform, parallel, triangular, unipennate, bipennate, multipennate, circular
how are the strength of muscle and direction of its pull determined?
by the orientation of its fascicles
what are muscle compartments
a group of functionally related muscles enclosed and separated from others by connective tissue fascia
what are the 2 types of muscle attachments?
1)indirect attachment to bone-tendons (aponeurosis, retinaculum-band of tendon-one on each side of wrist)
2) direct (fleshy) attachment to bone (in brachialis and triceps brachii)
muscle origin
bone that does not move when muscle contracts
muscle belly
fleshy part
muscle insertion
bone where muscle attaches and moves
what are the 4 categories of muscles based on action/effect?
1) prime mover/agonist-most of the force
2) synergist-helps facilitate prime mover
3) antagonist-opposite/against prime mover
4) fixator-prevents movement of bone
what are all the muscles/actions involved in elbow flexion?
prime mover-brachialis
synergist-biceps brachii
antagonist-triceps brachii
fixator-rhomboids major and minor-holds scapula firmly in place
what is an intrinsic muscle?
both originate and insert in the same place
what is an extrinsic muscle?
insert into one place and originate somewhere else
spinal nerve plexus
weblike network of spinal nerves adjacent to vertebral column
from where do cranial nerves arise?
the base of the brain
neuromuscular juncton
where the axon of a nerve meets a muscle (synapse or junction of the axon of a motor neuron with the motor end plate
thoracic cavity shrinks during
thoracic cavity enlarges during
any condition in which the viscera protrude through a weak point in the muscular wall of the abdominopelvic cavity
Inguinal hernia
most common type-rare in women, viscera enter inguinal canal or even the scrotum
Hiatal hernia
stomach protrudes through diaphragm into thorax, found in overweight people over 40
umbilical hernia
viscera protrudes through the naval
what are 5 universal characteristics of muscles
1) responsiveness (excitability)
2) conductivity
3) contractibility
4) extensibility
5) elasticity
alternating light and dark transverse bands
muscle cell is the same thing as
muscle fibers/myofibers
the cytoplasm of a muscle cell, contains myofibrils (bundles of protein), glycogen (storage form), and myoglobin (red pigment that carries oxygen in a muscle)
a skeletal muscle fiber has
multiple nuclei, myoblasts (stem cells that form muscle fibers), mitochondria, it has bundles of myofibril, the myofibril has bundle of myofilaments
what does the extensive smooth ER of a muscle fiber do?
serves as a reservoir for calcium
sarcoplasmic reticulum
smooth endoplasmic reticulum that forms a network around each myofibril
terminal cisternae
dilated end-sacs formed by SR that cross the muscle fiber from one side to the other (two of these surround a t tubule)
transverse (t) tubules
tubular infoldings of the sarcolemma that sits in between two terminal cisternae
a t tubule and two terminal cisternae
what are the three types of microfilaments
1) thick filament
2) thin filament
3) elastic filament
thick filament
*15nm diameter
*made of a protein called myosin
*myosin molecule shaped like golf club, shaftlike tail and double globular head
*middle is the bare zone with no head
thin filament
*7nm diameter
*composed of two strands of protein called fibrous (F) actin
*F actin is like bead necklace-string of subunits called globular (G) actin)
*each G actin has active sit
*thin filament has 40-60 molecules of protein tropomysin
*tropomysin molecule has troponin-smaller calcium-binding protein
elastic filament
*1nm in diameter
*made of titin (connectin)-huge springy protein
*anchor thick filaments to Z disc
contractile proteins
myosin and actin-shorten the muscle fiber
regulatory proteins
tropomysin and troponin-act like a switch to determine when fiber can and cannot contract
accessory proteins
anchor myofilaments, regulate length, keep them aligned for contractile effectiveness
what is the process of muscle contraction involving regulatory proteins?
*calcium ions released into sarcoplasm to activate contractioncalcium binds to troponintroponin is bound to tropomysintropomysin blocks active actinmyosin cannot bind to it when the muscle is not stimulated
enormous protein links actin filaments to protein inside sarcolemma, ultimately link to the basal lamina and endomysium to move muscle CT as a whole
what bands are present in striated muscle?
dark A bands (anisotrophic) alternating with lighter I bands (isotrophic) [dArk and lIght]
what is the part of the A band that is especially dark?
part of A band where thick and thin filaments overlap
what is the lighter middle region of the A band?
H band
where do thick filaments originate?
at dark M line in middle of H band
what bisects the light I band
bisected by dark narrow Z disc (Z line)-anchorage for thin filaments and elastic filaments
each segment of a myofibril from one Z disc to the next-the functional contractile unit of the muscle fiber
why does a muscle shorten?
because its individual sarcomeres shorten and pull the Z discs closer to each otherdystrophin and linking proteins pull on the extracellular proteins of the musclesas Z discs pulled closer together during contraction, pull on sarcolemma to shorten the cell
when does skeletal muscle contract?
when stimulated by nerve or electrodes
paralyzed muscle will go through shrinkage called what?
denervation atrophy
somatic motor neurons
nerve cells that serve skeletal muscles-cell bodies are in brainstem and spinal cord
somatic motor fibers
axons of the somatic motor neurons
motor unit
one nerve fiber and all the muscle fibers innervated by it
effective muscle contraction requires what?
activation of several motor units at once
How many muscle fibers are innervated by each motor neuron?
small motor units
fine control
large motor units
when strength is more important than fine control
neuromuscular junction/motor end plate
synapse when the target cell is a muscle fiber
the point where a nerve fiber meets its target cell
synaptic knob
bulbous swelling where the nerve fiber ends at each synapse
synaptic cleft
the space that separates knob from muscle fiber
Schwann cell
envelopes entire junction and isolates it from surrounding tissue fluid
synaptic vesicles
spheroidal organelles filled with acetylcholine
neurotransmitter, functions as a chemical messenger from nerve cell to muscle cell
ACh receptors
proteins incorporated into its plasma membrane
junctional folds
infoldings in the sarcolemma of the muscle fiber to increase surface area of Ach sensitive membrane
myasthenia gravis
muscle paralysis caused by a deficiency of ACh receptors
basal lamina
surrounds muscle fiber and schwann cell of the neuromuscular junction to separate them from surrounding CT (composed of collagen and glycoproteins)
enzyme in sarcolemma and part of basal lamina that breaks down ACh after it stimulates muscle cellallows muscle to relax
in what way are muscle fibers electrically excitable?
because their plasma membrane changes in voltage when stimulated
because their plasma membrane changes in voltage when stimulated
excess of sodium ions in ECF, excess of potassium ions in ICF
electrical potential/voltage
difference in electrical charge from one point to another
what happens when muscle cell is stimulated?
inside of PM becomes positive briefly this is called depolarization (sodium goes into the cell)
what happens to the muscle cell after depolarization?
the sodium gates close and potassium gates open and potassium goes out of the cell
repolarization occurs after the potassium gates open, what does this mean?
the loss of positive potassium ions from cell turns inside of membrane negative again
action potential
the quick up and down voltage shift from negative RMP to positive value and back to negative value
nerve impulse/nerve signal
a wave of action potentials spreading along a nerve fiber
Four major phases of muscle contraction and relaxation
1) Excitation
2) Excitation-contraction
3) Contraction
4) Relaxation
STEP ONE: Excitation
*the process in which action potentials in nerve fiber lead to action potentials in muscle fiber
1. nerve signal arrives at synaptic knob, stimulates voltage-regulated calcium gates to open, calcium ions enter synaptic knob
2. calcium stimulates exocytosis of synaptic vesicles, release ACh into synaptic cleft
3. ACh diffuses across synaptic cleft and binds to receptor proteins on sarcolemma
4. ACh molecules bind to each receptor to open the gate, Sodium rushes into the cell, potassium rushes out, sarcolemma reverses polarity and becomes positive, this rapid fluctuation is called end-plate potential
5. areas of sarcolemma have gates that open in response to EPP, these ion movements create an action potential
The muscle fiber is now excited.
STEP TWO: Excitation-Contraction Coupling
*the events that link the action potentials on the sarcolemma to activation of the myofilaments, and so preparing them to contract
6. wave of action potentials spread from end plate in all directions, when the wave of excitation reaches T tubules, it continues down them into the sarcoplasm
7. open voltage-regulated ion gate in T tubules-physically linked to calcium channels in terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, gates in SR open and calcium rushes out of SR into cytosol
8. calcium binds to troponin of thin filaments
9. troponin-tropomyosim complex changes shape, sinks deeper into thin filament, exposes active sites on actin filaments, makes them able to bind to myosin heads
STEP THREE: Contraction
*step in which the muscle fiber develops tension and may shorten-sometimes muscles contract without shortening
*sliding filament theory-myofilaments do not become any shorter during contraction, the thin filaments slide over the thick filaments and pull on the Z discs behind them, so each sarcomere as a whole shortens
10. myosin head must have ATP bound to it for this, myosin ATPase-an enzyme in the head, hydrolyzes this ATP, energy released activates head, the head keeps ADP and phosphate group bound to it
11. cocked myosin binds to exposed active site on thin filament-forms cross bridge between myosin and actin
12. myosin releases ADP and phosphate and flexes into low energy position (bent), tugging on the thin filament-this is the power stroke, head remains bound to actin until new ATP
13.myosin releases actin upon binding more ATP, then does it all over again, rehydrolyzes the ATP, recocks (the recovery stroke) attaches to new active site farther down thin filament and produce another power stroke
STEP FOUR: Relaxation
*a muscles fiber relaxes and returns to its resting length
14. nerve signals stop arriving at neuromuscular junction, so synaptic knob stops releasing ACh
15. ACh separated from receptor and AChE breaks it down into fragments that cannot stimulate muscle, synaptic knob reabsorbs these for recycling, this happens while muscle is contracting but when nerve signals stop, no new ACh is released to replace what is broken down, so stimulation of the muscle fiber by ACh ceases
16. active transport pumps in SR begin to pump calcium from cytosol back into cisternae, calcium binds to protein called calsequestrin, stored until fiber stimulated again, ATP is needed for relaxation and contraction of muscle (active transport)
17. calcium ions dissociate from troponin, and they are pumped into SR and are not replaced
18. tropomyosin moves back to block active sites of actin filament, myosin can no longer bind to actin, and muscle fiber ceases to produce or maintain tension
Muscle returns to resting length because of its elastic components and because the contraction of an antagonist lengthens the relaxed muscle
Rigor Mortis
*hardening of muscles and stiffening of body
*muscle relaxation requires ATP, & ATP production is no longer produces after death
*rigor mortis peaks about 12 hours after death, then diminishes over the next 48 to 60 hours
ATP supply depends on availability of what?
-organic energy sources
Two main pathways of ATP synthesis
-anaerobic fermentation (lactic acid)
-aerobic respiration
properties of cardiac muscle
-regular rhythm
-must contract in unison
-contractions must last long enough to expel blood
-must work in sleep or wakefulness
-must be highly resistant to fatigue
Cardiac Muscle
limited to the heart where it functions to pump blood
how do damaged cardiac muscle cells repair ?
smooth muscle contraction
triggered by calcium, energized by ATP, and achieved by sliding thin past thick filaments
smooth muscle contraction begins in response to what?
calcium that enters the cell from ECF, a little internally from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
how does calcium bind to calmodunin on thick filaments?
-activates myosin light-chain kinase; adds phosphate (ATP) to regulatory protein on myosin head
-myosin ATPase then hydrolyzes ATP