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65 Cards in this Set

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Feedback system that returns the body back to homeostasis?

A negative feedback system

Who Created over 500 anatomical structures?

Leonardo Davinci

Who thought anatomy could only be taught by dissection?

Andreas Vesalius

Who is "Father of anatomy?"


Who discovered circulation of blood throughout the body?

William Harvey

Who is "the father of medicine?"


In anatomical terms the fore arm is the (blank) region and the fingers are the (blank) region.

1. Antebrachial

2. Digital

How many naturally occurring elements?


How many naturally occurring elements found in body?


Feedback mechanism that promotes ongoing change?

Positive feedback mechanism

The plane that divides the body into superior and inferior portions?

Transverse plane

The mediasteinum, pleural, and pericardial cavities are located in?

Thoracic cavity

The stomach is located in what quadrant?

Left upper quadrant

All chemical reactions within a cell or an organism are know as?


The survival needs of the human body include..?

Food, Water, oxygen, body temperature, and atmospheric pressure

The diaphragm divides what two cavities?

Abdomniopelvic and Thoracic

The stomach is an..?


The gallbladder is located in..?

The right upper quadrant

Digestion breaks down complex molecules into simpler molecules...is an example of?


Homeostasis is maintained by self-regulating physiological processes...this describes?

a negative feedback system

The lowest level of organization in the body?


Blood, Heart, and blood vessels compose the...?

cardiovascular system

Anything that has weight and occupies space is..?


96% of the body consists of which four elements?

oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen

Electrons in the valence shell are?

closet to nucleus of atom

Steroids are part of the (blank) group of organic compounds


A substance that cannot be be broken down by chemical means into a simpler substance?


The number of protons plus the number of neutrons in an atom is?

Atomic weight

numerous hair-like projections that move substances across the surface of a cell are?


If a blood cell is immersed in a solution that causes fluid to diffuse from the cell, the solution is?


Normal saline is (blank) solution because it does not affect the cells?


A single layer of square-like cells?

simple cuboidal epithelium

cells found in the lining of stomachs and important in the secretion and absorption of substances

simple columnar epithelium

tissue found in the lining of the urinary bladder. Can stretch and return to size

transition tissue

Elastic connective tissue is formed by (blank) which secretes collagen and elastic fiber proteins that form the matrix


Membranes of the body are formed by?

epithelial and connective tissue

muscle tissue that is striated and involuntary?

cardiac muscle

Epithelial tissue with multiple layers of oval cells that flatten when tissue is stretched?

Transitional epithelium

epithelial tissue with multiple layers of flat cells


epithelial tissue with a single layer of cubelike cells?


epithelial tissue with single layer of flat cells


epithelial tissue with a single layer of ciliated columnlike cells that appears as multiple layers?

pseudostratified ciliated columnar

Membranes that line the cavities of the body and internal organs?

serous membranes

membranes that line the joints of the body?


Striated muscle; single nucleus in each cell

cardiac muscle

Muscle attaches to bones; moves body and appendages?

skeletal muscle

muscle of the heart, striated and involuntary

cardiac muscle

muscle with long fibers with many peripherally located nuclei?

skeletal muscle

muscle in walls of hollow internal organs; involunatary?

smooth muscle

Blood is classified as what kind of tissue?

connective tissue

Connective tissue that helps insulate the body, cushions internal organs, and stores excess nutrient energy?

Adipose tissue

Cartilage that covers bone surfaces in joints and is part of the nose?


cells of nerve tissue (neuroglia)?


cells that form and transmit impulses


epithelial membranes lining the ventral body cavity?

serous membranes

fats Are not oil at room temp?

saturated fats

Atom is composed of..?

protons, neutrons, electrons.

Atoms are characterized by...?

atomic number; atomic symbol; atomic weight

what is created when molecules combine?


I.C.F. stands for?

intercellular fluid

the pH scale measures?

relative alkalinity or acidity

fats that are oil at room temperature

unsaturated fats

Two types of nucleaic acids?

DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid

RNA - Ribonucleic acid

Where is ICF found?

within the cell

11 systems of the body?

1. integumentary

2. skeletal

3. muscular

4. nervous

5. endocrine

6. digestive

7. cardiovascular

8. lymphatic

9. respiratory

10. urinary

11. reproductive