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66 Cards in this Set

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that portion of the brain responsible for functions most commonly associated with "higher-order" behaviors (learning, intelligence, awareness); receives and interprets sensory information, initiates conscious nerve impulses to skeletal muscles, and integrates neuron activty that is normally associated with communication, expression of emotional responses, learning, memory and recall, and other behaviors associated with conscious activity
second largest component of the brain; allows the body to have coordinated movement, balance, posture, and complex reflexes
Central nervous system
the brain and spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system
nerves outside of the central nervous system
a bundle of myelinated nerve fibers in the peripheral nervous system that conducts sensory and/or motor impulses to and from the central nervous system and the periphery of the body
cells of the nerves that are structurally composed of a cell body, dendrites, and an axon. they not only initiate nerve impulses but also conduct them
cells in the nervous system that support and protect the neurons
glial cells
cells in the nervous system that protest and support the nervous system
the cell body of the neuron; perikaryon
the receptive site of the nerve cell; extends from the cell body, giving the cell a starlike shape; receives stimuli and conveys them as nerve impulses to the cell body
Sensory receptors
a modified nerve ending converts mechanical, thermal, chemical, or electromagnetic stimuli into nerve impulses that travel to the CNS and are interpreted as the appropriate sensation
extension of the neuron that conducts the nerve impulse away from the cell body to the terminal bouton at the end of the neuron
Effector cell
a cell such as a muscle or gland cell that carries out some action when stimulated by a nerve impulse
fatty substance that covers some axons
Myelin sheath
cell membrane of glial cells wrapped around an axon; increases speed of impulse conduction along the axon
glial cells in the brain and spinal cord whose cellular membrane forms the myelin sheath for axons in the CNS
Schwann cells
glial cells associated with the peripheral nerves whose cellular membrane forms the myelin sheath for axons in the PNS
Afference nerves
nerve that carries impulses toward the central nervous system
Efferent nerves
nerve that carries impulses away from the central nervous system
Sensory nerves
nerves that carry afferent impulses from sensory receptors toward the central nervous system
Motor nerves
nerve that carries efferent impulses to muscles, although motor function may be used to describe any nerve that carries an efferent impulse, including those that supply endocrine glands and tissues that are not muscle
Somatic nervous system
conscious or voluntary nervous system controlling skeletal muscles; somatic motor function is the efferent branch, and the somatic sensory function is the afferent branch
Autonomic nervous system
the part of the nervous system that controls smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and endocrine glands automatically without conscious control; has motor and sensory branches
Sodium-potassium pump
active transport molecule that moves sodium molecules out of the neuron and potassium molecules into the neuron to maintain the resting state
a reduction in the voltage across a neuron or muscle cell membrane from its normal polarized state. this results in an action potential in the case of a neuron or the initiation of contraction in the case of a muscle cell
Action potential
significant change in electrical charge from negative to positive
the process following depolarization wherein potassium ions diffuse rapidly out of the neuron
Nerve impulse
a wave of cell membrane depolarization that travels from the point of stimulus down the length of a nerve cell process
All-or-nothing principle
the principle that an individual muscle fiber either contracts completely or does not contract at all
the chemical released by the presynaptic neuron that diffuses across the synaptic cleft, binds with the receptor on the postsynaptic membrane, and stimulated or inhibits the postsynaptic neuron
a specialized protein to which the neurotransmitters bind
cerebral cortex
gray matter that makes up the outer layer of the cerebrum
deep grooves found in the cerebral cortex
the master endocrine gland. a pea-sized endocrine gland located at the base of the brain; made up of the anterior pituitary gland, which produces seven known hormones, and the posterior pituitary gland, which stores and releases two hormones from the hypothalamus; also called the hypophysis
each cerebral hemisphere is divided by sulci into lobes; different lobes of the cerebral hemispheres specialize in certain functions
cerebral hemisphere
the two halves of the cerebrum
longitudinal fissure
prominent groove that divides the cerebrum into right and left cerebral hemispheres
set of connective tissues that surround the brain and spinal cord; the three layers of the meninges, from outside to innermost layer, are the dura mater, the arachnoid, and the pia mater
somatic reflexes
a reflex resulting in the stimulation of inhibition of skeletal muscle contraction
autonomic reflexes
a reflex that results in stimulation or inhibition of smooth or cardiac muscle or endocrine gland function; mechanisms of homeostasis are autonomic reflexes
cerebral hemisphere
the two halves of the cerebrum
cluster of neuron cell bodies within the CNS
typically a short neuron that connects two other neurons; usually mentioned in the context of the reflex arc
brain stem
the connection between the brain and the spinal cord; composed of the medulla oblongata, the pons, and the midbrain; heavily involved in autonomic control functions related to the heart, respiration, blood vessel diameter, swallowing, and vomitting
withdrawal reflex
reflex arc in which painful stimulus on skin causes contraction of the affected limb; also called flexor reflex
set of connective tissues that surround the brain and spinal cord; the three layers of the meninges, from outside to innermost layer, are the dura mater, the arachnoid, and the pia mater
crossed extensor reflex
reflex initiated by a stimulation of a limb that results in extension of the limb on the other side of the body
cerebral hemisphere
the two halves of the cerebrum
somatic reflexes
a reflex resulting in the stimulation of inhibition of skeletal muscle contraction
longitudinal fissure
prominent groove that divides the cerebrum into right and left cerebral hemispheres
autonomic reflexes
a reflex that results in stimulation or inhibition of smooth or cardiac muscle or endocrine gland function; mechanisms of homeostasis are autonomic reflexes
brain stem
the connection between the brain and the spinal cord; composed of the medulla oblongata, the pons, and the midbrain; heavily involved in autonomic control functions related to the heart, respiration, blood vessel diameter, swallowing, and vomitting
cluster of neuron cell bodies within the CNS
set of connective tissues that surround the brain and spinal cord; the three layers of the meninges, from outside to innermost layer, are the dura mater, the arachnoid, and the pia mater
typically a short neuron that connects two other neurons; usually mentioned in the context of the reflex arc
somatic reflexes
a reflex resulting in the stimulation of inhibition of skeletal muscle contraction
withdrawal reflex
reflex arc in which painful stimulus on skin causes contraction of the affected limb; also called flexor reflex
autonomic reflexes
a reflex that results in stimulation or inhibition of smooth or cardiac muscle or endocrine gland function; mechanisms of homeostasis are autonomic reflexes
crossed extensor reflex
reflex initiated by a stimulation of a limb that results in extension of the limb on the other side of the body
cluster of neuron cell bodies within the CNS
typically a short neuron that connects two other neurons; usually mentioned in the context of the reflex arc
withdrawal reflex
reflex arc in which painful stimulus on skin causes contraction of the affected limb; also called flexor reflex
contralateral reflexes
contralateral reflexes
ipsilateral reflexes
the reflex stimulus and response are on the same side of the body
reflex response that is more pronounced than normal
palpebral reflex
reflex closure of the eyelids when the medial canthus of the eyelids is touched; used in anesthesia monitoring to assess depth of anesthesia