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41 Cards in this Set

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a nerve cell
neuroglial cell
specialized cells of the nervous system that produce myelin, communicate between cells, and maintain ionic balance
fatty material that forms a sheathlike covering around some axons
a type of neuroglialcell that connects neurons to blood vessels
sensory fibers in cranial nerves have neuron cell bodies outside the brain (usually in groups)
bipolar neuron
neurons with specialized parts of the eyes, ears, and nose; two processes one from each cell body; strucuturally similar one axon one dendrite
functional connection between the axon of a neuron and the dendrite or cell body of another neuron or the membrane of another cell type
mixed nerve
nerve that includes both sensory and motor neuron fibers
nerve impulse
the electrochemical process of depolarization and repolarization along an axon
central nervous system (CNS)
the brain and spinal cord
somatic nervous system
motor pathways of the peripheral nervous system that lead to the skin and skeletal muscles
ependymal cell
cell membrane composed of neuroglial cells that lines the ventricles of the brain
nodes of Ranvier
narrow gaps between Schwann cells
multipolar neuron
many processes, only one process of each is an axon; the rest are dendrites. most neurons whose cells bodies lie within the brain or spinal cord are multipolar
threshold potential
once summation is reached this may be reached; lots of subthreshold potential changes must combine to reach threshold and once threshold is reached, action potential occurs
afferent fibers
same as sensory neuron
reflex arc
nerve pathway, consisting of a sensory neuron, interneuron, and motor neuron, this forms structural and functional bases for a reflex
process of a neuron that receives input from other neurons
peripheral nervous system (PNS)
the portions of the nervous system outside the central nervous system
autonamic nevous system
portion of nervous system that controls the viscera
schwann cell
type of neuroglial cell that surrounds an axon of a peripheral neuron, forms the neurilemmal sheath and myelin.
sensory neuron
neuron that transmits an impulse from a receptor to the central nervous system
unipolar neuron
single process extending from cell body, short distance from cell body, divides into two branches-function as single axon, one branch dealt with as dendrites, other branch enters spinal cord or brain.
neurotransmitters that increase postsynaptic membrane permeability to sodium ions bring the membrane closer to threshold and may trigger nerve impulses
efferent fibers
same as motor neuron
rapid, autonamic response to a stimulus
nerve fiber, conducts a nerve impulse away from neuron cell body
sensory receptor
specialized structure associated with the peripheral end of a sensory neuron specific to detecting a particular sensation and triggering a nerve impulse to the central nervous system
type of neroglial cell that forms myelin
fine, cytoplasmic thread that extends from the cell body into the process of a neuron
a neuron between a sensory and motor neuron
resting potential
the difference in electrical charge between the inside and outside of an undisturbed nerve cell in the membrane
other neurotransmitters make it less likely that threshold will be reached, lessens the chance that a nerve impulse will occur
sensory nerves
nerve composed of sensory never fibers
bundle of axons in the peripheral nevous system
muscle or gland that effects change in the body
microglial cell
neuroglial cell that supports neurons and phagocytizes
portion of schwann cell that contains most of the cytoplasm and the nuclei remain on the outside the myelin sheath
motor neuron
neuron that transmits impulses from the central nervous system to an effector
action potential
the sequence of electrical changes that occurs in a portion of a nerve cell membrane that is exposed to a stimulus that exceeds the membrane's threshold
motor nerves
nerve that consist of motor neuron axons