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169 Cards in this Set

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osseus tissue refers to
bone only
if a thyroid tumor secreted an excessive amount of calcitonin, we would expect
a rise in blood calcium concentration
hemopoiesis typically occurs in
red bone marrow
the most serious effect of severe hypoclcaemia is likely to be
laryngospasm and suffocation
calcium homeostasis in adults is maintained mainly by
parathyroid hormone
osteoblasts deposit more bone matrix in response to all of the following factors except
parathyroid hormone
a farmer's finger is pulled completely off his hand by a piece of farm machinery
an avulsion
All of the following are part of the bone matrix except
(collage, chondroitin sulfate, glycoproteins, proteoglycans)
most bones develop from
hyaline cartilage
the cells primarily responsible for the breakdown of bone are
the protein fibers of the bone matrix are composed of
appostitional growth of a long bone has the effect of
increasing the diameter of the bone
bones found in the forearm are (type)
long bones
osteocytes in the outer lamellae of an osteon transport their wastes to the bloodstream for removal via
the ____ forms by endochondral ossification
formation of ___ is a stage of intramembranous ossification
a primary ossification center
in the development of the skeleton, what typically happens at the age of 18-21
the epiphyseal plate closes
when bone is being resorbed, acid phosphate dissolves its
hypocalcaemia can result from any of the following except
excessive secretion of the parathyroid hormone
(lactation, Vit D deficit, severe diarrhea, excessive secretion of calcitonin)
one thing the calcitrol does that parathyroid hormone does not is
stimulate the small intestine to absorb more phosphate
a soft callous forms during
the healing of a fracture
the skeletal system performs all of the following functions except
regulation of body temp
hydroxapatite is best described as
calcium phosphate crystals in the bone matrix
a canaliculus of compact bone contains
a process of osteocytes
based on shape, parietal bones are classified as
bones that serve as levers are moved by skeletal muscle to provide movement are termed
long bones
the cavity of the diaphysis of long bones is called the __ cavity and commonly contains __ morrow
medullary, red
the periosteum is a connective tissue sheath which lines the __ of bones and fuses with bones by way of __ fibers
outer surface, perforating
fat is stored in the
medullary cavity of long bones
which one of the bone cells is most closely related to white blood cells
hydroxyapatite refers to the crystals of bone which is made up primarily of
calcium phosphate
which of the following is found in compact bone but not in spongy bone
central canals
not all compact bone is organized around a central canal. Lamellae found in the inner and outer boundaries of dense bone run parallel to the bone surface, these lamellae are called
as bone grows in the child only two areas of cartilage are left at each epiphysis. these two areas are:
articular cartilage and epiphyseal plate
at the epiphyseal plate, in the zone of calcification
chondroblasts deposit more cartilage to increase the size of the epiphyseal plate
in the zone of deposition,___ cells rapidly invade the calcified matrix and lay down bone. then ___cells erode the spongy bone to form the marrow cavity
osteoblasts, osteoclasts
the growth of the epiphyseal plate addds to the length of bone is called ___growth
in order for mineralization to begin, two steps must occur:
the solubility product must be reached and the inhibitors are neutralized
if the pH of blood drops below 7.35, your body is said to be in a state of acidosis. to counteract this acidosis, you would expect your kidneys to excrete more hydrogen ions, your breathing rate to increase to blow off more CO2, and your bone to
increase the activity of osteoclasts
an individual has the following symptoms: increased excitability of the NS and increased muscle spasms particularly in the hands and feet:
parathyroind hormone helps to convert
calcitriol to vitamin D3
osteoclasts are stimulated, CA is resorbed by the kidneys, calcitriol is formed and osteoblasts are inhibited from forming collagen. the best explanation for these activities is
low blood calcium and increased production of PTH
the use of anabolic steroids by adolescent boys will
decrease the growth of bone by prematurely closing the epiphyseal plate
a fracture at the distal end of the ulna is called
a fracture in which the bone is broken into three or more pieces is called
a loss of bone mass, especially spongy bone, is usually a lack of exercise or deficiency of estrogen after menopause. this is called
nodding your head yes represents movement of which type of joint
all of the following are paranasal sinuses except
(sphenoid, ethmoid, maxillary, frontal)
the internal and external acoustic meatuses are openings in (bone)
the sphenoid bone has all of the following features except
infraorbital foramen
(foramen ovale, an optic foramen, a foramen spinosum, a pterygoid canal)
which skull bone is paired
the lambdoid suture separates the parietal bones from
the occipital bone
the styloid process, mastoid process, and zygomatic process are parts of
temporal bone
the __bone of the skull articulates with the vertebral column
all of the following are facial bones except__, which is a cranial bone
ethmoid bone
(palatine, lacrimal, vomer, maxilla)
the fetal skull has the following fontanels
anterior posterior sphenoid mastoid occipital
there are __thoracic vertebrae and pairs of ribs
the axis is the only vertebra with
a dens
which of the following is in the antebrachium?
the glenoid cavity is a point of articulation between
the scapula and humerus
the cranial bones have a middle layer of spongy bone called
which part of the mandible articulates with the cranium?
mental protuberance
the ___of a vertebra bears the most weight
transverse process
costal facets are found only on
thoracic vertebra
two bones have auricular (ear) surfaces. namely the
right and left temporal bone
each clavicle articulates with
the manubrium and scapula
a costal cartilage connects each __to the __.
rib, sternum
the ___is fractured more often than any other bone?
strictly speaking, the arm refers only to the
a styloid process is found on all of the following except
(radius, ulna, temporal,fibula)
which of the following is not in the same class as the others
(trapezoid, lunate, pisiform)
which of the following is not found in the skull
obturator foramen (deep hip)

(foramen spinosum and magnum, mastoid and mental foramen)
a rounded knob that articulates with another bone is called a
a shallow, broad, or elongated basin in bone is called
a small rounded process is called a __while a massive process is called a___
epicondyle, condyle
which of the sinuses listed below does not communicate with the sinus cavity
(frontal, maxillary, ethmoid, sphenoid)
the suture that separates the two parietal bones is called the
sagittal suture
the smooth area of the frontal bone just above the nasal bones is called the
the suture that separates the parietal bone from the occipital bone is the __suture, while the suture between the parietal and temporal bones is the __suture
lambdoid, squamous
the large irregular opening just medial to the styloid process of the temporal bone if the
external acoustic foramen
which of the foramens listed below is not found in the sphenoid
mental foramen
which of the features listed is not found in the ethmoid bone
inferior nasal conchae
(crista galli, middle and superior nasal conchae, perpendicular plane)
this bone, blade of a plow), forms the inferior part of the nasal septum
the mandibular condyle articulate with the
mandibular fossae of the temporal bone
an abnormal lateral spinal curvature, which is more common in adolescent girls, is called
the region of the vertebral column, which has the most number of fuses or unfused vertebrae is the
this vertebra has the following characteristics: body, vertebral foramen, spinous process, transverse process, and transverse foramen
in a herniated, ruptured, or slipped disc this area of fibrocartilage called the __cracks and the __oozes out and may put painful pressure on the spinal chord
annulus fibrosus, nucleus pulposus
the head of most ribs articulates with the body of the thoracic vertebra at the
superior and inferior costal facets
ribs 8-10 attatch to the costal cartilage of rib 7, 8-10 are called
false ribs
the capitulum of the humerus articulates with the __while the trochlea of the humerus articulates with the __.
radius, ulna
the funny bone refers to the
olecranon process
how many phalanges are in each hand and foot
the tibia is one of the major weight-bearing bones of the leg and articulates inferiorily with this weigh bearing bone called the
unlike other joints, a __does not join two bones together
which movement is limited to the foot
which of these is a first class lever
atlanto-occipital joint
which of the bursae are not associated with the shoulder joint
olecranon bursa (elbow)

(subdeltoid, subacromial, subscapular)
which of these are a gliding joint
patellofemoral joint
the humerus is held in the glenoid cavity more securely by the __than by any other structure
transverse humeral ligament
if two bones are joined so firmly that they cannot move the form a
the hyaline costal cartilage that attaches rib to sternum forms a
the cartilage pad called a meniscus is found in the knee and the __joint
which of the following joints in multiaxial
condyloid joint
(coxal, saddle, hings, proximal radioulnar)
to raise your hand and place it on the shoulder of the person standing in front of you involves __of the shoulder
to be sitting on a sofa and raise your arm to rest it on the back of the sofa involves __at the shoulder joint
if you stand on tiptoes to reach something, you are ___at the ankle joint
plantar flexion
a fibrous joint cannot also be
(gomphosis, amphiarthrosis, synarthrosis, suture)
cup you hands to hold water requires
abduction of the fingers
a metacarpophalangeal joint is
hinge joint
MA=L effort/L distal
which of the following is true of a first class lever joints
MA >1
radius and ulnar collateral ligaments restrict side to side movements of the __joint
the patella and femur form a __joint
a tendon sheath is a modified
a torn tendon or ligament is the cause of
a joint such as the knee or elbow, which is freely moveable is termed
a structurally classified joint which has no synovial cavity and is held together by ligaments
the functional and structural classifications that best describe the tibiofibular joint are:
synarthrosis, synovial joint
the suture between the temporal bone and parietal bone and sphenoid bone is called
(serrate, plane, jagged, butt)
the pubic symphysis is made of
synovial fluid is rich in __and __, which gives it a viscous, slippery texture similar to egg white before it is heated into a gel
albumin, hyaluronic acid
the articular cartilage found in synovial joint is
hyaline cartilage
the meniscus is composed of
the elbow is which kind of joint
if you are moving your head from side to side to say 'no' you are using a __joint
which of the following is the weakest joint
the movement in which one end of an appendage remains relatively stationary while the other end makes a circular motion is
the movement of the foot where the soles are turned medially is
which lever type is the most common in the human body
the coxal, or hip joint, contains a ring of fibrocartilage called the
acetabular labrum
the achilles heel is the
calcaneal tendon
the crunching or crackling sounds in aging joints are caused by
bone grinding against bone
what type of joint is the epiphyseal plate
which of the following joints allows for the most movement
the joint between a tooth and an alveolar socket is called
skeletal system has 4 components
bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments
functions of the skeletal system
support, protection, movement, storage, blood cell production
main part
enlarged (often rounded) end
constriction between head and body
margin or border
branch off the body after the angle
smooth, rounded articular surface
small, flattened articular surface
line or linea
low ridge
crest or crista
prominent ridge
very high ridge
prominent projection
small, rounded bump
tuberosity or tuber
knob, larger than a tubercle
tuberosities on the proximal femur
upon a condyle
canal or meatus
sinus or labrynth
general term for a depression
depression in the margin of a bone
groove or sulcus
deeper, narrow depression
classification of joints
based on function, connective tissue, and fluid or not
classification of joints
fibrous joints, cartilaginous joints, synovial
fibrous joints
bones are connected by fibrous tissue with no joint cavity capable of little or no movement
cartilaginous joints
synchondroses, symphases
joints which bones are joined by hyaline cartilage (epiphyseal plate)
slightly moveable fibrocartliage joints
capable of considerable movement
plane/pivot/hinge/ball and socket
ellipsoid/ saddle
fibrous joint in which the bones are farther apart than in a suture, some movement aka radioulnar