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75 Cards in this Set

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Tissue types in Skeletal System
Bone and Cartilage (major), fibrous and loose connective tissue, blood, nervous tissue, epithelium, lymphatic tissue, myeloid tissue (bone marrow), and adipose tissue.
Bone Tissue
Compact (dense and solid appearance)

Spongy bone (characterized by open space partially filled by assemblage of needle-like structures)
4 types of bone
Long: extended longitudinal axes. Examples are femur of thigh/humerus of arm

Short: long as they are wide, cube/box shaped. Examples are wrists (carpals) and ankle (tarsals)

Flat: board and thin, flattened/curved surface. Examples are skull bones, scapulae, ribs, sternum. Many flat bones have spongy bone in them, and red marrow that fills their space.

Irregular bones: clustered in groups, and come in various sizes and shapes. Examples are the vertebral column, facial bones.

Sesamoid: they are irregular bones, but they appear singly. They are usually found embedded in substances like tendons that are close to the joints. Examples are patella.
Identify parts of Long Bone
Diaphysis, epiphyses, articular cartilage, periosteum, medullary (marrow) cavity, and endosteum
It is the main long shaft-like portion of the long bone. It is hallow, and there is thick, compact bone that composes it. This structure is able to provide support with too much cumbersome weight.
They are found on either sides of long bone. They are big bulb like structures that allow enough space for muscle attachment, and also provides stability for joints.

It is made of spongy bone, which is filled with a specialized soft connective tissue called red marrow
Epiphyseal Plate
This plate separated the diaphysis from the epiphysis during early development. Metaphysis is the name of the region of the ephiphyseal plates in mature and growing bone.
Articular cartilage
It is a thin layer of hylaine cartilage that is around the joint surfaces of epiphysis.

This material is resilient and cushions against jolts and blows.
It is a dense, white fibrous membrane that covers the bone all the way, except the joint surfaces as the articular cartilage covers that.

This is very important for bone formation and remolding that continues throughout life

Muscle tendon fibers also interlace with the periosteal fibers, and this helps anchor the muscles firmly to the bone since the periosteum penetrates the underneath the bone.

The periosteum also contains (depending on its location) bone destroying/bone building cell.

This membrane also has blood vessels incorporated into it. It is used for initial development and remolding and repair of the bone.
Medullary (marrow) cavity
It's the hollow space in the diaphysis of the long bone.

In an adult, this medullary cavity is filled with connective tissue that is rich in fat called yellow marrow.
This is a think membrane.

It lines the medullary cavity of long bones.
Bone Tissue
It is made of cells, fibers, and extraceullar material (matrix). But in bone, the matrix dominates and it is all hard and calcified. It also contains a lot of collagen fibers.

It is very strong, high tensile strength, yet it is very light for its function.
Declining estrogen levels, loss of bone mineral density. increased bone fragility.
Bone matrix
It is made of inorganic salt (hard and calcified. They resist stress and mechanical deformation. Sometimes radiation or harmful chemicals can also get incorporated into bones and thus will cause radiation and could lead to cancers/diseases.)

Organic salts (collagen fibers, mixture of protein and polysaccharides). There is also ground substance that aids in growth and cellular respiration in bone
Types of bone cells
Osteoblasts (they come from osteogenic stem cells)
They come from the osteogenic stem cells(these are found in the endosteum). They make the ground substance of bone from a specialized organic matrix called osteoid. This results in mineralized bone.
They are giant multi-nucleated cells. Responsible for active erosion of bone minerals. These cells contain large amounts of lysomomes and mitchondria. These cells continuously break bone down, while osteoblasts build them up again by depositing osteoid under the surface.

This illustrates the continuous remolding that is achieved by the bone.
These are mature/non dividing cells that are found in the lacunae. They are surrounded by matrix, and the cell's extracelluar matrix extends into the canaliculus.
Bone Marrow
It's a specialized type of soft, diffuse connective tissue.

it is called myeloid tissue.

It is a site for the production of blood cells and it is found in the medullary cavity of long bones/spongy bones.
Life cycle of bone marrow
Child: there is a lot of red bone marrow present

Adult: as the person ages, the red bone marrow accumulates fat and becomes yellow marrow. But places such as the hipbone, ends of humerus, pelvis, femur, ribs, bodies of vertebra still maintain some red bone marrow. In times of too much blood loss or anemia, yellow marrow will be converted to red bone marrow for the use of the body.

Old age: during old age, the yellow marrow is again converted into a gelatinous consistency.
Bone marrow transplant
This could be a life saving surgery if it is not rejected by the body. This is administered when there is damaged to the bone marrow.
5 functions of the bone
1) support (it serves as a framework for the body, contributes to its shape/alignment/positioning of body parts)

2) protection (it protects delicate organs such as heart and brain)

3) movement (there is a lot of lever action due to the joints and bones. when muscles contract it in turn pulls on the bone)

4) mineral storage (it is a major reservoir for CA, P, and other minerals. also helps to maintain thermostatic blood calcium levels).

5) hematopoiesis:(the red blood cell formation that is carried out by red marrow is located in the bones. in adults this is mostly in the epiphysis of long bones, flat bones in the skull, ribs, sternum)
Regulation of Blood Calcium Levels
the bone has 98% of the body's calcium reserves.

Osteoblasts take out calcium from the blood to build up bone, but osteoclasts break down bone to release calcium back into the blood.

Balance of blood calcium levels is very essential for: normal blood clotting, transmission of nerve impulses, maintenance of skeletal and cardiac muscle contractions

Two hormones essential for normal blood calcium levels: parathyroid and calcitonin
Parathyroid and Calcitonin
Parathyroid: very important in maintaining the level of calcium hemostatis. When low caclium levels are detected, it stimulates the osteoclasts to break down the bone and help bring the blood calcium levels back to normal. Low blood calcium deduction by this hormone also stimulates better absorption of calcium from urine, and stimulates synthesis of vitamin D so calcium can be better absorbed from the intestines. [This gets released when Blood Calcium level is LOW] released by Parathyroid Gland

Calcitonin: stimulates osteoblasts to deposit calcium into bone. [This gets released when Blood Calcium level is HIGH] released by Thyroid Gland
development of bone
Infant before birth has not bones, but cartilage and fibrous structures.

Real bones are formed when the cartilage is replaced by calcified bone matrix, calcification process.

this continuous bone-forming and bone-resorbing action allows the bones to change as different stress or injury occurs.
The procress of bone forming (osteoblasts) and bone-resorbing (osteclasts) help sculpt bones into adult form.
Two types of ossicification
Endochondral and Intramembranous
Endochondral Ossification
They are formed from cartilage molds, and long bones in the body are formed this way.

1) Periosteum develops and forms a ring and wraps itself around the middle of the bone (diaphysis area).

2) osteogenic cells from the periosteum differientate into osteoblasts and start forming bone to the cartilage.

3) this contributes to a bone collar, which is a thin layer of bone around the layer of periosteum. This starts the cartilage to calcify.

4) A blood vessel enters in the middle of the diaphysis during this time of rapidly calicifying cartilage. This appear of the blood vessel starts the "Primary Ossification center"

5) The periosteum ring collar started at the diaphysis start to move extend towards the epiphysis."Interstitial Growth" occurs, which is the process that makes the bone grow in length

6) Blood vessels appear in the middle of the epiphysis which starts the Secondary Ossification Center. This bone growth starts at the epiphysis and goes towards the diaphysis;
Epiphyseal Plates
Until the bone growth is complete, 25, there is a layer of cartilage called epiphyseal plates that remain between the epiphysis and diaphysis.

During periods of growth, this plate contributes to it. There are 4 layers of cells that make up epiphyseal plates
Four layers of the epiphyseal plates
First Layer: ones closest to the epiphysis are "resting: cartilage cells.this layers serves as a point of attachment, it joins the epiphysis firmly to the bone.

Second layer: poliferating zone. because of this section, the plate thickens and the bone elongates

Third layer: zone of hypertrophy. this layer is composed of older, elargered cells that are degenerating because of the calcium that are being deposisted in them

Fourth Layer: This is the layer closest to the diaphysis.This is a layer that consists of dead/dying cells that are rapidly calcifying, and as this layer and contributes to the growth of the bone.

When growth is over, these are completely calcified.
Intramembranous Ossification
This takes place within a connective tissue membrane. Osteogenic stem cells differeniate into groups of osteoblasts which help give rise to flat bones.

These groups of osteoblasts are called" Centers of ossification".
centers of ossification
Groups of osteoblasts

The golgi in the osteoblasts give rise to mucopolysaccharides and the ER gives rise to collagen.

These two material get mixed up with ground substance, and accumulate around each osteblast.
Appositional Growth
Osteclasts help enlarge the medullary cavity by eating away the bones surrounding the medullary cavity. The osteoblasts in the periosteum build new bone from outside of the bone.
This helps the bone increase in diameter.
Formation of Osteon
They are formed when osteoclasts in the periosteum are activated and they eat away from the outside till a blood vessel is reached. Then a layer of cells surround it, and the new osteon is created.
Break in the continuity of bone.
Fracture Repair
They are activated by bone death/damage to the periosteum and the Haversian system blood vessels that carry nutrients to osteocytes.

1) There is a pooling of blood, like a blood clot at the point of injury called "hematoma".

2) This hematoma then develops fibrin mesh, specialized inflammatory cells, fibroblasts, bone/cartilage forming cells, and new capillaries. Hematoma also becomes into a soft mass of granulation tissue

3) Procallus forms, a type of cartilagious tissue that helps archor the end of the fractured bone together.

3) Increase in osteoblast cells increase bone forming, and the formation of bony callus helps to bind and the fracture even more and helps to further continue bone repair.

4) if no complications arise, the callus bone should be replaced by compact bone.
3 types of cartilage
a) hylaine cartilage

b) elastic cartilage

c) fibrocartilage
Differences between bone and cartilage
-- cartilage is avascular while the bone is completely vasculated.

-- in cartilage, fibers are embedded in firm gel, while bone is in calcified cement substance.
These are cartilage cells.

Cartilage cells, like bone cells lie in the lacunae. And since there is no vasculature in these parts, nutrients are reached to these cells through diffusion from capillaries.

These capillaries are from the fibrous membrane covering the cartilage "perichondrium".
Fibrous covering of the cartilage.
Hyaline cartilage
Most abundant. This was thought to be the precursor for the other two types of cartilages (fibroblast/elastic).

It is made from mesenchymal stem cells that get crowded together (centers of chrondrification) in the embryo.

Like the bone, it's a mixture of ground substance and collagenous fibers.

Covers the articular surface of bones, coastal ribcage, cartilage rings around trachea, bronchi of lings, and tip of nose. And it is secreted from chondrocytes.
Fibroblast cartilage
Most tensile strength. highest number of collagenous fibers. Small number of matrix.

Associated with dense connective tissue like symphysis pubis, intervertebral disks, near the point of attachment of some large tendons to bone.
Elastic cartilage
elasticity and firmness. Rise to external ear, epiglottis that covers the opening of respiratory tract when swallowing, and eustachian (auditory tubes that connect middle and nasal cavity).

More opacity than hylaine, less collagenous fibers than hylaine.
Overview of the functions of cartilage
a) sustains great weight

b) shock absorbing

c) strong/pliable flexibility

d) permits growth in length
Growth of cartilage
Just like bones it has "interstitial growth" and "appositional growth"

Interstitial: chondrocytes begin to divide internally and is seen in early adolesense, and contributes to growth.

Appositional: chondrocytes deep in the perichondrium begin to divide and secrete additional matrix. This matrix is deposited on the surface of the cartilage and helps to grow in size.
Compact Bone
Constitutes 80% of the total bone mass.

Lamellae, Lacunae, Canaliculi, Harversian canal.

Lamellae: cylinder-shaped layers of calcified matrix. Remnants of older osteons.

Lacunae: small spaces that contain bone cells imprisoned in them, between the hard layers of lamellae.

Canaliculi: Ultrasmall canals that radiates in all directions and connects all the lacunae.

Haversian canal: it extends lengthwise through center of the Haversian system and contains blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves.
Frontal Bone
Forms the forehead and the anterior part of the cranium

It also contains frontal sinuses (mucus-lined, air-filled spaces)
Paranasal Sinuses
Front sinuses, also in spheniod, ethmoid, maxillae have narrow channels that open into the nasal cavity.
It is a rounded process that usually articulates with another bone.

Example: Occipital condyle of the occipital bone that articulates with Atlas in the back of the head
It is a projection situated above a condyle

Example: Medial epicondyle and later epicondyle of the humerus. It is located on either sides of the bone where the joint articulates with the radius and ulna (distal ends).
It is a soft spot in the skull where membranes cover the space between bones in the fetal and newborn infant.

As the baby develops, the plates fuse and form the suture lines. There are 6 such areas located at angles of the parietal bones.

Allows for the rapid brain growth, and compression during birthing process.
An opening through a bone that usually servers as a passageway for blood vessels, nerves, or ligaments.

Example: Foramen magnum of the occipital bone located in the backside of the head, for the spine to pass through.
An enlargement on the end of the bone. It's a disk shaped process forming the proximal end of the radius. It articulates with the capitulum of the humerus and with the radial notch of the ulna

Example: it is found on the head of the radius and humerus.
A narrow ridge.

Ridge of roughened surface on the posterior aspect of the femur, to which are attached muscles and intermuscular septum.

Example: Linea aspera of the femur
A tubelike passageway within a bone.

Example: external auditory meatus of the ear.
A prominent projection on a bone.

Example: Mastoid process of the temporal bone, posterior to ear
A cavity within a bone

Example: Frontal sinus of the frontal bone
A thornlike projection

Example: Spine of the scapula. It's the sharp ridge running diagonally across the posterior surface of the shoulder blade.
An interlocking line of union between bones. they are immovable joints between skull bones, and is the mature version of fontanel

Example: Lamddoidal suture between the occipital and parietal bones
A relatively large process.

Example: Greater trochanter of the femur. It is located inferior and laterally (away from the midline of body) to the head. There is also a lesser trochanter of the femur which is located inferior and medial to the greater trochanter.
A knoblike process usually larger than a tubercle.

Example: the radial tubertosity that is located inferior to the radius head and rest near the ulna.

It's a roughened projection on the ulnar side, a short distance below the head and biceps muscle inserts here.
Temporal Bone
This bone houses the middle and inner ear structures.

Has mastoid sinuses.
Occipital Bone
it has immovable joints with parietal, temporal and sphenoid. And one movable joint with first cervical vertebra.
Sphenoid Bone
Keystone in the architecture of the cranium and anchors the frontal, parietal, occipital, and ethmoid.

Contains air filled spaces, sphenoid sinuses.
Carotid Canal
It is the main blood supply to the brain.

Moving from the top to the bottom (formen magnus), it is the first up, superior to jugular foramen.

There are 2 carotid canals on either sides of the head.
Jugular Foramen
It is the main exit of blood from the brain.

There are 2 jugular formen on either sides of the head.
Cranial Bones
8 bones:
-- Frontal (1)
-- Parietal (2)
-- Occipital (1)
-- Temporal (2)
-- Sphenoid (1)
-- Ethmoid (1)
There is one frontal bone and forms the forehead, roof of nasal cavity, and roofs of orbits.

Its special features are: Supraorbital foramen, and frontal sinuses.
There are 2 of these bones.

They form the side walls and roof of cranium.

Its special features are that it is fused at midline along the sagittal suture.
There is one occipital bone and it forms the back of the skull and base of cranium.

Its special features are that it has the foramen magnum, occipital condyles.
There are 2 temporal bones and they form side walls and floor of cranium

Its special features is that it has external auditory meatus, mandibular fossa, mastoid process, styloid proess, zygomatic process.
It is 1 bone and forms parts of base and cranium, sides of skull, and floors and sides of orbits.

Its special features are sella turcica, sphenoidal sinuses.
It is made of one bone and it forms parts of roof and walls of nasal cavity, floor of cranium, and walls of orbits.

its special features are cribriform plates, perpendicular plate, superior and middle nasal conche, ehtmoidal sinuses, crista galli
Benefits of facial sinuses
They make the head less heavy, and even though they are more susistable to injury, the "crush zone" absorbs some of the impact and thus reduces the direct impact on the brain.
There are three types

-- Fibrous (articulating bones are fastened together by thin layer of dense connective tissue containing many collagenous fibers)

-- Cartilaginous (articulating bones connected by hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage)

-- Synovial (articulating bone surrounded by a joint capsule of ligaments and synovial membrane. The ends of articulating bones are covered by hyaline cartilage and separated by synovial fluid.