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40 Cards in this Set

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ability of a solution to affect fluid volume and pressure in a cell
organelles specialized for synthesizing ATP
– all the genes of one person.
humans have 25,000 to 35,000 genes
when a gene makes its protein product
Gene expression
What is the process for Protein synthesis
DNA-->mRNA--> protein
step from DNA to mRNA

occurs in the nucleus where DNA is located
– step from mRNA to protein
Skin, glands, lining of internal surfaces

Characterized by:

Cell junctions (closely bound)
Attached to basal lamina
High regeneration rates
Epithelial tissue

Provide physical protection

Control permeability

Produce specialized secretions
epithelial tissue
single row of thin cells
permits rapid diffusion or transport of substances
simple squamous epithelium
single layer of square or round cells
absorption and secretion, mucus production and movement. Found in the lining of stomach
simple cuboidal epithelium
single row tall, narrow cells
brush border of microvilli, ciliated in some organs, may possess goblet cells
absorption and secretion; mucus secretion . Found in Kidney
simple columnar epithelium
looks multilayered; some not reaching free surface; all touch basement membrane
with cilia and goblet cells
secretes and propels mucus . Found in the lungs
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
range from 2 to 20 or more layers of cells
only the deepest layer attaches to the basement membrane
three stratified epithelia are named for the shapes of their surface cells
Stratified epithelium
multiple cell layers with cells becoming flat and scaly toward surface
resists abrasion; retards water loss through skin; resists penetration by pathogenic organisms. Found in Foot
Keratinized stratified epithelium
same as keratinized epithelium without the surface layer of dead cells
resists abrasion and penetration of pathogens
Found in Vaginal Walls
Non-keratinized stratified epithelium
two or more cell layers; surface cells square or round
secretes sweat; sperm production and produces ovarian hormones. Found near sweat glands.
Stratified Cuboidal
multilayered epithelium surface cells that change from round to flat when stretched
Transitional epithelium
a matrix tissue in which cells usually occupy less space than the extracellular material.
most abundant, widely distributed, and histologically variable of the primary tissues
connective tissue
this type of cell produce fibers and ground substance.
These types of cells phagocytize foreign material and activate immune system when sense foreign matter (antigen)
white blood cells
react against bacteria, toxins, and other foreign material
these types of cells are found along side of blood vessels
histamine that dilates blood vessels
mast cells
these types of cells store triglycerides (fat molecules
this type of fiber is the most abundant of the body’s proteins – 25%
tough, flexible, and resist stretching
These types of fibers are similar to collagen
these type of fibers made of protein called elastin
allows stretch and recoil
usually a gelatinous to rubbery consistency –fills gaps and helps hold tissue together
ground substance
loosely organized fibers, abundant blood vessels, and a lot of seemingly empty space

fibers run in random directions
mostly collagenous, but elastic and reticular also present

found in tissue sections from almost every part of the body
ready supply of infection fighting leukocytes that move about freely in areolar tissue
areolar tissue
in this type of tissue – tissue in which adipocytes are the dominant cell type
Adipose tisseu
this type of tissue provides thermal insulation, anchors and cushions organs
densely, packed, parallel collagen fibers
compressed fibroblast nuclei
Found in Achilles heel
dense regular connective tissue
densely packed, randomly arranged, collagen fibers and few visible cells
dense irregular connective tissue
cartilage cells in lacunae
Is cartilage vascular or avascular?
a characteristic of all living cells
developed to highest degree in nervous and muscular tissues

respond quickly to outside stimulus by means of changes in membrane potential
houses nucleus and other organelles
multiple short, branched processes
receive signals from other cells
transmit messages to neurosoma
sends outgoing signals to other cells
can be more than a meter long
- the skin – largest membrane in the body
Cutaneous membrane