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68 Cards in this Set

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Decrease the angle of the joint (bending at the elbow)


Increase the angle of the joint (bending the elbow outward)


To cause a part of the body to lower (opening mouth)


To cause a part of the body to elevate (to close the mouth)


The only thing a muscle can do is

Shorten or contract

Muscles exist only to

Cause motion


Generate heat when they work

Provide cushion for bone

Cause motion when they cross a joint

Only do work when they shorten

Give the body shape

What are they?


Muscles use ? For energy


Muscles require ? Except for short periods of work?


Muscles produce ? as waste product

Lactic acid

? Removes waste product

Blood flow

Nerves connect to ? Then electric impulse stimulates and shortens ?

The muscle

True or false?

Muscles don't connect to bone?


What connects muscle to bone?


True or false?

Tendons don't contract


The belly is the ? Of the muscle?

Working part

In order to have motion a muscle has to

Cross a joint

Muscle fibers are band together to make groups that are called

The muscle belly

What attaches the muscle belly to bone?


Muscles can stretch but ? Can stretch only to a point


The masseter muscle is important for


What 2 muscles elevate the TMJ?

Masseter & Temporalis

"Strippers muscle" can cause motion in the


This muscle is involved in elevating the TMJ and assist the masseter?


What muscle is involved in depressing the mandible? It runs from the mandible to the breast tissue.


One of the largest and most superficial cervical muscles. The primary actions of the muscle are rotation of the head to the opposite side and flexion of the neck.

SCM Sternocleidomastoid

I've rotated my nose to the right, which SCM muscle did I use right or left?


A set of muscles that ruin down the entire length of the spine. Is purpose is to straighten and rotate the back.

Erector spinae

When muscle contracts it pulls the head to the back.

What muscle group is responsible for trunk flexion


What muscle is responsible for extension (bending backwards)

Erector Spinae

What muscle is responsible for bringing the arm backwards


What muscle is responsible for bringing the arm forward?


A diamond shaped ridge of muscle that runs between the neck and the shoulder that raise the shoulders up and brings the neck to the shoulder?


What muscles are used in abduction

Deltoids and suprapinatous (rotator cuff)

What muscles are used for adduction?

Lattissimus & Dorsi (swimmers muscle)

What muscles are used for shoulder internal rotation with flexion?

Pectoralis mojor

The elbow only has two motions what are they?

Flex or extend

What muscles are responsible for elevation of the shoulder? ( shrug and trigger points)


What muscles are used to flex the wrist and fingers?


Where are flexors located

Medial (on the inside of the elbow)

What muscles are responsible for extending the fingers and wrist?


Where are extenders located

Lateral (on the outside of the elbow)

What motion brings the knee to the chest?

Hip flexion

What muscles used for hip flexion?

Flexor- quadricep and psoas

What muscles are used to bring your leg behind you?

Gluteus Maximus

What muscles are used for hip extention?

Gluteus maximus

The knee only has 2 motions. What are they?

Flexion and extension

What muscles cause the knee to extend? (straightening of the knee)


What muscle runs from the femur across the hip joint and inserts into the patella and connects to the tibia?


What muscle runs from the pelvis to the lower leg?


What muscle causes flexion (bending of the knee)?


What muscles are the "jumpers muscle"


What muscles are used to push toes downward?

Gastrochemius ( Achilles tendon)

What muscles are used to pull toes upward?

Tibialis anterior


The is the major muscle responsible for breathing. It is a thin, dome-shaped muscle that separates the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity. (The chest from the andomen)


During inhalation, the diaphragm contracts, so that its centre moves caudally (downward) and its edges move rostrally (upward).

What is the term used to describe when the stomach comes up through the diaphragm?

Hiatal hernia

Muscle tissue in which the contractile fibrils are not highly ordered, occurring in the gut and other internal organs and not under voluntary control " involuntary"

Smooth muscle

An involuntary, striated muscle that is found in the walls and histological foundation of the heart, specifically the myocardium. This is one of three major types of muscle, the others being skeletal and smooth muscle.

Cardiac muscle (heart muscle)

What muscles are used to do pull-downs at the gym?

Lattissimus Dorsi

What muscles are used to do sit ups?


What muscles are used in kicking a football?

Hip flexion

What muscles are used in throwing a baseball

Multiple muscles

What muscles are used to do curls at the gym?


What muscles are used to do push-ups at the gym?


What muscles are used in bowling?

Shoulder motions; Almost every major muscle group is involved in throwing a bowling ball.

What is another name for rotator cuff


What is another name for swimmer's muscle


What is another name for Gastrochemius

Achilles tendon