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50 Cards in this Set

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Serous fluid lubricates the heart inside what cavity?

Pericardial Cavity

Pain associated with transient, deficient blood delivery to the heart is called?

Angina Pectoris

Small muscles that attach to the chordae tendinae are?

Papillary Muscles

Uninucleate, amniotic, branching, striated muscle with large/many mitochondria

Cardiac Muscle

Short period during ventricular systole when the ventricles are completely closed chambers

isovelumetric contraction

Excessive fluid compresses the heart

cardiac tamponade

Abdominal aorta splits to form two

iliac arteries

large unpaired branch of the abdominal aorta

celiac trunk

ADH, atrial natriuretic peptide and angiotensin 2 all help regulate

blood pressure

circuatory route that runs between the digestive tract and the liver

hepatic portal system

injuring of the endothelial lining of blood vessels, followed by lipid accumulation and plaque formation


when arterial blood pressure declines, the kidneys release what into the blood?


type ____ diabetes mellitus is considered autoimmune


protects cells that have not yet been infected with a virus


indicates a very recent infection


accumulates in body secretions


major circulating antibody


this is also called gamma globulin


maternal antibody that crosses the placenta


of major importance in allergic reactions


booster injections of a vaccine raise the level of this antibody


naturally aquired PASSIVE immunity

- antibodies

-short duration

-nonself source

ex) from mother

naturally acquired ACTIVE immunity

- antigens

- long duration

- self source

ex)chicken pox

Artificially acquired PASSIVE immunity


-short duration

-nonself source

ex) serum injection

Artificially acquired ACTIVE immunity

- antigens

-long duration

-self source

ex) immunization

first major branch of the aortic arch is the ______ branch

brachiocephalic trunk

most common form of shock


a _________ capillary has many oval holes in it


arterial ______ provide alternate pathways for blood to get to an organ


the _______ in the carotid sinuses and aortic arch detect increases in blood pressure


the _____ artery is a blood vessel on the arm used as a pressure point


______ shock is due to abnormal expansion of blood vessels and a rapid drop in blood pressure


the third major branch of the aortic arch is the ___________ artery

left subclavian

the ____________________ supply the brain with blood

internal carotid arteries

_____________ pressure is the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure.


blood flow equals the difference in blood pressure divided by

peripheral resistance

the lowest venous blood pressure is found in the

venae cavae

which of the following is associated with passive immunity?

the passage of IgG antibodies from a pregnant mother to her fetus

the redness and heat of an inflamed area are due to a local hyperthermia casued by


in clonal selection of B cells, which substance is responsible for determining which cells will eventually become cloned

antigen presented to the cells

which of the following statements regarding NK cells is a false or incorrect statement

NK cells are a type of neutrophil

The process whereby neutrophils and other white blood cells are attracted to an inflammatory site is called


select the correct definition about tissue grafts

isografts are between identical twins

which of the following is a part of the second line of defense against microoorganisms


B cells respond to the initial antigen challenge by

producing ("cloning") progeny cells that include plasma cells and memory skills

cancer cells and virus infected body cells can be killed before activation of adaptive immunity by

natural killer cells

fever ____________

production is regulated by chemicals that reset the body's thermostat to a higher setting

select the correct statement about active and passive community

exposure to a pathogen may lead to permanent active immunity to that pathogen

the primary immune response

has a lag period while B cells proliferate and differentiate into plasma cells

which of the following is not an autoimmune disease

type 2 diabetes