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119 Cards in this Set

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zygomaticus major
zygomaticus minor
orbicularis oculi
orbicularis oris
purses lips
tenses neck, depresses mandible
elevates mandible (prime mover)
elevates, retracts mandible
protract tongue
elevates, protracts hyoid
depresses mandible
elevates hyoid and floor of mouth
elevates and retracts hyoid
depresses hyoid and larynx
depresses hyoid and larynx
depresses hyoid
depresses, retracts hyoid
flexes, laterally rotates head
anterior scalene
elevates first 2 ribs, flexes and rotates neck
middle scalene
elevates first 2 ribs, flexes and rotates neck
posterior scalene
elevates first 2 ribs, flexes and rotates neck
pectoralis major
flexes (prime mover), medially rotates, adducts arm
pectoralis minor
depresses, downwardly rotates scapula
stabilizes and depresses pectoral girdle
serratus anterior
protracts, upwardly rotates scapula
external intercostals
elevates rib cage
internal intercostals
depresses rib cage
external oblique
flexes and rotates vertebral column, compresses abdomen
internal oblique
flexes and rotates vertebral column, compresses abdomen
rectus abdominis
flexes and rotates vertebral column, compresses abdomen
transverse abdominis
compresses abdomen
abducts (prime mover), flexes (prime mover), medially rotates, laterally rotates, extends arm (prime mover)
biceps brachii
flexes forearm at elbow, supinates forearm
flexes forearm at elbow
flexes, adducts arm at shoulder
flexes forearm at elbow, stabilizes elbow during flexion and extension
extensor carpi radialis longus
extends and abducts hand at wrist
extensor carpi radialis brevis
extends and abducts hand at wrist
extensor digitorum
extends hand at wrist, extends, distal interphalangeal joints
extensor carpi ulnaris
extends and adducts hand at wrist
supinates forearm
abductor pollicis longus
abducts pollex
extensor pollicis brevis
extends pollex at first metacarpophalangeal joint
extensor pollicis longus
extends pollex at first metacarpophalangeal joint
extensor indicis
extends second digit at distal interphalangeal joint
extensor digiti minimi
extends fifth digit at distal interphalangeal joint
abducts ulna during pronation
dorsal interossei
abducts, flexes, and extends digits 2-5
flexes, laterally rotates, abducts thigh at hip; flexes leg at knee
tensor fascia latae
flexes, abducts, medially rotates thigh at hip
flexes thigh and trunk at hip
rectus femoris
flexes thigh at hip, extends leg at knee
vastus lateralis
extends leg at knee, stabilizes knee
vastus medialis
extends leg at knee, stabilizes patella
vastus intermedialis
extends leg at knee
flexes, adducts, medially rotates thigh at hip
adducts thigh at hip; flexes and medially rotates leg at knee
adductor longus
adducts, flexes, medially rotates thigh at hip
adductor brevis
adducts, medially rotates thigh at hip
adductor magnus
adducts, medially rotates, flexes thigh at hip
tibialis anterior
dorsiflexes, inverts foot at ankle
extensor hallucis longus
extends hallux; dorsiflexes foot
extensor digitorum longus
extends digits 2-5; dorsiflexes foot
fibularis tertuis
dorsiflexes, everts foot
fibularis longus
plantar flexes, everts foot
fibularis brevis
plantar flexes, everts foot
flexor digitorum brevis
flexes digits 2-4
abductor hallucis
abducts hallux
abductor digiti minimi
abducts, flexes 5th digit
quadratus plantae
straightens out oblique pull of flexor digitorum longus
flexor hallucis brevis
flexes hallux at metatarsophalangeal joint
flexor digiti minimi brevis
flexes 5th digit at metatarsophalangeal joint
elevates, depresses, rotates, adducts scapula
latissimus dorsi
extends (prime mover)/, adducts, medially rotates arm at shoulder
levator scapula
elevates and adducts scapula
rhomboid major
stabilize, adducts, downwardly rotates scapula
rhomboid minor
stabilize, adducts, downwardly rotates scapula
abducts arm at shoulder
laterally rotates arm at shoulder
teres major
adducts, extends, medially rotates arm at shoulder
teres minor
laterally rotates arm at shoulder
medially rotates arm at shoulder
splenius capitis
extends vertebral column
semispinalis capitis
extends vertebral column
erector spinae
extends vertebral column
triceps brachii
extends forearm at elbow
flexor carpi radialis
flexes and abducts hand at wrists
palmaris longus
flexes hand at wrist
flexor carpi ulnaris
flexes and adducts hand at wrist
flexor digitorum superficialis
flexes hand at wrist, flexes digits2-5 at proximal interphalangeal joints
flexor pollicis longus
flexes pollex at interphalangeal joint
pronator teres
pronates forearm
pronator quadratus
pronates forearm
adductor pollicis
adducts pollex, helps opposition
flexor pollicis brevis
flexes pollex
abductor pollicis brevis
abducts pollex
opponens pollicis
opposition of pollex
abductor digiti minimi
abducts 5th digit
flexor digiti minimi brevis
flexes 5th digit
opponens digiti minimi
opposition of 5th digit
flexes metacrpophalangeal joints of digits 2-5; extends interphalangeal joints digits 2-5
gluteus maximus
extends, laterally rotates, abducts thigh at hip
gluteus medius
abducts, medially rotates thigh at hip
gluteus minimus
abducts, medially rotates thigh at hip
laterally rotates extended thigh at hip
superior gemellus
laterally rotates extended thigh at hip
inferior gemellus
laterally rotates extended thigh at hip
obturator internus
laterally rotates extended thigh at hip
quadratus femoris
laterally rotates thigh at hip
long head of biceps femoris
extends thigh at hip, laterally rotates and flexes leg at knee
short head of biceps femoris
laterally rotates and flexes leg at knee
extends thigh at hip, flexes and medially rotates leg at knee
extends thigh at hip, flexes and medially rotates leg at knee
plantar flexes foot at ankle
plantar flexes foot at ankle
flexor digitorum longus
plantar flexes, inverts foot at ankle; flexes digits 2-5
flexor hallucis longus
plantar flexes, inverts foot at ankle; flexes hallux
tibialis posterior
plantar flexes, inverts foot at ankle
inverts and plantar flexes foot at ankle; flexes hallux
flexes leg at knee, plantar flexes foot at ankle