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49 Cards in this Set

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Origin of the external ab' obliques?
External surface of the 5th to 12th rib
Nerve supply of the EAO?
Inferior six thoracic nerves and subcostal nerve.
The aponeurosis of the EAO ends?
in the linea alba
What are the contents of the superficial inguinal ring?
Spermatic cord in male
Round ligament in female
Ilioinguuinal nerve transits through the ring
What are the structures that make the EOM aponeurosis?
Pouparts, Gubernats, Coopers, Superficial inguinal ring, external spermatic fascia.
What muscle forms the cremasteric muscle?
The internal oblique muscles.
Where does the IOM and transverse abdomen insert?
Conjoint tendon/falx inguinalis.
What part of the EOM makes up the inguinal ligament?
As the muscle moves medialy they become aponeurotic. At the inferior angle this aponeurosis folds back on itself forming the inguinal ligament.
What are the starting and stopping points of the inguinal ligament?
the ASIS and the pubic tubercle.
What is the Lacunar ligament and what makes it?
The lacunar ligament is the most medial aspect of the ingunal ligament. The inguinal ligament is reflected back horizontally .
What abdominal muscle makes up the lingunal ligament and the lacunar ligament and the pectineal ligament?
The External abdominal obliques.
What is the pectineal ligament(coopers ligament)?
It is the most inferior portion of the inguinal ligament
List the parts of the EOM as related to ligaments>
Inguinal, lacunar, and pectineal.
What is the superficial inguinal ring?
An opening in the EOMs near the medial aspect of the inguinal ligament bordered by the lateral and medial crus.
Where doe the lateral crus insert?
The pubic tubercle
Where does the medial crus insert?
The pubic symphysis.
What are the contents of the superficial inguinal ring?
The spermatic cord in males
the round ligament in females
the ilioinguinal nerve.
What does the illionguinal nerve supply?
the skin over the superomedial aspect of the thigh.
What are the O,I,N,A of the Internal oblique muscle?
O=thoracolumbar fascia, anterior 2/3of iliac crest, and lateral half of inguinal lig.
I=Inferior border of rebs 10,11,12 and the linea alba.
N=inferior six thoracic nerves.
A= compress and support abdominal viscera.
What way do the fibers of the IOMs run.
Up and medially becoming aponeurotic in the middle.
In Males the spermatic cord passes through the _____ muscle fibers to form the cremasteric muslces.
The IOMs
What are the O,I,N,A of the transverse obdominis muscles?
O= costal cartilages of 7,8,9,10,11,12.
I=Linea alba onto pubic crest and symphysis.
N=Inferior six thoracic nerves
A=compress and support viscera
What is the conjoint tendon?
It is where the internal oblique muscles meet the transverse abdominis muscles to insert at the pubic symphysis.
What direction do the transverse abdominal muscles run?
What are the O,I,N,A of the rectus abdominus muscles?
O=Pubic symphysis
I=xyphoid process
N=Inferior six thoracic nerves.
What direction do the fibers of the rectus abdominis run?
Up and down.
What is the rectus sheath?
It is the aponeurosis of the External Obliques and the Internal obliques as they insert into the linea alba.
What creates the anterior and posterior margins of the rectus sheath at the upper 2/3?
The aponeurosis of the External obliques are the anterior, while the aponeurosis of the internal obliques forms both the anterior (small amount) and the posterior.(all of)
What creates the anterior and posterior margins of the rectus sheath at the lower 1/3?
All three muscles (EOM, IOM and TOM,) pass over the rectus abdominos muscle to form the anterior aspect. The posterior aspect is made up of the fascia transversalis.
What is the inferior limit of the posterior wall called?
The Arcuate line.
What is derived from the Arcuate Line?
The internal spermatic fascia of the spermatic cord.
While doing on opperation, you cut up and down through the abdominal wall. Could you damage any nerves? What about blood vessels? Why?
Since the nerves run laterally there is a good chance you could cut one. However the blood vessels run up and down so you would probably miss them.
What makes up the sacral plexus?
nerves of T12, and L1-L5
What makes up the Thoracoabdominla nerves?
The ventral ramil of the thoracic spinal nerves T7-T11 and the subcostal nerve (T12)and a portion of the iliohypogastric nerve(L1)
Where does the superior epigastric a enter the rectus sheath?
At the 7th costal cartilage.
What covers the innermost wall of the abdominla wall?
The parietal peritoneum.
What is the largest fold on the posterior aspect of the anterior abdominal wall?
The Falciform ligament.
What is the inguinal canal? What is the only form of protection there?
It is a weakness in the anterior abdominal wall especially in males. The only support is from muscle.
What are the boundaries of the inguinal canal?
Ant=Aponeurosis of EOM
Post=Fascia transveralis
Roof= internal and transversus abdominis (intercrural fibers.)
Floor=Lacunar ligament.
What are the two openings of the inguinal canal?
The deep inguinal ring at the fascia transversalis and the superficial inguinal ring at the EOM aponeurosis.
Inguinal hernias are more common in males or females?
Males as the testes pass through creating a weaknes.
What is an indirect inguinal hernia?
A protrusion that leaves the abdominal wall lateral to the inferior epigastric vessels and goes through the superficial inguinal ring
What is a direct hernia?
The protursion exits anteriorly through the wall of the inguinal canal. They are medial to the inferior epigastric vessels, and pass through Hesselbachs triangle.
What kind of inguinal hernia is most common?
Indirect hernias make up75%.
What is Hesselbachs(inguinal) triangle?
A weak spot located on the abdominal wall.
Inferior bound=inguinal ligament
Lateral bound=Inferior epigastric vessel
Medial bound=rectus abdominis.
Where does the spermatic chord start and end?
It begins at the deep inguinal ring and ends in the testes.
What is in the spermatic chord?
The Vas Deferens, the testicular artery, the testicular veins, lymphatic vessels, sympathetic nerves, cremasteric artery, the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve.
Is the ilioinguinal nerve in the spermatic cord?
No, it is a content of the inguinal canal but not the spermatic cord.
What is the cremasteric reflex?
When the inner thigh id taped the cremasteric muscles pull the testes up.