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69 Cards in this Set

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Define Biology
the study of life
What is the ultimate goal of science?
to understand the natural world in terms of scientific theories
Define an anecdote
a short narrative of an interesting, amusing, or biographical incident
What can an anecdote lead to?
the development of a hypothesis
A scientific hypothesis must be..
An experiment (data) must be..
what is a fact?
pieces of data collected by scientists
Facts are _____ but require______
real, interpreted
How does a hypothesis differ from a theory?
hypothesis are not supported by a large pool of facts and have yet to be subject to experimentation
What is a theory?
theories explain facts
theories must be______ and supported by a large amount of evidence
well tested
How are physical laws distinguished from theories?
their simplicity
How are physical laws and theories relatively the same?
they have many of the same properties as laws
Scientists cannot ____ a theory
What logical process do scientists use that only allows them to reject a theory?
Simply state the deduction process in equation form
Experimental conditions + assumptions + theory = true, then prediction will occur
What process would allow someone to prove a theory?
What is the problem with induction?
Simple definition of evolution?
change over time
Evolution is also..
change in allele/gene frequencies over time
What does the theory of evolution not imply?
a mechanism
What term do we use to describe the formation of a new species?
Speciation is the ______ of a _______
bifurcation, lineage
What is believed to be the most common method of speciation?
allopatric speciation
What needs to happen to species for allopatric speciation to occur?
genetic drift and natural selection
Name two ways in which the new species will come to differ from each other
What term means : a random change in allele frequencies over time?
genetic drift
Knowing genetic drift, is all evolution adaptive?
Evolution originally described what?
Did Charles Darwin come up with evolution?
What phrase did Charles Darwin prefer to Evolution?
descent with modification
What is the important theory Charles Darwin gets credit for?
Natural selection
What else deserves credit for the theory of natural selection?
Alfred Russell Wallace
What theory states: Processes that shape the earth today are the same and occur at the same rate as in the past?
What are the 3 parts of the logical argument that lets us know if Natural Selection will or will not occur?
-Variation in a trait
-Variation in fitness as a result of the trait
What is the general assumption of living organisms?
What is the 2 word def. of fitness?
relative reproduction
What is the long term for fitness?
the number of offspring left by an individual relative to the number of offspring left by an average member of the population
If natural selection occurs, what does that tell us about the relationship between the present generation and the next generation?
the distribution of genotypes of the next generation will reflect the distribution of the more fit members of the previous generation
How many forms (modes) of selection are there?
stabilizing selection, directional selection, disruptive selection
Any change occuring in the message a gene carries:
the condition of organisms being well fit for life in their environments as resulting from natural selection:
the different expression of the same genotype in different environments
phenotype plasticity
a biological trait where the current biological function is different from the function of the original adaptation (the trait is now used for something different than what it was used for when it first existed)
what is the unit of evolution?
the species
What is the unit of selection?
the individual
Can individuals evolve?
No, and individual is the unit that survives or does not, breeds or does not, passes on genes to the next generation or does not.
What is the name for branching diagram that indicates an organism's evolutionary history
Phylogeny can be said to be a ______ based_______
data, hypothesis
What kind of information (traits) can be used to make such a diagram?
What character type is shared by 2 or more species but is not present in their common ancestor?
How might an analogous character arise?
convergent evolution
What character type is shared by 2 or more species and was present in their common ancestor?
What character type evolved in the common ancestor of 2 species (is not present in more distant relatives)
What character type is present in the common ancestor of 2 species but also in more distant ancestors?
Name 3 things that Stephen J. Gould suggested support the theory of evolution?
1. Direct observational evidence
2. Imperfections in nature
3. Transition fossils
We use extinct to refer to lineages that no longer live. What term describes lineages that live?
Go over Question 42. on the paper
List the 3 families of apes (hominoids)
1. Proconsulidae
2. Hylobatidae
3. Hominidae
Which of the 3 families of apes have not living members?
What family do humans belong to?
What other living organisms are in the Hominidae family?
orangutans, gorillas, chimps, bonobos
Which members of our family are our closest relatives?
bonobos and chimps
DRAW as Question 46 says to do..
The hominini diverged from the other african apes around______ years ago
5-7 million years ago
What are some scientists now suggesting about the need to rename chimps?
Homo because of the difference in genetic sequences between human and chimp
What general trend characterizes the evolution of the hominini?
From which group of australopithecines do humans (homo) appear to have evolved?
About how old is our species?
200,000 years old