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81 Cards in this Set

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brain cells that are developed before birth. they connect to the axon which reaches the dendrites.
sends information to dendrites
receive information from axons
are created by repetition this happens after birth.
brain development
is a mix of predetermined genetic make up and experiences the child has
social attachment optimal window
up to 18 months
first 10 years of brain development
has a profound impact on the rest of the life
the brain can be shaped and molded fairly easily. however, once it is hurt the hurt area cannot be recovered another area of the brain must become responsible for the lost act.
directional growth
occures from the head down and the middle outward. cephalocaudal &
genral to specific growth
larger activities mastered first. example first arms move then eventually pincer grasp is developed.
Large motor development before fine motor development.
differentiation/integration in growth
differentiation/integration in growth
differentiation has to do with knowing which body part to move….head versus head and shoulders (age 3)
differentiation before integration
(putting the pieces together)
variations in growth
variations in growth – girls faster than boys until adolescence. Different parts of the body at different rates.
optimal tendency in growth
tries to fulfill its maximum potential to grow (hold ups due to poor nutrition, illness, etc.)
sequential growth
the order of growth
growth during critical periods
growth spurts during critical periods…..2 fast/2 slow
three stages of labor
stage 1 dialation (opening). Stage 2 Explusion. Stage 3 Placenta
stage 1 of labor dialation
2-16 hours or more. Each contraction becomes longer and, toward the end of the first stage, may last 90 seconds. There may be a series of very intense contractions; during this time the cervix has been stretched around the baby’s head this phase is known as transition, It rarely lasts more than 30 min.
stage 2 of labor explusion
this is when crowning occures and the baby is birthed
stage 3 of labor placenta
the placenta and cord are birthed out and labor is complete.
the fertilized cell is called a
conception to 6 months growth
growth is dramatically rapid
toddler/preschool growth
growth levels off and proceeds at a steady rate until puberty
puberty growth
growth rate dramatically increases for a while
where does fertilization occur
in the fallopian tube
20weeks fetal characteristics
child can hear and recognize voice, could possibly survive if birthed right now, fingernails and finger prints appear, sex can be determined by ultra sound
24 weeks fetal characteristics
covered with a fine, downy hair called lanugo. Its tender skin is protected by a waxy substance called vernix, child practices breathing by inhaling amnionic fluid into developing lungs.
umbilical chord
baby's lifeline to the mother. Nourishment is transferred from the mother's blood, through the placenta, and into the umbilical cord to the fetus. If the mother ingests any toxic substances, such as drugs or alcohol, the baby receives these as well.
formal assessment
In this class, the following assessments are used.
Developmental Checklists
Denver Developmental
informal assessment
Observations – also used heavily in this class
Running Records
Photographs – type of documentation/artifact
Anecdotal Records
anecdotal records
like we take for lab
first critical period
foundation of emotional development, it opens at birth and closes at about 18 months
second critical period
foundation of language development that opens at birth and closes around age 6.
ways to support brain development
time (floor time, one-on-one time), Touch (use of senses, soft touches), Talk (talk—describe what you are doing; Describe what they are doing;
Take the baby on walks and talk about what you are seeing ask them what they are seeing.
Engage the baby in a “two-way” conversation), Training (repetition)
The unborn child is most susceptible to harm from drugs or disease during which trimester of prenatal life?
first trimester
True or false? Erik Erikson developed a stage theory which was limited to the first 8 years of life
True or False Piaget believed that disequilibrium with present ideas motivates the child to accommodate new information and schemata
Which theorist suggested that the young child processes knowledge differently from older children and adults?
True or False A diagnostic test identifies a child’s strengths or weaknesses in a certain area of development.
Gesell had a _____ approach to studying child development
Formal approaches to the study of young children usually rely upon
achievement tests
While anecdotal records are difficult to code or analyze for research, they...
provide open-ended rich detail.
Which is NOT a type of informal assessment?
achievement test
anecdotal record
running record
checklist based on observation
achievement test
Written observations of children as the behaviors occur in their context are called
T or F Nicotine is an example of a teratogen
T or F Today’s fathers are not able to take a parenting role that is as active as fathers’ roles 30 years ago
T or F The mother-father relationship directly affects the father’s involvement with the infant
Because caring for and nurturing young children is physically and emotionally demanding, time consuming, and costly, some experts suggest this spacing between children
three years
The length of an average pregnancy, which can range from 37 to 42 weeks is called: fertility
A woman who is pregnant for the first time is called a primagravida
Psychologists believe that a caregiving system surrounds young children
through their mothers’ and fathers’ relationship with one another.
and becomes disorganized when parents cannot agree on coparenting issues.
and may exclude one parent.
all of these
All of these
The period encompassing the weeks before a birth, the birth, and the few weeks thereafter is called
a. perinatal.
b. prolactin.
c. neonatal.
d. postpartum
The first cell resulting from the fertilization of the ovum by the sperm is called the
a. zygote.
b. gender.
c. placenta.
d. embryo
The third through eighth weeks of pregnancy, during which the major organ systems are formed, is called the
a. dizygotic stage.
b. monozygotic stage.
c. embryonic stage.
d. fetal stage.
Embryonic stage
A time of physiological and/or psychological sensitivity during which the normal development of a major organ or structural system is vulnerable to insult or injury is called the
a. essential period.
b. critical period.
c. neonatal period.
d. All development is equally as sensitive throughout all of the child’s growth.
critical period
The newborn from birth to four weeks is the
a. premature infant.
b. critical period.
c. neonate.
d. perinatal infant.
Infants who have been delivered by cesarean usually have long-term neurological or cognitive effects.
a. true
b. false
A benefit to having parents learn how to give the NBAS is that it gave them more confidence in handling their infants.
a. true
b. false
An isolette provides a controlled environment for the newborn.
a. true
b. false
Forceps are no longer used in delivery because of risk of damage to the infant’s head.
a. true
b. false
Generally speaking, the nonresident father avoids his parental responsibilities.
a. true
b. false
A process sometimes used to evaluate the newborn’s ability to cope with postnatal life, usually at 1, 5, and sometimes 15 minutes after birth, is
a. the Apgar.
b. NBAS.
c. IQ.
d. Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale.
4. The ________ evaluation procedure assesses 26 behaviors of newborns in an attempt to elicit the infant’s highest level of performance.
a. Apgar
c. IQ
d. Moro reflex test
A physician who specializes in care for the newborn is called a(n)
a. phlebotomist.
b. audiologist.
c. neonatologist.
d. gerontologist
Upon the birth of a sibling it is not unusual for young children to
a. revert to earlier immature behaviors.
b. seek out new friendships.
c. engage in more “grown up” behavior.
d. realign family loyalties.
revert to earlier immature behaviors
Older siblings can be helped to adjust to a new brother or sister when they are
a. enrolled in many out-of-home activities.
b. punished for inappropriate reactions to the infant.
c. involved in making decisions regarding the infant.
d. told immediately when the mother knows she is pregnant.
involved in making decisions regarding the infant
A(n) ______ is a device used during labor that is attached to the fetus’ scalp to determine the fetal heart rate.
a. isolette
b. forceps
c. intravenous catheter
d. electronic fetal monitor
electronic fetal monitor
There is a tendency toward nearsightedness in the neonate.
a. true
b. false
Fontanelles are the thin, soft spaces between the cranial bones of the fetus and infant.
a. true
b. false
Breast milk provides initial immunologic advantages through colostrum.
a. true
b. false
Infant mortality rates in the United States are considered relatively high for a modern industrialized nation.
a. true
b. false
Solid foods should not be introduced during the first to second months of life.
a. true
b. false
A pacifier dipped in honey or corn syrup is a good way to calm a hungry infant.
a. true
b. false
The principle of ______ development describes the child’s progression of growth and development from head to toe.
a. subcortical
b. proximodistal
c. cephalocaudal
d. tertiary
The principle of ______ development describes the child’s progression of growth and development from the midline or trunk outward.
a. subcortical
b. proximodistal
c. cephalocaudal
d. tertiary
Within the first few days of life, infants are able to recognize the smell of their __________.
a. surroundings.
b. mother.
c. own perspiration
The infant’s individual, biologically-based behavior style is called
a. personality.
b. internal working model.
c. sensorimotor type.
d. temperament.
list four ways malnutrition can affect the neonate
damage the central nervous system, low birth weight, poor immune system, distorted organs causing life long health issues
list four types of delivery
natural, C-section, Induced labor, Water birth
APGAR score is based on what?
Heart Rate, Respiratory effort, Reflex irritability, muscle tone and color
Newborn reflexes
rooting, sucking, swimming, palmar grasp, stepping, moro
toes fan out when sole of foot is stroked