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43 Cards in this Set

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What bones make up pectoral girdle

Scapula, humerus,


The spine if the scapula faces?


The fossa above the scapula is called the?

Superaspinous fossa

What is a fossa

A shallow depression in the bone surface

The fossa below the scapula is called the?

Infraspinous fossa

The coracoid process faces


The coracoid process is attachment site for the


the inferior angle of the scapula is between what 2 boarders?

lateral and medial

the large, lateral-facing bony feature on the proximal humerus is called the

greater tubercle

what bones make up the glenohumeral joint?

glenoid fossa of scapula and humerus

what type of joint is the glenohumeral joint

synovial joint and ball and socket

what does the labrum do?

add surface area and depth glenohumeral joint

what two bones form the acromioclavicular

acromion and clavicle

what are the six movements of the scapula ?

elevation, adduction, abduction, upward rotaiton, downward rotation,.

scapulohumeral rhythm is an interaction between what two bones?

scapula and humerus

what are the movements of the shoulder?

flexion, ext, adducitons, abduction internal rotation, external rotation, horizontal adbuction and adduction

why is the anterior surface of the scapula concave

allow for room and space for ribs

which direction does the glenoid cavity face?

laterally and anteriorly

what is the functional of the glenoid cavity

increase ROM for object manipulation

what does the medial ends of the clavicles attach to?

manubrim of sternum

what is the structural significance of the sternclavicular joints?

connects UL to axial skeleton. (Only bony connection)

which muscles move the clavicle?

no muscle, it moves passively

What is the five muscles of the rotator cuff




Teres minor


What does the trapezius do

Stabiliszes and mobilizes scapula

Positioning of proximal upper extremity

Functionally is 3 muscles

What does theLevator Scapulae do?

Elevation and downward rotation of scapula

What do the Rhomboids do with the scapula

Elevation and downward rotation of scapula

Adduction (retraction) of scapula

What does Serratus anterior do with scapula

Maintains position of scapula against rib cage

Pectoralis minor

Stabiliszes Scapular anteriorally against rib cage

What movements does Supraspinatus do to humerus

Adducts humerus

Infraspinatus and teres minor

External rotation of humerus

E.g reaching behind back


Internal rotation of humerus

Scapulahumeral muscles

Deltoid and teres major

What does deltoid do




Teres major


what are the four shoulder joints

scapula thoracic joint


what kind of joint is the scapularthoracic joint


what movements does the scapularthoracic joint do

gliding (elevation, depression, abbuction and abduction),
rotation (internal, external, upward and downward)
tilt, posterior and anterior

what kind of joint is the sternolclavicular

saddle or ball and socket

what movements does the sternoclavicular joint do?

elevation, depression, protraction,retraction, posterior and anterior rotation.

what type of joint is the acromioclavicular joint


movements of the acromioclavicular joint

anterior and posterior gliding, superior and inferior gliding

what type of joint is the glenohumeral joint

ball and socket

what movements does the glenohumeral joint do?

flex, ext,abb, abd, internal and external rotation, horizontal adb and add