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39 Cards in this Set

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Lincoln Steffens
Shame of the Cities (about political corruption)
Other People's Money (a book about excessive centralization & little competition)
written by Brandeis
Jane Addams
Hull House
USS Maine
ship that exploded in Cuba and stared the Spanish-American war
Teddy Roosevelt led the famous ___________
charge up San Juan Hill
military changes by Elihu Root
1. fed. standards for the national guard
2. 100,000 man standing army
3. O.T.S.
4. a general staff
Platt Amendment
U.S. could intervene in Cuba at any time
Spheres of Influence
areas of China carved up by Europe, Japan, and Russia
Foraker Act
ended military rule in Puerto Rico
Jones Act
this made Puerto Rico part of US territory
areas where women dominated the workforce
nursing and teaching
territories gained by the US after the Sp-Am war
the Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico
_________ were used to select candidates for office
These THREE things INCREASED the POWER of the PEOPLE.
referendum, initiative, recall.
name given to the Spanish AMerican war
The Splendid Little War
Government distinguishes between good and bad trusts
Promise of American Life by H. Croly
________ used faith as a tool for social reform.
Salvation Army
19th amendment
gave women equal suffrage nationwide and the right to vote
10% of women did not marry and __________
divorce rates increased.
city managers
outside experts who were hired to run large cities
progressive laws passed by the states
Regulated railroads and utilities.
Workers comp.
Increased taxes on railroads and corporate interests.
Tax inheritance.
open door policy in China - free trade - set up by
John Hay
group committed to exposing scandal, corruption, and injustice
Ida Tarbell
she exposed the standard oil company and later political machines
Robert LaFollette
progressive governor of Wisconsin that pushed for progressive laws
IWW or the Wobblies
radical labor group that wanted one single union
professional groups:
American Dental Association,
American Medical Association,
American Bar Association,
Chamber of Commerce
1898 US annexes the ______ and splits _______ with ______
Hawaiian Islands, Samoan Islands with Germany
Hearst and Pulitzer
___________ sensationalized headlines to sell newspapers
causes of the frontier closing:
fear of declining resources and neew for new markets
women living together in a long-term relationahip
Boston Marriage
W.E.B. DuBois was one of the founders
Influence of Sea Power Upon History
written by Mahan; about large navies making great nations.
Emilio Aguinaldo
led the Filipino insurrection against the US
Human inequalities caused by heredity________.
Nativists blamed ________.
rebellion in China that caused an international force to quell it
Boxer Rebellion
leader of the WCTU
Frances Willard
Frances Willard and the WCTU helped get the ___ passed
18th amendment
secret ballots were adopted during _________ and handed out at the polls
political reform