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21 Cards in this Set

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Adam Smith

A Scottish philosopher and economist provided a philosophy for free trade.


The system of government where one person holds all the power and authority to rule.

Command economy

Government planners decide how much to produce, what to produce, and how to distribute the goods and services produced in Communist nations.


Also known as confederation, a loose union of independent states.


A plan that provides the rules for government and serves many major different purposes.

John Locke

English philosopher who believes that men and women have certain natural rights - the rights to life, liberty, and property (Natural Rights).


The French word for “to let alone,” the philosophy that government shouldn’t get involved in the economy.


A form of government where one person contains great power, a king, queen, or emperor runs the state.


Any system of government where rule is controlled by the people either through representatives or directly.

Political parties

A group of people with broad common interests who organize to nominate candidates for office, win elections, conduct government, and determine public policy.


An effort to control or influence the policies and conduct of government.


A statement in most constitutions that sets goals and purposes that the government will serve.


The voters elect representatives to run the nation’s government, kings or queens aren’t the head of the state.

Thomas Hobbes

English philosopher believed that without order and protection, there could be no such thing as a decent life.

Representative Democracy

A system of government in which people elect delegates to make laws and conduct government.


A government that gives all key powers to the national or central government.

Karl Marx

A German philosopher, writer, and reformer who wrote "The Communist Manifesto."

Direct democracy

A government in which all citizens cast a vote directly on government issues and laws.

Capitalist economy

Freedom of choice and individual incentive for workers, investors, consumers, and business enterprises are emphasized. Government assumes that society is best served by whatever productive activity individuals choose.


Ancient Greek philosopher who famously wrote that “man is a political animal.”


Someone who follows communism and believes in creating a classless social structure where people perform social tasks based on skills to ensure the betterment of the society as a whole.