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156 Cards in this Set

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The question of counting slaves for purposes of representation was ultimately resolved by...

three fifths compromise

what did the three fifths comprise resolve?

The question of counting slaves for purposes of representation

what was counting every five slaves as three people

three fifths compromise

what was the three fifths compromise

counting every five slaves as three people

what was the most difficult issue faced by the framers?



division of legislative assembly into two chambers

what is the division of legislative assembly into two chambers


Article I of the U.S. Constitution provides for the

legislative branch

what article of the U.S. constitution provides for the legislative branch

Article I

who were the anti-federalists

those who opposed the new constitution because they wanted a weaker central government

who were those who opposed the new constitution because they wanted a weaker central government


what was the first written constitution?

Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union

when was the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union adopted?


what did the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union do?

limit the power of the central government

what document limited the power of the central government

Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union

what was congress given the power to do under the articles of confederation?

declare war

what document gave congress the power to declare war

the articles of confederation

what did shays rebellion do

gave politicians who already thought that the Articles were inadequate the evidence they needed to convince a public that the articles were inadequate

what gave politicians who already thought that the Articles were inadequate the evidence they needed to convince a public that the articles were inadequate

shays rebellion

what was wrong with the virginia plan

it gave greater representation in the national legislature for larger and/or wealthier states, which disadvantaged the small states

what provided greater representation in the national legislature for larger and/or wealthier states, which disadvantaged the small states

virginia plan

what plan did the small states prefer?

the new jersey plan

who preffered the new jersey plan?

the smaller states

what did the new jersey plan provide?

equally representation of each state regardless of its population

what provided equally representation of each state regardless of its population

new jersey plan

what was the great compromise

gave each state an equal number of senators regardless of population

linked representation in the House of Representatives to population

The Constitution grants the power to ratify treaties to the


Under the American Constitution, the sole power to originate revenue bills is vested in the

house of representatives

Under the American Constitution, the part of elected government designed to be directly responsible to the people was the

house of representatives

The idea that the federal government can exercise only the powers specifically articulated in the Constitution is known as the doctrine of

expressed powers

expressed powers

The idea that the federal government can only exercise the powers specifically articulated in the Constitution

The power of the courts to render the final decision in cases involving a conflict of interpretation of the Constitution or of laws between the courts and Congress, the courts and the executive branch, or the courts and the states is referred to as

judicial review

what does judicial review do

gives power to the courts to make final decision in cases involving conflicts of interpetation of the constitution/laws between courts and congress, courts and executive branch, courts and states

what does the supremacy clause state

all laws passed by the national government are superior to laws adopted by any state

what says that all laws passed by the national government are superior to laws adopted by any state

supremacy clause

what did Baron de Montesquieu say

power must be used to balance power

who said power must be used to balance power

Baron de Montesquieu

what were the 85 essays supporting ratification of the Constitution written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay under the name of “Publius”

the federalist papers

what were the federalist papers

85 essays supporting ratification of the Constitution written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay under the name of “Publius”

who wrote the federalist papers

alexander hamilton

james madison

john jay

the first amendment limits


what amendment limits congress

the first

who led the boston tea party

samuel adams

what did samuel adams lead

the boston tea party

what was the purpose of the ten amendments to the bill of rights?

give each of the three branches of government clearer and more restricted boundaries

what gave each of the three branches of government clearer and more restricted boundaries

the ten amendments to the bill of rights

what did the national government under the Articles of Confederation lack?


notion that the Constitution grants to the national government only those powers specifically named in its text

expressed powers

expressed powers

notion that the Constitution grants to the national government only those powers specifically named in its text

Article IV of the U.S. Constitution calls for “Full Faith and Credit,” meaning that

each state is expected to honor the public acts of other states

what says that each state is expected to honor the public acts of other states

article IV of the Constitution, Full Faith and Credit

Supreme Court case favoring national power over the economy

McCulloch v. Maryland

McCulloch v. Maryland

Supreme Court case favoring national power over the economySupreme Court case that firmly defined interstate commerc

Supreme Court case that firmly defined interstate commerc

gibbons vs ogden

monteray bribe that Congress givesto state and local governments with the condition that the money will be spent for a particular purpose as designed by Congress

grant in aid

grant in aid

monteray bribe that Congress givesto state and local governments with the condition that the money will be spent for a particular purpose as designed by Congress

obligations imposed on state governments by the national government without any funding

unfunded mandates

unfunded mandates

obligations imposed on state governments by the national government without any funding

when each branch of government participates in and influences the activities of the other branches

checks and balances

checks and balances

when each branch of government participates in and influences the activities of the other branches

protections of citizens from improper governmental action

civil liberties

civil liberties

protections of citizens from improper governmental action

constitutional basis for the nationalization of the Bill of Rights

14th amendment

14th amendment

constitutional basis for the nationalization of the Bill of Rights

each American is a citizen of the national government and separately a citizen of one of the states

dual citizenship

dual citizenship

each American is a citizen of the national government and separately a citizen of one of the states

trying someone more than once for the same crime

double jeopardy

double jeopardy

trying someone more than once for the same crime

the establishment clause of the first amendment

seperates church and state

what seperates church and state

the establishment clause of the first amendment

The Bill of Rights is a series of

substantive and procedural restraints on government

what is a series of substantive and procedural restraints on government

the bill of rights

what type of speech has been consistently protected by the courts even when it has been deemed insulting or outrageous


A statute restricting expressive or symbolic speech must be narrowly tailored and justified by

a compelling government interest

what is the different between libel and slander

libel is written

slander is spoken

Speech that directly incites damaging conduct

fighting words

fighting words

Speech that directly incites damaging conduct

judicial system must proceed according to law and with adequate protection for individual rights

due process of law

due process of law

judicial system must proceed according to law and with adequate protection for individual rights

the purpose of the grand jury is to

have a set of citizens determine whether or not sufficient evidence is available to justify a trial

what has a set of citizens determine whether or not sufficient evidence is available to justify a tria

grand jury

established a woman’s right to have an abortion and prohibited states from making abortion a criminal act

roe v wade

roe v wade

established a woman’s right to have an abortion and prohibited states from making abortion a criminal act

Compensatory actions to overcome the consequences of past discrimination and to encourage greater diversity are collectively called

affirmative action

affirmative action

Compensatory actions to overcome the consequences of past discrimination and to encourage greater diversity

political institution in the American system of government that the framers intend to be the closest to the people

house of representatives

Voters elect members to the House of Representatives every

two years

How many members are in the U.S. House of Representatives


The minimum age required to serve as a member of the House of Representatives is


Compared to the House of Representatives, the Senate is much more


Holding a political office for which one is running is called



Holding a political office for which one is running

The Senate has the power to approve treaties with a

two-thirds vote

when congressional representatives include language providing special benefits for their constituents in otherwise unrelated bills is called the



when congressional representatives include language providing special benefits for their constituents in otherwise unrelated bills

redrawing of congressional districts in such a way as to give unfair advantage to the political party in power is called



redrawing of congressional districts in such a way as to give unfair advantage to the political party in power

in the House of Representatives, the elected individuals who line up party members on important votes and relay voter information to the leaders



in the House of Representatives, the elected individuals who line up party members on important votes and relay voter information to the leaders

A permanent legislative committee that considers legislation within its designated subject area

standing commitee

standing committee

A permanent legislative committee that considers legislation within its designated subject area

The right and power to decide if a bill will be submitted to the full chamber for consideration

gatekeeping authority

gatekeeping authority

The right and power to decide if a bill will be submitted to the full chamber for consideration

A group of senators or representatives who share certain opinions, interests, or social characteristics



A group of senators or representatives who share certain opinions, interests, or social characteristics

A rule allowing a three-fifths majority of U.S. senators to set a time limit on debate over a given bill is called



A rule allowing a three-fifths majority of U.S. senators to set a time limit on debate over a given bill is called

A congressional representative’s statement to his or her legislative colleague that “I’ll support your bill if you’ll support mine” is an example of



A congressional representative’s statement to his or her legislative colleague that “I’ll support your bill if you’ll support mine”

what do gatekeepers do?

decide how to tackle a bill

who will get involved in shaping the details

decide when the bill will be reported back for vote

what do members of committees develop


what do appropriation committees do?

pass bills which set aside money for laws and programs that were developed by policy commitees

what are the most important committees after policy committees?

appropriation committees

what can senators do to stop a bill from being passed?




what is a fillibuster?

not yielding to speak to obstruct progress of bill

how can you stop a filibuster?

invoking a cloture

what is a cloture?

voting to end a debate

what is the incumbency advantage?

90% of house incumbents seek reelection

they almost always win

they win with large margins

why is there the incumbency advantage?

members do a lot to get to know voters in positive ways

districts have been gerrymandered to favorite one party/candidate

what do incumbents do to be popular?

advertising (good brand)

credit claiming

position taking

why do people vote for trustees

they TRUST them to make the right decisions, they put their faith in their character, wisdom, etc.

who likes trustees


who likes delegates


the _____ of the US Constitution placed ______ at the center of government

framers, congress

nicknames for congress

peoples branch of government, voice of the people

what are the main constitutional powers

power of the purse


what is power of the purse

lay/collect taxes

coin/borrow money

regulate commerce

what is oversight

monitor activites of executive branch to ensure laws are being executed properly

how is congress organized

commitee system

political parties

who is speaker of the house

john boehner

who has more centralized power, more formal, strong leaders


who has less centralized power, less formal, weaker leaderships


who has a rules commitee


who doesn't have a rules commitee


whose members specialize


whos members generalize


whos more impersonal


whos more personal


whos responsive to public opinion


whos less responsive to public opinion


civil rights

protections provided by governments to secure equality before the law

protections provided by governments to secure equality before the law

civil rights

political culture

widespread beliefs and practices of the people

who can we thank for the bill of rights


free excercise clause

protect a citizens right to to believe and practice whatever religion they choose

what protects a citizens right to to believe and practice whatever religion they choose

free exercise clause


design of government in which the power is divided between national and state governments

what do federalists favor


what do antifederalists favor


who favored strong central government


who favored states rights


Habeas corpus

"that you have the body"

when an inmate is brought to court so they can determine whether or not they are imprisoned lawfully and whether or not he should be released from custody

"that you have the body"

when an inmate is brought to court so they can determine whether or not they are imprisoned lawfully and whether or not he should be released from custody

habeas corpus

what is the purpose of habeas corpus

keeps the government from holding you indefinitely without showing cause

commitee that resolves diagreements on a bill

conference commitee

conference commitee

commitee that resolves diagreements on a bill